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Elli & Vencel (2023) #3


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7 hours ago, thinga69 said:

Vencel brought Elli some flowers. She got really happy.

Nicely done dude. 👍

tinga69 Should be president of the Elli fan club. Elli is a cheating Bitch and were I Vencel with no prospects foreseeable, I would have still sent her packing. She's not going to change no matter what Fat boy does. She spent a large portion last night crying in her phone begging and pleading with the person on the other end of her conversation. 

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I only know that there was  lots of crying from both that even made it to the replay cameras . Something is going on , hope it is soon figured out because these are two young people , the life is in front of them and need to be happy … 

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8 minutes ago, Sean_G said:

Elli doing another sneak out while Vencel sleeping. Took her phone charger with her. Must plan not to be back tonight. Worst type of person there is "cheater".

Maybe she's just going to the coffee shop.  

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45 minutes ago, Sean_G said:

Elli doing another sneak out while Vencel sleeping. Took her phone charger with her. Must plan not to be back tonight. Worst type of person there is "cheater".

She sure was being as quiet as a mouse, perfume and everything. Have you seen her do this before ?

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Man this girl has got guts to sneak out the front door and be gone over 3 hours already to meet her lover Peater Peater pussy eater !!!!

You could tell she was going to meet someone who made her smile and horny many times while reading his text messages.

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So … let’s be “ pure and innocent innocent “ Elli critics …


She was just going sneaking into the room ( completely dark .. ) knowing exactly what she was picking up to wear methodically ( she forgot her socks and she had to return ) , she was doing it that way because she didn’t want to wake up Vencel … REALLY ?? 

Or .. She had to meet outside with someone ( this time at early Wednesday morning ) for any possible reason ( discussing a possible job, new apartment , moving from Poland to name a few .. ) . Maybe a family thing , yes we can call it , a secret lover , sex partner boy or girl …. REALLY ??? 

I think if you just want to go outside , you aren’t sneaking the way she did . She knows her “ boyfriend “ , if she was waking him up , she knew he would sleep immediately . The way she was doing it , her texting the whole evening nearly , ahh well , how innocent a human being’s mind  can be that it wasn’t any “ having fun “ business ? ( when WE ALL KNOW her WHATEVER under the cover incidents with Peater ) .. 


On the other hand , EXTREME SURREAL . How can you hide from just one guy and hundreds / thousands of eyes watching it through the cameras ? Evidence that Vencel has no idea of this forum and he doesn’t know ? Doesn’t he speak English so as to understand what’s written ? ( easily he can translate , he is also a gamer , proof that he must know quite a lot of “ tech “ things .. ) .. Can it be that they both really play with one another just to have the RLC income and they are simply coexisting in the apartment so as for the money to flow more than risking being single ( especially Vencel as the only single male apartment we ever had was Hakeem and now we have the two single male on holidays , Lacrim and Dylan ) …


All in all , if anyone REALLY believes that Elli is “ just going out to meet a friend “ , here is the forum to analyze the thoughts .. but , come on , this is Elli … Her “ trapped “ and incredible potential as to be RLC’s next star has been explained even with details .. let’s see . 

The less Peater appears , the more the thoughts .. This fun and great voyeurism story is a nice change of the current boredom ( it needs though to have the replay option to see better and carefully and of course THE POSTS of people who catch it live and see all reactions happening in real time and commenting ) . 

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