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The share of 18- to 29-year-olds living with their parents has become a majority since U.S...

This is what the demon 😈 crats liberal socialist communist regime has done to the youth, the youth will have to live with they're parents but once their parents die, how are the liberal socialist communist youth going to pay their rent

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42 minutes ago, SPYING 1 said:

The share of 18- to 29-year-olds living with their parents has become a majority since U.S...

This is what the demon 😈 crats liberal socialist communist regime has done to the youth, the youth will have to live with they're parents but once their parents die, how are the liberal socialist communist youth going to pay their rent

They won't have a rent payment. They will continue in the parental home that is paid for.


All that I can say is, this country is just plain FUCKED. We are now a Hispanic third world nation. Asian and Indian are fast becoming a controlling force. There is even an Indian, trying for the position of President. We have no leadership, no manufacturing, our Military has turned woke and we're bowing down to China, India and Russia. Those counties persecute these types of idiots and get them out of the way. The US coddles them and gives them millions of $$$ in gifts. The US is only worried about abortion (which has NOTHING to do with how a country is operated) what the difference is between a male and a female and if they got 6 McNuggets in their happy meal. 

They keep electing blacks to higher controlling powers without ever realizing that, ANYTHING, controlled by a black person, is doomed to failure. ie: New York City, Detroit, Chicago, etc...L.A. is controlled by a sicko that escaped the insane asylum while handcuffed to Trump. What a pair they both are!

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30 minutes ago, Ridgerunner said:

Better than living in the Marxist nation of Canada ruled by Justin Trudeau. :tongue:

His rule will be coming to an end soon. Even his own wife couldn't stand his arrogance so she left him and going to start divorce proceedings. He's now going to find out just how expensive married life can be the hard way.  The Liberal Party will be soon be seeking a new leader of the party. 

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3 hours ago, SPYING 1 said:

“After a lifetime of work, all Americans should be able to retire with dignity,”...

Looks like there's going to be more demon 😈 crats liberal socialist communist people homeless 🙄 

That's not always true. There are just as many conservative republicans in the same position. Just when they get a few bucks ahead in life, some dirtbag politician creates another money grabbing rule or tax to take it away. What many of these people made in their lifetimes has all been taken away just to survive the world today. 


But not to worry, it won't be long and the world will be a nuclear wasteland because all the 'leaders' with little dicks have to show what big 'he-men' they are by trying to take over another country when they can't even control their own properly. IE: Putin, Xi, Little Kim, Bidumb, Truedope, etc...

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