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B7 - General Topic 2023 #8 (April)

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il y a 1 minute, nagachilli2 a dit :

Sorry but he's a dick...and he'll prove it sooner rather than later. If he doesn't already know them he's way over  familiar having just met them. But the girls aren't exactly helping matters. I hope it doesn't come back to bite them on their pretty little arses...😬

... and I'm not one of these who rips every RLC guy to bits. I've just got a bad feeling about this particular guy...🙄

Don't worry, Anthony seems to be cockblocking him, for now.

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10 minutes ago, Epikouros said:

Maybe not, but they're also too flirty to have known each other for long.

Except for the two girls: they seem long time friends (maybe with benefits - not sure if they are bi -, but certainly close enough to share a 1 person bath tub - but even straight girls can be like that when they're good friends).

I think they are either (almost) total strangers to Dylan, or met very recently just before starting RLC. Maybe all, or a lot of, the new tenants were introduced to one another shortly before they joined?

all i can say is that he is extremely touchy feely for them to have just met

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7 minutes ago, nagachilli2 said:

Sorry but he's a dick...and he'll prove it sooner rather than later. If he doesn't already know them he's way over  familiar having just met them. But the girls aren't exactly helping matters. I hope it doesn't come back to bite them on their pretty little arses...😬

... and I'm not one of these who rips every RLC guy to bits. I've just got a bad feeling about this particular guy...🙄

that's it in a nutshell 

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