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B4 - General Topic 2023 #39 (July)

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20 minutes ago, johnny0692 said:

Aziza & Dylan minding there own buisness fucking when Aya comes over filming with Lacky in tow, she give Dylan a smack on the arse and leaves, Lacky goes to leave but turns back and says something to Dylan & Dylan basically tells him to fuck off.


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maybe he was trying to tell him that aziz was too drunk to know what she was doing but who cares this was a night of losers

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6 hours ago, dougiestyle4u said:

Looks like B4 is on fire with all the comments posted today - way too many to read.

CC should be pleased.  More posts on two threads about eight hours in B-4 than other apartments get in a month.  As the saying goes, 'a rising tide lifts all boats.' 

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The almost 3some with Aziza, Aya & Dylan. Aya offers to go to another room and says she is on her period then Aziza leaning in says I fuck bad girls, Then Aya she has 1 thing & she brings out a butt plug and they share a 3 way kiss. Hope I didn't miss anything


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4 hours ago, StnCld316 said:

The part that strikes me is they just can't keep their hands to themselves they always seem to have the need to feel someone, similar to mauling a cat that doesn't want to be bothered.  

IMO, it is borderline OCD  (obsessive compulsive disorder).  Constant uninvited touching of any girl that is near him in a social situation.  The only boundary he respects is Nelly's.

The highlight, or low-light, of the evening was when Tani pulled Aziza's panties aside so that Dylan could eat her pussy unimpeded.  Lacrim is standing behind Tani, staring over her shoulder at Dylan feasting at the Y.  And Tani the Cruel then neglects to offer Lacrim a taste.

And if Lacrim wasn't there, I think it quite possible Aya would have joined in the licking.

And for those who are either unaware or deliberately choose to ignore facts, the relationship between Aziza and Dylan began when he first appeared in B-7.  Dylan is having sex with Ashley and Gloria in their bed.  While this is going on, Aziza sneaks into Dylan's room and climbs into his bed. under the covers.  She is not drunk, she is not drugged.

During an interlude in the sex between Gloria, Ashley, and Dylan, Dylan goes to his room and is genuinely surprised to find Aziza in his bed.  As I recall, he indicates to her that he will be back, and returns to Ashley's and Gloria's room for more sex.

When that threesome is done, he returns to his room, and has sex with Aziza,

I am convinced that a former participant (Lilith ?) fucked Dylan in Barcelona before he arrived in B-7, and highly recommended him to Aziza.  That is the only explanation i can offer for her getting into his bed, knowing him only slightly, and his sexual reputation not yet revealed to those living in the villas.  Ashley and Gloria that night were his first fucks on RLC.

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1 minute ago, Lookwarm said:

Aziza quietly going over last night with Aya and Tani, which is fitting because they did most to look after her, when she was in no condition to say Yes or No, to any suggestion.

This is no different than the night of off-cam public nudity sex? at B-2 starring Ashley, Aziza, and Ari, and the top-bun guy, and the girls next morning shared the photos on a smartphone, and laughed at themselves.  Top-bun guy subsequently spent a night in Aziza's bed and underperformed.  She was subsequently done with him.

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12 minutes ago, moules said:

IMO, è borderline OCD (disturbo ossessivo compulsivo). Costante tocco non invitato di qualsiasi ragazza che gli è vicina in una situazione sociale. L'unico confine che rispetta è quello di Nelly.

Il momento clou, o luce scarsa, della serata è stato quando Tani ha scostato le mutandine di Aziza in modo che Dylan potesse leccarle la figa senza impedimenti. Lacrim è in piedi dietro Tani, fissando da sopra la sua spalla Dylan che banchetta con la Y. E Tani the Cruel poi trascura di offrire a Lacrim un assaggio.

E se Lacrim non fosse stato lì, penso che fosse del tutto possibile che Aya si sarebbe unita alla leccata.

E per coloro che non lo sanno o scelgono deliberatamente di ignorare i fatti, la relazione tra Aziza e Dylan è iniziata quando è apparso per la prima volta in B-7. Dylan sta facendo sesso con Ashley e Gloria nel loro letto. Mentre sta succedendo, Aziza si intrufola nella stanza di Dylan e si arrampica nel suo letto. sotto le coperte. Non è ubriaca, non è drogata.

Durante un intermezzo nel sesso tra Gloria, Ashley e Dylan, Dylan va nella sua stanza ed è sinceramente sorpreso di trovare Aziza nel suo letto. Per quanto ricordo, le indica che tornerà e torna nella stanza di Ashley e Gloria per altro sesso.

Quando quel trio è finito, torna nella sua stanza e fa sesso con Aziza,

Sono convinto che un ex partecipante (Lilith ?) abbia scopato Dylan a Barcellona prima che arrivasse in B-7, e lo abbia caldamente raccomandato ad Aziza. Questa è l'unica spiegazione che posso offrire per lei che si è infilata nel suo letto, conoscendolo solo vagamente, e la sua reputazione sessuale non ancora rivelata a coloro che vivono nelle ville. Ashley e Gloria quella notte furono le sue prime scopate su RLC.

Elettra ha raccomandato Dylan

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11 minutes ago, moules said:

the relationship between Aziza and Dylan began when he first appeared in B-7.

So true. She always liked him right from the get go,

though she very well knew he was a porn star type

So to finish with him was kind of logical.

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