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OMG sex now

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They don't act like a couple to me! Veronica looks more a care taker or nurse she is like watching or guiding him, I couldn't see the electric or any passion or romantic reaction between them so far, and Lucas is a clinical case!! a wife, spouse or a girlfriend will hardly accepts such a behavior like Lucas does its weird even the way how they sex!!!

There's something about that boy that just doesn't add up. Could be that he's pumped up on Steroids. That physique he has is certainly not naturally made.

you are absolut right :o you remember stefan  >:( crazy guys who love only themselves!

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Es sin duda la pareja mas activa, ayer 3 y hoy no es mediodia y van 2 pero creo que va siendo hora que RLC les llame la atencion, siempre escondidos bajo esa manta de cebra ( me apuesto dos nominas de mi sueldo que si esa manta la ponen en el suelo camina sola ) movieron la cama a su antojo y pusieron una cortina en el baño ocultando parcialmente las camaras 5-6 y RLC sin hacer nada.Bueno si, cobrar y no importarle para nada nuestra opinion.

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