johnny0692 Posted July 18, 2023 Posted July 18, 2023 Sam & Dylan were heading to the backyard bushes when Lacrim came out of his room and saw them and followed them
SPYING 1 Posted July 18, 2023 Posted July 18, 2023 2 hours ago, menouscope2015 said: She'll be disappointed ! But most guys wouldn't be disappointed to have sex with Sambuka 1
Fagen Posted July 18, 2023 Posted July 18, 2023 46 minutes ago, johnny0692 said: Sam & Dylan were heading to the backyard bushes when Lacrim came out of his room and saw them and followed them Been down there for a long time now, just heard the sound of them laughing now from Gloria and Ashleys balcony cam.
kris66 Posted July 18, 2023 Posted July 18, 2023 47 minutes ago, johnny0692 said: Sam & Dylan were heading to the backyard bushes when Lacrim came out of his room and saw them and followed them Actually she gave Lacrim his glass as she came down to the backyard where she met him by the stairs. So it was all along agreed that both guys would go with her.
kris66 Posted July 18, 2023 Posted July 18, 2023 47 minutes ago, johnny0692 said: Sam & Dylan were heading to the backyard bushes when Lacrim came out of his room and saw them and followed them Actually she gave Lacrim his glass as she came down to the backyard where she met him by the stairs. So it was all along agreed that both guys would go with her.
timber Posted July 18, 2023 Posted July 18, 2023 3 hours ago, wooders78 said: its not their fault there are shit tenants now who prefer to be paid for being out all day and night, blame the recruitment dept They're not responsible for tenants being boring, but I do think they contribute a lot to the hiding. Hiding has always been a thing in the GOV apartments of course, but it's gotten exponentially worse in the villas over the past couple of years. It seems like half of every party nowadays takes place in off-camera spots. Ever since they moved into B4, N&B have been huge fans of using the garages. The B4 garage was almost never used by the B4 girls before that. Early on in their B4 stay, Bogdan spent an afternoon moving furniture into the garage so that it would be a more comfortable hangout spot. He and Nelly would spend hours in there just hanging out with other villa residents. That's continued in B7. They're not at all shy about inviting new tenants and guests to hangout in the garage. And of course the current tenants follow their lead. If the permanent residents/RLC employees are so comfortable with hiding from the cameras, why shouldn't they follow suit? So now you have the off-camera yard spot in addition to the garage. And Aziza now uses the B4 garage as an annex to her room in much the same way N&B do with the B7 garage. GOV girls used to get in trouble for intentionally hiding, now it seems to be basically encouraged by the on-site RLC employees. 5
kris66 Posted July 18, 2023 Posted July 18, 2023 3 minutes ago, Fagen said: All 3 are back now I am not sure if they had sex. I tried to listen with volume 100% on head phones from both Dylan and the girls balkony and all i could hear was some talking and laughter. No moaning whatsoever. Maybe they smoked some weed out of sight or very quiet blowjobs ha ha 1
CC62 Posted July 18, 2023 Posted July 18, 2023 12 minutes ago, timber said: Sie sind nicht dafür verantwortlich, dass die Mieter langweilig sind, aber ich denke, sie tragen viel zum Verstecken bei. In den GOV-Wohnungen war es natürlich schon immer üblich, sich zu verstecken, aber in den Villen ist es in den letzten Jahren immer schlimmer geworden. Es scheint, als ob die Hälfte jeder Party heutzutage außerhalb der Kamera stattfindet. Seit dem Einzug in B4 ist N&B ein großer Fan der Nutzung der Garagen. Die B4-Garage wurde vorher fast nie von den B4-Mädels genutzt. Zu Beginn ihres B4-Aufenthalts verbrachte Bogdan einen Nachmittag damit, Möbel in die Garage zu räumen, damit sie ein bequemerer Aufenthaltsort wurde. Er und Nelly verbrachten dort Stunden und verbrachten einfach Zeit mit den anderen Bewohnern der Villa. Das wird in B7 fortgesetzt. Sie scheuen sich nicht davor, neue Mieter und Gäste zum Verweilen in der Garage einzuladen. Und natürlich folgen die aktuellen Mieter ihrem Beispiel. Wenn sich die ständigen Bewohner/RLC-Mitarbeiter so wohl damit fühlen, sich vor den Kameras zu verstecken, warum sollten sie es dann nicht auch tun? Jetzt haben Sie also zusätzlich zur Garage auch den Off-Camera-Hofspot. Und Aziza nutzt nun die B4-Garage als Anbau an ihr Zimmer, ähnlich wie N&B es mit der B7-Garage macht. Früher gerieten GOV-Mädchen in Schwierigkeiten, weil sie sich absichtlich versteckten, jetzt scheint dies von den RLC-Mitarbeitern vor Ort grundsätzlich gefördert zu werden. Besser kann man es nicht Schreiben. Aber was das soll? Und warum RLC seine Kunden damit verärgert, die teueres geld für die Seite bezahlen ,bleibt weiter offen. es gibt nur eins Kündigen., Ich hatte jetzt gekündigt, hatte es dann doch noch mal versucht, aber jetzt sehe ich bald keinen sinn mehr was zu bezahlen... 2 2
cupid30 Posted July 18, 2023 Posted July 18, 2023 Shantal is too horny to sleep,especially with Dylans monster cock within reach! 😆 1
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