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US General Domestic Politics (2023) # 13 (04/13/23)

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1 hour ago, pulo filipe said:

Will have total domination of South America 



Alle Kulturen oder Staaten welche in Größenwahn bisher versucht haben unsere Erde zu erobern sind bisher gescheitert. Ägypter, Griechen, Römer, Mongolen (Chinesen), Spanier, Portugiesen, Niederländer, Engländer, Franzosen, Deutsche ist das aus Überheblichkeit oder Fress-Sucht  nie gelungen. Auch USA und China wird das nicht gelingen - im Gegenteil. Alle untergegangenen Länder mit Welt-Allüren sind heute Normal-Maß bis arme Staaten, wie Italien, England oder Griechenland. 😁 


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11 hours ago, StarLight28 said:




It is completely normal for reports from different media to report a blatant incident in a very similar way. Well, you only accept what Fox News or the New York Post writes. It is also completely normal that sources of informants, such as these 4 employees, are not named in order to protect them from reprisals.

Trump writes and talks a lot during the day, most of it rubbish and nonsense. Then he tries to lie to himself - "I never said that". And then he uses his money to sue and intimidate innocent people. An awkward guy. No, I don't hate him, I feel sorry for this poor sausage who missed out on "becoming human". 😁


Here's another report in which Trump is calling for the firing of a Fox News journalist over the matter. At the same time reference to his statement "Everyone who took part in the Vietnam War are idiots". US soldier Ridgerunner is therefore explicitly a "sucker" for Trump !!! Congratulations, you have a great "boyfriend" - forget this nut. 😁



The US President called the original report a "fake story". Instead, he relies on a report by the right-wing extremist platform Breitbart.

How much longer can that be "your friend"?? His evil mask has fallen. 😁


More erratic blather from you, but you never supplied the names of the four aides who made the accusation against Donald Trump did you? Anymore now I ignore any news media stories that use anonymous sources, because in many instances the stories are false. 

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3 minutes ago, Ridgerunner said:

More erratic blather from you, but you never supplied the names of the four aides who made the accusation against Donald Trump did you? Anymore now I ignore any news media stories that use anonymous sources, because in many instances the stories are false. 


Wie gesagt, Trump ist ein Schwätzer und Lügner. Was er nicht öffentlich dummes Zeug redet streitet er ab. Und sogar was er öffentlich sagt ist auch meistens gelogen - oder er hat es anders gemeint. Hoffnungslos. Eigentlich solltest Du wissen woran Du bei dem Typ bist.

Warum diese Informanten nicht genannt werden können habe ich Dir erklärt, aber Du hast das offenbar nicht verstanden. 😁 Trump kann man kein Wort  glauben, der Mann ist krank.


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9 hours ago, StarLight28 said:



He went to pick up his younger siblings and made a mistake at the front door - then he was shot in the head. Meanwhile, the 16-year-old, who was a victim of gun violence in Kansas City, could...


Wonder when Biden will invite the families of the Nashville shooting victims or the woman and her boyfriend who were attacked by a mob in Chicago to the White House?  Just another attempt by the Biden White House to exploit race for political gain. Democrats are losing the support of Black voters, so this is just an attempt to regain some of those voters. 

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8 minutes ago, StarLight28 said:


As I said, Trump is a gossip and a liar. What he doesn't talk stupid stuff in public he denies. And even what he says publicly is mostly a lie - or he meant it differently. Hopeless. Actually, you should know where you are with the type.

I have explained to you why these informants cannot be named, but you obviously did not understand that. 😁  You can't believe a word of Trump, the man is sick.


No, you did not explain why informants cannot be named. You sound like a ranting lunatic when you talk about Trump.

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40 minutes ago, Ridgerunner said:

No, you did not explain why informants cannot be named. You sound like a ranting lunatic when you talk about Trump.

       Rr, have you not figured out yet that is because that is exactly why he is, considering that he is nothing more than a leftist socialist/marxist indoctrinated brainwashed propagandist kraut who evidently has nothing better to do than being a leftist  socialist/ marxist brainwashed indoctrinated kraut than to continue posts that are mostly nothing more than leftist socialist/marxist propaganda ? I'd think you probably had by now.

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21 hours ago, StarLight28 said:



"Did Trump insult fallen soldiers?" (Call works!)



Four former aides to the president testify that he described fallen US soldiers as "losers" and "suckers".


@ Ridgerunner And 2 more reports from Switzerland and Austria, if you have German and US media don't believe. Trump doesn't like YOU, Soldier Ridgerunner! 😁



President Trump canceled a planned 2018 trip to a cemetery for American war dead in France because of the weather and not because of disdain for the slain soldiers who are buried there or concern about...

The above story includes a denial that Trump said that the fallen were losers and suckers.  Those denials are even made by those who do not like Trump, but defend the false accusations.

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34 minutes ago, Ridgerunner said:

No, you did not explain why informants cannot be named. You sound like a ranting lunatic when you talk about Trump.


Lese meine Texte und schimpfe nicht nur. Es ist Pflicht von Journalisten ihre Informanten zu schützen - das ist generell so. Schützen vor Repressalien. Hier besonders wichtig, da Trump gegen jeden sofort Klage führt und Schadensersatz in Millionen-Höhe fordert um Menschen einzuschüchtern. Nicht Gentleman-like.

Hier noch mal mein Text.



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2 minutes ago, happyone said:

President Trump canceled a planned 2018 trip to a cemetery for American war dead in France because of the weather and not because of disdain for the slain soldiers who are buried there or concern about...

The above story includes a denial that Trump said that the fallen were losers and suckers.  Those denials are even made by those who do not like Trump, but defend the false accusations.

Anything trump denies is known to be lies.  He doesn't know what truth is.

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21 hours ago, Ridgerunner said:

I heard Trump's original comments, so I don't need second hand reports from people who are incapable of telling the truth because of their biases. And Business Insider is a Trump hating news source, so I pay no attention to anything they print.

I doubt that you did because there is no recording or video of him saying anything.  The report is based on an Atlantic story that claimed he said those things while in France about visiting the cemetery of the fallen US soldiers

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21 minutes ago, happyone said:

President Trump canceled a planned 2018 trip to a cemetery for American war dead in France because of the weather and not because of disdain for the slain soldiers who are buried there or concern about...

The above story includes a denial that Trump said that the fallen were losers and suckers.  Those denials are even made by those who do not like Trump, but defend the false accusations.

       Face the facts h.o., regardless of those who disliked him or not because he spoke his mind rather than spoke with a forked tongue, the U.S. as well as the rest of the world was a hell of alot better off when he was in office rather than since a most certainly corrupt brain dead puppet who has always spoke with a forked tongue for over 40 years was installed because of a virus intentionally released by communists of china who leftist elites have been highly financially benefitting from and trying to cover for doing something that caused the deaths of millions of innocent people around the world, all because the communist controlled party of china, hated having to forfeit billions of dollars in tarriffs that had been imposed on them due to unfair trading policies as well as theft of intelectual technology that has been proven. Yet since then, the corrupt puppet known as biden, along with his family have been doing everything they can along with most of the so called msm. to cover for the corruptness and most likely criminal activities related to the puppet bidens family

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