oceane17 Posted October 27, 2014 Posted October 27, 2014 I just saw over a one meter long black dildos there ;D gode gonflable ! ;D
See Posted October 27, 2014 Posted October 27, 2014 I just realized what they are doing. Halloween party are coming :D
snaky Posted October 27, 2014 Posted October 27, 2014 They are very crafty, they just made a bumble-bee out of balloons :)
snaky Posted October 27, 2014 Posted October 27, 2014 Damn, they got a whole tank of helium, lol. Big bash is in the plans 8)
See Posted October 27, 2014 Posted October 27, 2014 Damn, they got a whole tank of helium, lol. Big bash is in the plans 8) One balloon for each girl guest
Guest bobbyjoe Posted October 28, 2014 Posted October 28, 2014 rlc have put here the most bored lesbian couple in russia j don't know if all lesbians are like that in russia, lesbians couples in france are more hot seriously,maybe a different culture,j don't know. oceanne,confirme-moi que les couples homo et lesbians que tu as connu ou que tu frequente encore sont pas comme çà,ce couple de russe est vraiment coinçé du cul,faut dire les choses
serg69 Posted October 28, 2014 Posted October 28, 2014 Let's just say I didn't think you can find more boring couple than the previous tennants but RLC certainly manage to surprise me and did just that. Not much luck with that appartment no matter straight or lesbians
van the man Posted October 28, 2014 Posted October 28, 2014 Having watched these two closely over the last few days I have to say that they seem to have serious issues in their relationship. Of course, it may be that they are simply adjusting to living under the spotlight of RLC cameras but I think there is a distance between the two girls that suggests their relationship is unstable. They occasionally show great affection towards each other but mostly they avoid physical contact. They don't seem to talk to each other very much. I thought women never stopped talking so two women together would mean stereo noise 24/7!!! They both hold phone calls out of the reach of each other. Surely if their relationship was strong they would not need to hide away when talking to someone else on the phone. I'm not saying they are having secret affairs, just that they don't share their life completely. When they go to bed to sleep they curl up together to fall asleep but almost never have any conversation. I find this strange. Surely they would take the opportunity to catch up with each others day (I'm assuming they don't work together therefore they live different working lives). They don't seem to have much conversation at all at any time. I watched them wake yesterday morning and the brunette seemed very sad and searched for comfort from the blonde yet every attempt was rebuffed with the blonde preferring to sleep rather than wake up. The blonde expects the other to act as the wife. The brunette cooks and cleans and washes the clothes. She brings the blonde breakfast in bed and for all this she gets treated with contempt. Unless something changes rapidly I do not see their relationship lasting and of course their stay in the RLC apartment will consequently be very short. Anyone else formed an opinion yet?
Foamy T. Squirrel Posted October 28, 2014 Posted October 28, 2014 Perhaps one of them is a closet heterosexual. That could cause some difficulty. I have no idea how to play cricket, but I understand a ball of sorts is involved. Until then, I will withhold judgement. They ain't World Series material, but I like them and they're a nice addition for the 2 lesbians and 5 fake lesbians and 4 bi's who hang out here. I'm sure they will do well and not be beat up like the RLC guys.
albacore Posted October 29, 2014 Posted October 29, 2014 Having watched these two closely over the last few days I have to say that they seem to have serious issues in their relationship. Of course, it may be that they are simply adjusting to living under the spotlight of RLC cameras but I think there is a distance between the two girls that suggests their relationship is unstable. They occasionally show great affection towards each other but mostly they avoid physical contact. They don't seem to talk to each other very much. I thought women never stopped talking so two women together would mean stereo noise 24/7!!! They both hold phone calls out of the reach of each other. Surely if their relationship was strong they would not need to hide away when talking to someone else on the phone. I'm not saying they are having secret affairs, just that they don't share their life completely. When they go to bed to sleep they curl up together to fall asleep but almost never have any conversation. I find this strange. Surely they would take the opportunity to catch up with each others day (I'm assuming they don't work together therefore they live different working lives). They don't seem to have much conversation at all at any time. I watched them wake yesterday morning and the brunette seemed very sad and searched for comfort from the blonde yet every attempt was rebuffed with the blonde preferring to sleep rather than wake up. The blonde expects the other to act as the wife. The brunette cooks and cleans and washes the clothes. She brings the blonde breakfast in bed and for all this she gets treated with contempt. Unless something changes rapidly I do not see their relationship lasting and of course their stay in the RLC apartment will consequently be very short. Anyone else formed an opinion yet? Yes - I think I agree. I have friends that are lesbian and they are much closer than these two are. Maybe they are young and immature. Your observations are similar to mine. The blond seems hard or mad or disturbed somehow. She seems to flash affection every now and then. And when she does she smile it is nice. The other one always seems to be sad and pouting. Maybe that is her way but I tend to think she is trying harder (in her way) than the blond is. Hopefully this will last a while. It's their life. This is just a window .... it's nice when people are happy though!
tripod2 Posted October 29, 2014 Posted October 29, 2014 I watched them wake yesterday morning and the brunette seemed very sad and searched for comfort from the blonde yet every attempt was rebuffed with the blonde preferring to sleep rather than wake up. The blonde expects the other to act as the wife. The brunette cooks and cleans and washes the clothes. She brings the blonde breakfast in bed and for all this she gets treated with contempt. Unless something changes rapidly I do not see their relationship lasting and of course their stay in the RLC apartment will consequently be very short. Anyone else formed an opinion yet? Agreed Van. I watched them that morning and the morning prior as well and noticed the same thing. The blond is very petulant and dismissive of the brunette. In some ways the blond reminds me of Efim. I don't know, a bit too much drama in that apartment right now for my tastes. They're both easy on the eyes, but neither appears very happy. Hopefully that changes as they adapt to the new setting.
Guest observer1 Posted October 29, 2014 Posted October 29, 2014 Anyone else formed an opinion yet? Their arguing doesn't concern me - its a relationship like any other. Remember, most of us don't understand what they are saying to one another and thus we don't know what they are arguing about. Its probably very trivial. Those of us who have been around a while (and I have, believe me - I'm probably the oldest active contributor on here) know that arguments are part of any relationship. I love my partner most of the time - but not all of the time - and we argue like crazy sometimes about things that really don't matter. Our relationship works because we have the same values in life - and that is the important thing. The problem is with the people on here. They look at them and think that because they are lesbians their behaviour will be somehow be different to a heterosexual relationship. No it won't - its a normal relationship between two people. Sure, I know gay and lesbian people who have an apparently close relationship, just like I have heterosexual friends who appear to love each other very much when in public. But I don't see them at home, just in a social situation. Similarly we don't see these two when they are away from the apartment and amongst their friends so we don't see the whole picture. Just like we don't with all of the other couples. We are looking at their lives through a keyhole and we can't (or shouldn't) judge. But we can form opinions because that is what this forum is all about. They need time - they have been there just over a week. They are young and still trying to work out what life is all about and get used to a new environment - and as many others have said, life isn't easy for the gay and lesbian community in Russia. Some couples will take longer than others - come back in a couple of months and I'm sure we'll see them more calm and assured. Oh, and for those that think that because they are lesbian they should be shagging each other's brains out 24 hours a day, you need to grow up a bit. Their physical relationship will change when they start to feel comfortable - which they apparently don't at the moment. I'll say it again - they need time.
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