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Politically Incorrect Jokes

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No that was not woody who made those comments and as usual you are wrong again Aubrey.

Maybe your mind is starting to fade.

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Sadly, very soon now I will have to leave you Aubrey and Camcaps, as I have something very important that I must attend to.  And no, I won't be peeping in on you, as I am sure that I would no doubt see some spittle dripping down off of your chin, and would feel compelled out of sorrow to come back and wash your face clean once again.

Oh, I know,.. I know,..  :'(  But don't cry, as I'm sure there are other grownups around here that will gladly baby sit you for a while.

So do be good, and behave yourself, and try not to lie, as the grownups here all want to play nice with you if they can.


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So Aubrey since we are all racist hicks what is your take on the new Blackish tv sitcom, or what about the BET channel?  Is having a whole channel dedicated to a minority group not racist?  I agree slavery was a bad thing but what is your take on the people who sold those who came to the U.S. on slave ships? hell it wasn't even just the U.S. it was the whole world.  What is your take on minorities who come to your country to get away from their own shit hole and turn your country into the shit hole they just came from.  I am not a racist, but do have a butt load of racist jokes in my pocket.  And the one I heard last actually came from a well-to-do black woman.

What do you get when you have 3 Mexicans a china man and 3 blacks standing in a line?

a sprinkler spec spec spec chink nigga nigga nigga

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Well I sincerely appreciate you wishing me well.  And it's no rouse.  It's something that I should have already been working at.

And likewise, I wish you success as well.  I always reciprocate kindness with kindness.

But this thing, once it's begun, cannot be interrupted.  So I have procrastinated and put it off for some time now, but will likely begin on Sunday.  Sunday was always a fateful day for me, as well as the day that I was born on. 

You know Aubrey, despite what you may think.  There really are some great people here.  People that no doubt would even have risked their own lives to save yours, if the situation in that way should ever arise.

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The website I've just given you, which was pretty much near the top of the exact search phrase for your "joke" has got loads of the same shit on it.  I expect you all to copy and paste as many as you can or none of you are the sad fucks I think you are. C'mon Old Boys, carry on living down to my expectations.

I see your account here lists you as "Full Member."  I suppose they didn't have a category listing for "Limp Member."  But I might be wrong.

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The website I've just given you, which was pretty much near the top of the exact search phrase for your "joke" has got loads of the same shit on it.  I expect you all to copy and paste as many as you can or none of you are the sad fucks I think you are. C'mon Old Boys, carry on living down to my expectations.

I see your account here lists you as "Full Member."  I suppose they didn't have a category listing for "Limp Member."  But I might be wrong.

Karen...Aubrey IS a Full member ...FULL of what i don't know.

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The website I've just given you, which was pretty much near the top of the exact search phrase for your "joke" has got loads of the same shit on it.  I expect you all to copy and paste as many as you can or none of you are the sad fucks I think you are. C'mon Old Boys, carry on living down to my expectations.

Try posting sober every now and again.  Here's your Quote for the Day:

"Anyone who runs is a VC. Anybody who stands still is a well disciplined VC."

I see your account here lists you as "Full Member."  I suppose they didn't have a category listing for "Limp Member."  But I might be wrong.

Karen...Aubrey IS a Full member ...FULL of what i don't know.

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Well I sincerely appreciate you wishing me well.  And it's no rouse.  It's something that I should have already been working at.

And likewise, I wish you success as well.  I always reciprocate kindness with kindness.

But this thing, once it's begun, cannot be interrupted.  So I have procrastinated and put it off for some time now, but will likely begin on Sunday.  Sunday was always a fateful day for me, as well as the day that I was born on. 

You know Aubrey, despite what you may think.  There really are some great people here.  People that no doubt would even have risked their own lives to save yours, if the situation in that way should ever arise.

Nice sentiment Woody.

Unfortunately once you put on the uniform you can't make choices and some die saving those that either can't be saved or don't deserve to be.

Lest we forget.

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