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Thoughts for the day

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Another home invasion in a major city.

Thugs break into a house while the family is home. The man does what's expected of him,

tries to defend his family and home. However, thanks to Australia's gun restrictions, he

doesn't have the tools he needs.

The thugs however, despite Australia's gun controls, do have weapons, and shoot him.

So all the tree huggers and do-gooders say he should have waited for the police. Great idea,

so he stands by and watches them beat up and rape his wife and daughter? And what are

the police going to do, take stats and details AFTER the event, that's all they can do. And he

has to live with that for the rest of his life.

Despite gun controls and restrictions, somebody died from a gun shot. So the restrictions

didn't work. If the home owner had a weapon the home invasion may not have happened,

or maybe one person may still have died, but the thug instead of the homeowner.

Gun ownership is a deterrent. I obviously don't have my weapons on display, but I have

gun racks and rifle club stickers clearly visible on my vehicle, as well as my regimental

colours, so people know who I am and what I do. If home invaders were thinking of

attacking a property in my street, which house do you think they would pick, or rather,

which house do you think they will bypass?

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In response to the horrific burning-alive of the Jordanian pilot, our tell-it-like-it is, no-hold-barred Commander in Chief has


told us that it is time to redouble our vigilance. 

WOW!  That must have ISIS shaking in their.... well if they had boots....

What an asshat the White House Slug is!  re-double our vigilance? 

He's a Muzzie.  That is now clear. 

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So Susan Lice, the monkey man's lying mouthpiece finally announced their super duper exceedingly george strategy for defeating ISIS.  Yup.  Miss Lice announced that the U.S. will pursue a strategy of ..... [wait for it.....]



What's that smell?  It's the ISIS soldiers shitting their pants in fear!  What the fuck is Strategic Patience?  This asshole makes Neville Chamberlain look like Wilt Chamberlain. 

When you work with ADHD kids, you need to give them positive reinforcement even when they aren't necessarily doing anything positive.  You end up heaping such praise on them as "Good sitting, Earl!"  That's how 0bama grew up: Praise for doing nothing but talking.  He talks the talk like William Jennings Bryan, but he walks the walk like Stephen Hawking. 

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None of FDR's New Deal did anything to end The Great Depression in the United States.  The Great Depression was ended by the run-up and execution of World War II.  The so-called "racket" was the ultimate savior of the U.S. economy in the mid-20th Century.  These are very annoying facts for some, but facts they be.

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Smedley Darlington Butler (MAJGEN-USMC-Ret)

•Born: West Chester, Pa., July 30, 1881

•Educated: Haverford School

•Married: Ethel C. Peters, of Philadelphia, June 30, 1905

•Awarded two congressional medals of honor: 1.capture of Vera Cruz, Mexico, 1914

                                                                  2.capture of Ft. Riviere, Haiti, 1917

•Distinguished service medal, 1919

•Major General - United States Marine Corps

•Retired Oct. 1, 1931

•On leave of absence to act as

director of Dept. of Safety, Philadelphia, 1932

•Lecturer -- 1930's

•Republican Candidate for Senate, 1932

•Died at Naval Hospital, Philadelphia, June 21, 1940

I think his background gives him a certain credibility. Wrote his book before WWII.


In the WWI a mere handful garnered the profits of the conflict. At least 21,000 new millionaires and billionaires were made in the United States during the World War. That many admitted their huge blood gains in their income tax returns. How many other war millionaires falsified their tax returns no one knows.

How many of these war millionaires shouldered a rifle?

How many of them dug a trench?

How many of them knew what it meant to go hungry in a rat-infested dug-out?

How many of them spent sleepless, frightened nights, ducking shells and shrapnel and machine gun bullets?

How many of them parried a bayonet thrust of an enemy?

How many of them were wounded or killed in battle?

"I believe in adequate defence at the coastline and nothing else."

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