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Thoughts for the day

TBG 150

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Today, I am thinking about our Beloved Leader's upcoming address to the nation, the so-called State of the Union Address (or "SOTU" if you work inside the beltway, I am told).  I don't have to hear what he has to say.  I already know what he has to say and, once I share this with you, you won't have to watch either (as if you really would anyway):

With the number one issue on the minds of most Americans these days being terror, terrorism, and the terrorist threat, due to recent issues that President Obama little noted and had nothing much to say about, he is so tone deaf that I guarantee you that he won’t substantially address those concerns next Tuesday in his State of the Unions address to the nation.  Instead, he will most likely talk about tree community college for everybody.  What that means is this: he wants to tax money set aside by parents who want to send their children to a four-year college and use that money to pay the way for junior college students to get a free ride.  This is an assault on savings and another invasion into the lives of His subjects.  Wages have been stagnant for six years, essentially due to President Obama’s economic policies. 

So what is that ineffectual metrosexual moron going to do to fix the problem?  I suspect he will demand tax increases.  That’s the only tune they taught him over at The Alinsky Institute for Socialism and Daughter Destruction. “Bring back the Death Tax!” he will demand.  What Bozo doesn’t realize is that money is fungible and highly transportable.  If he gets his way and America’s Baby Boomer retirees see the Death Tax coming back, their money will go offshore or be transferred into precious metals in a safe deposit box.  It is exactly that sort of fear and uncertainty that has caused businesses, small and large, to hold off on expansion of their domestic operations.  What an asshat. 

Any Republican in either house of Congress who votes in favor of that sort of crap can expect a virulent Tea Party challenge next time they are up for election.  And he will also no doubt demand a big increase on the capital gains tax.  The capital gains tax is a tax on money that has already been taxed.  If the retirees are concerned about their respective bequests with the Death Tax, they will be even more concerned about themselves with an increase in the capital gains tax, since that is what many of them live on (the interest earned by their passive investments).  That can’t be fixed by buying gold coins.  That requires investing in equities overseas and illegally failing to report the gains.  This can be done only by leaving the funds overseas and using something like a credit card or convenience checks to draw on those funds.  Most senior citizens are not looking to break the law.  That’s what the ShoeShine Boy is counting on.  But it isn’t really about economics for that guy.  He doesn't understand economics and he refuses to hire anybody who does.  No, for him, it’s always about politics.  The main thrust of the speech, I suspect, will be all about how the middle class is getting screwed by the one-percenters, blah blah, blah. 

That moron will also, I am quite sure, gloat about the unemployment rate going down.  That’s because he has no idea what the unemployment rate is.  The unemployment rate is a dishonest tool of government to claim more people are working than really are.  See, the unemployment rate does not include people who have given up looking for work, have gone on welfare as a result of Obamacare or other job-killing attacks, or who used to work as an engineer at a manufacturing company and now works as a crossing guard two mornings a week.  No, the thing real people, as contrasted with stupid people, need to talk about is the civilian labor force participation rate, which has plummeted since The Commie took the helm.  The mean family income has also gone way down and taxing business will only make matters worse.  So Tuesday will simply be more of the same.  I guarantee that 100%.  It will be all about fair share and jump starting and more commie crap to pit the gimme-gimme people against the job-creators and investors.

Why not focus on our major concern?  Why not address the major issue facing the world today?  Because he is a one-world kind of guy who is not our advocate.  He is not pro-American.  He is slightly anti-American, more pro-Muslin (his native religion) and, perhaps, slightly pro-terrorist.  But I have no idea what his motivations really are.  None of us can.  But I’ve read both of his books and he lays out his world view fairly clearly there.


Next Tuesday, if you were to listen to his speech, you will see if I am right or wrong about the guy.  I won’t bother listening if it is up against anything actually worth watching. 

Here is a BLS reality he won't discuss at his stupid goat rodeo this Tuesday:

This is the civilian labor force participation rate over Obama's tenure.  That measures how many people, over the age of 16 years, are working in non-military jobs.  Unlike the "Unemployment Rate," it can't be tweaked by forgetting about those who gave up looking for work, and thereby make everything seem peachy.

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Religion has nothing to do with the problem.

I don't care about your religion. That's your problem.

