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US General Domestic Politics (2023) # 24 (06/20/23)

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25 minutes ago, StarLight28 said:

Die anstehenden Arbeitsmarktdaten am Freitag lassen Anleger vorsichtig agieren. Sie warten gespannt auf den Arbeitsmarktbericht...


Noch Fragen Baby ??


Yes, why are you posting an article from April 8, 2022 to reflect current market prices???  You cannot fool alert people, only a fool would try.

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9 minutes ago, StnCld316 said:

The wannabe explorers sacrificed their lives for a rotted out piece of metal that sat for over 100 years on the ocean floor.

Can't fix stupid. Billionaires and millionaires threw a good life away for what?

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29 minutes ago, pulo filipe said:

 Videospiel-Controller, der ein U-Boot steuert 


..... gleich US-High-Tech  -  ein trauriger Witz. Vielleicht müssen Amerikaner einmal wieder "Deutschland überfallen" um neue Technik "made in Germany" zu erbeuten.   🤣🤣:biggrin:


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43 minutes ago, StarLight28 said:

The upcoming labor market data on Friday make investors act cautiously. You are eagerly awaiting the labor market report...


Any questions baby??


And I reply... Any, answers, baby?

You are reading one of your favorite German media outlets. 


Don't believe everything that you read in the media about countries that, that particular outlet bashes every chance they get. They make up garbage when there is no BS for them to publish. Open your eyes to other media outlets that aren't bias.

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1 hour ago, StarLight28 said:


The book title is correct. All racist crimes took place in North America where today is USA, Canada and north Mexico. America / USA is a mixed race from all regions of the world. Failed existences and adventurers / gold diggers from Europe, with English, German, Dutch, Spanish and Asian. Many crimes against 100's of millions of "primitive monsters" were committed before the founding of the US state. It doesn't matter - these Holocaust victims must also be attributed to your current USA. After all, after "immigration country", the USA is a "mix-and-mix society". Meanwhile, 90% of "Americans" have blood from Indians and black slaves in their veins. And artificially get upset about various races - and gossip, like the SPYING family or TBG 150. Kinda shabby and undemocratic. The breeding ground for US-NAZI fascist Trump.


 All crimes committed in the Western World previous to the founding of the USA are attributed to the USA? Such ignorant, stupid logic. Many of the early conquerors of the Western World were directly under the control of European governments.

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11 minutes ago, StarLight28 said:


..... equal to US high-tech - a sad joke. Perhaps Americans will have to "invade Germany" again to capture new technology "made in Germany".   🤣 🤣:biggrin:


 If Germany had not invaded other European countries the U.S. would not have needed to invade Germany.:tongue:

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33 minutes ago, happyone said:

If as you say Americans should acknowledge the crimes of their ancestors, then since Americans all came from other than the American continents, then those people are also ancestors of the crimes committed on American soil, and they too should acknowledge.  You cannot just blame Americans--but everyone who has ties to people residing in America are also not blameless. Saying you have nothing to do with it is false, because many Americans are of German descent and their ancestors also committed atrocities in America--so you are implicated by the fact of genetics.  Any person whose ancestors came to America are also responsible.


Das ist falsch !!  Menschen welche Brücken nach Deutschland abgebrochen haben und das Land ohne Erlaubnis des "Feudalherrn" (das war damals so) verlassen haben, wie etwa Vorfahren von Trump, sind ausgebürgert und keine "Deutschen" mehr. Auch Glücksritter und entlaufene Gefangene und Straftäter gehören dazu.  Wenn diese Leute sich in Nordamerika kriminalisiert haben,  so ist das für das 1871 gegründete Deutsche Reich ohne jede Relevanz. Das sind Staatenlose Kriminelle.. Verfolgen Sie Rechtslage im internationalen Staatsbürger-Recht. Sorry !!


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1 minute ago, StarLight28 said:


This is wrong!! People who have broken bridges to Germany and left the country without the permission of the "feudal lord" (that was the way it was back then), such as Trump's ancestors, are expatriated and no longer "Germans". It also includes soldiers of fortune and escaped prisoners and criminals. If these people have criminalized themselves in North America, that is irrelevant for the German Empire, founded in 1871. These are stateless criminals. Follow legal status in international citizenship law. sorry !!


But then you blame the USA for all atrocities that took place in the Western World previous to our break with British control in 1776. You are such a hypocrite.

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7 minutes ago, StarLight28 said:


That's wrong!! People who burned bridges to Germany and left the country without the permission of the "feudal lord" (that was the case at the time), such as Trump's ancestors, are expatriated and no longer "Germans". Soldiers of fortune and runaway prisoners and criminals are also among them. If these people have criminalized themselves in North America, then this is of no relevance to the German Empire, which was founded in 1871. These are stateless criminals. Follow the legal situation in international citizenship law. Sorry!!


Absolutely you are wrong---you cannot expatriate genetics and say these people are no longer German. They are ancestors. International citizenship does not negate genetics--genetics determines ancestors---sorry

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12 minutes ago, Ridgerunner said:

 Alle Verbrechen, die in der westlichen Welt vor der Gründung der USA begangen wurden, werden den USA zugeschrieben? So eine ignorante, dumme Logik. Viele der frühen Eroberer der westlichen Welt standen direkt unter der Kontrolle europäischer Regierungen.


Falsch !  Deutschland als Staat gab es erst ab 1871, und diverse Königreiche und Herzogtümer haben sich einen Dreck um Amerika gekümmert. "Deutsche Länder" haben genug damit zu tun gehabt gegen Überfälle und "Brandschatzungen" der Franzosen zu wehren. Deutschen Einfluß im Abenteurer-Land Amerika gab es nie. Wenn ehemalige Deutsche dort kriminell wurden dann auf eigene Faust als künftige "Amerikaner".  USA, der von Kriminellen gegründet wurde  -  eine Schmach bis heute.  😁 Dagegen ist das "Sogenannte 3. Reich" ein Mückenschiss in der Geschichte - nur Amerikaner bekennen sich nicht zu ihrer blutigen Geschichte. Und sie leugnen sogar diese 20 bis 30 Millionen Toten in 37 Ländern seit 1945 - ein überschaubarer Zeitraum. Und unbestritten von USA verursachte TOTE


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