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Politically Incorrect Jokes

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It doesn't surprise me in the slightest that you like it Squirrel.

Don't hold your breath, this is yet another racist thread in which you and your Old Boys  air your hatred of ethnic minorities but this time you're trying to make it more acceptable by calling them politically incorrect jokes.

Oh and fuck you too amigo.

Where's your joke? Still waiting. Maybe you could do something with Kiko's hair-style. He's a white human. You can make fun of white humans.

How many WASPs does it take to change a light bulb? Two: One to call the electrician and one to mix the martinis.

There, ya happy now? It's a racist joke. And very old. But I'm sure you'll find it socially acceptable.

How many Aubreys and Bulgachicas does it take to troll CC? Yep. Just one.

I'd invite you to the Old Dudes Saloon, but we're fresh out of Thunderbird White Port, Old English 800 malt beverage, and Kool cigarettes. You wouldn't like the red necks over there, anyway...bunch of rowdy crackers...

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You pompous ass.  So now you not only want to try to impress everyone with how smart you are.  Which as I've said before doesn't wear well with you.  But now you also want to pretend to be Holier than the rest of us?  Which is laughable, since you are nothing but a fraud and a charlatan in everything that you have presented yourself to be. 

Like any mindless, snot nose liberal, you rely upon your mantra of Racist and Bigot, in order to try to assume a role of moral superiority.  But how can a liar and a hypocrite ever prove themselves to be morally superior?   

Your nothing but a child.  You had no solution or answer to either Van's or Ozi's question concerning the Islamic fascist problem.  But rather than just admit that as an adult would have, you choose to lie, and to blunder bust some nonsense about,.. "Oh yeah, I've got it, but don't hold your breath for it, because this is not the place for it."  What a laugh! 

Or how about,.. "Yep, I've got it but it would take up way too much space here, and I'll have to pretend to check on all my facts first, which would take too long,.. but I've got it alright."

These are the words of a child.  A little boy who is just pretending to be something that he is not.  A man.


Here Aubrey, most children seem to like this song.  Perhaps it will make you smile too.

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You posted a video here about 12 hours ago Woody but took it down straight away.  Did you decide that it was a bit too racist, even for you? I couldn't see what the actual video was as my phone doesn't play flash videos, yet still, I thought that was a bit hypocritical, you know,in the way you always accuse me of being that but I've quite rightly seen that you are projecting your insecurities on to me?

So I smelt a rat and went back through your post history to find that you've deleted all of your posts advocating racially motivated hate crime that you posted before.  You remember there was the one about happily killing niggers, coon was a favourite epithet of yours too - basically you wrote again and again that you are a huge advocate of gun crime to kill black people (and liberals of course).

But you've deleted them Woody.  Hypocrite, me? "Mate you're projecting your insecurities onto me as your last mess of a post makes very clear. It's plain that everything you write is how you feel about yourself, talk to a professional Woody because I don't give a shit about you mate, this isn't a place to get help buddy."

What was the video Woody? C'mon make me laugh, it doesn't take much to "goad" you into showing your true colours does it?

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