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new couple nina/kira

Guest bobbyjoe

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they look WAY too much like lesbians to me.  i have seen lots of them that still look like women/  these two look like not particularly attractive boys.  looking at them makes my sac shrivel quite a bit.

Just to change the Apartment ;D

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People have talked here about the conditions that homosexuals endure in Russia.  I have no reason to believe they are wrong and I have great sympathy for the homosexuals.

But I have to wonder why a person would call obvious attention to themselves if it's so bad.  I mean, that would be like painting a target on your own back.

I don't know...maybe these ladies should be commended for having the courage to flaunt their life choices regardless the dangers it exposes them to.  I don't think I would have similar courage.

Putin dislikes public displays of homosexuality (he needs breeders; Russia's population is in free fall and he doesn't have the immigration levels from other cultures to replace the old Russians.)

Still, you make a good point, even if RLC is blocked getting into Russian ISPs, as has been the general understanding on this board. Of course, the FSB has access to everything (probably including the NSA  8) ), and the gals could be in a world of hurt for taking a stand. I'd hate to see them get Pussy Rioted away to the gulag...

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I don't care how they look I would still fuck all four of them, because like I said once they take those clothes off and I see that fat ass pussy then all is forgiven ::)

a mi me pone muy cachondo pensar que estan sin estrenar ..... en teoria

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vous avez vu des filles chaudes se weekend ?  >:( >:(

Rien que des copines pour un WE ordinaire. La vie de tous les jours. ;)

mouais  ;) !

Et TON WE à toi, il était extraordinaire ? lol  :)

Bon OK, t'es pas sur RLC...    Enfin  euhh, tu y es pas encore.  ;D  Bises

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vous avez vu des filles chaudes se weekend ?  >:( >:(

Rien que des copines pour un WE ordinaire. La vie de tous les jours. ;)

mouais  ;) !

Et TON WE à toi, il était extraordinaire ? lol  :)

Bon OK, t'es pas sur RLC...    Enfin  euhh, tu y es pas encore.  ;D  Bises

ah lol plus chaud lol que sur RLC oui certainement  ;D ;D :-* :-* :-*

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