But if you want to kill me or innocent people, I reserve the right to chew up your radiator hose, trash your attic, empty your bird feeder and then kill your fucking ass.

(God Bless America, God Save the Queen, Vive la France, etc. Time for Western Civilization to get its priorities straight. Quickly. I'd vote for King Jan Sobieski right now, but none of you know who he was, do you? Geeze, now I'll have to be pissed off and angry about my Marxist-pro Islamic Washington government all night...dammit! --squirrelly wrath now ensues...)

I agree with you but, I suppose, for completely different reasons:  I do not believe "islam" is a religion.  I see it as an aggressive political movement that couches its rhetoric in religious terms so as to get forbearance from liberals. 

If I understand correctly, you are saying you don't care about people's motivations,  only their deeds.  Okay.  I think we can agree on that. 

But in America, as you know, religion gets a pass for some pretty nasty crap.  The islamists are no better than the Nazis or Pol Pot.  They are undeserving of First Amendment protections as a group.  They should be somewhere between a political party and a terrorist organization. 

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As far as I'm concerned. no islamic foreign nationals, other than diplomats and H-1B or E-2 Visas, should be allowed to enter the United States without the office of one of the Members of Congress "sponsoring" them.  Just coming in to "visit Disneyland," and then suddenly deciding that you want to learn how to take off a commercial jet (no landing instruction requested) doesn't work for me.  Only diplomats, treaty-traders, and H-1B special skills folks need apply.  That includes Muzzy Mates of U.S. citizens.  They can go live in Zitbag City, Gofuckitstan, as far as I'm concerned.  It's not like we're running out of people.

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I for one won't be watching the Obama Hour comedy show.  After all, what can an eggplant possibly say that I care to hear?


"Um, um, And as your um executive Eggplant I intend to um um transform this garden."

"See that tomato,.. You didn't grow that!"

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I for one won't be watching the Obama Hour comedy show.  After all, what can an eggplant possibly say that I care to hear?


"Um, um, And as your um executive Eggplant I intend to um um transform this garden."

"See that tomato,.. You didn't grow that!"

Tonight, I had recorded a string of "Intervention" episodes.  I started wheezing like an old drunk from laughing so hard.  For those of you who have not seen this dumb dookie show, it's faux reality bullshit where obviously nuts people are addicted to something or other and after whining for 3/4 of the time slot, the whole family gangs up on them in some cheap rented conference room at the Sheraton or someplace like that.  In exchange for their public debasement, they are given (by the shows' producers) a free trip to some dry-out joint in Florida or out in the Mojave someplace.  Everybody has to cry at least once during the taping.  It's 100% humorless but I'm sure there are a lot of laughs during each show's production. 

Intervention is almost as good as "My Strange Addiction" or something like that.  I like these addition shows because they are all so self-absorbed and play into every conceivable stereotype Mr. and Mrs. Polyester Plaid have about like on the edge.  My favorite "addiction" episode was about a girl who inhaled the contents of those compressed air Dust-Off cans.  Can after can, all day long.  But the funny part is that you could see that this bitch was nuts from the jump, with or without the Dust-Off.  Here, this is what I mean.

Now that's quality entertainment.  Hahahahaha.

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Tomorrow is a holiday of sorts for some people here in the good old USA.  I've decided to celebrate by sleeping in and then writing a pilot for a new TV comedy show.  It's going to star a retired doctor who is concerned about young children eating dog shit in the pet exercise area at the local city park and thereby catching worms and other unpleasant things.  The working title is Dookie Hazard, M.D. but that is subject to studio adjustment, of course.

Opening credits theme:

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I'm surprised that one of the networks or MTV didn't give that scuzzy bitch her own TV show.

Just imagine that worthless cunt driving a Rolls, or a Bentley.  But then, I've seen that before with certain rap 'Artist'.. ARTIST?   

Who the hell do they think they're kidding.

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Not me. They ride on the minds and dollars of the stupid Liberal masses that have no clue what it's all about.

The Sheeple will follow the Shepard...............right off the edge of the cliff. They have no mind or thought process of their own.

Now, if you'll all excuse me, I have a bunch of happy people that I banned ul.to users and a bunch of severely pissed off moochers to attend too. These are the Liberal masses that ride on the back of the working people that pay their own way in life. Now, here, you must pay to get payed. Just like the non-Government plan.

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