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Leora & Paul - Home Activities (2023) #43


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1 hour ago, ddhm said:

My good friend Max , maybe then , when she truly  needs to seek pleasure ( however , WE ALL KNOW she’s addicted to masturbate - who would have thought , I always considered that us men need it more or at least we do much more often than the girls - ) , she will discover what good sex is as she will need FOR SURE to find things to satisfy her woman desires and appetite ( a woman that is masturbation addicted will need time to escape of pleasuring herself ) , it might then be away  of cameras that she WILL REALIZE how DISAPPOINTING her sex life is , she won’t be pleased , she will not feel desired because there won’t be “ LIVE FEED “ or people to praise her for her accomplishments , one possible flirting by someone ( since no one will be watching to know and she will be able to hide it ) that can make her feel “ desirable “ and “ wanted “ after whatever years sharing with the “ love of her life “ ( but not for sure the guy who covers the needs of her life ) , well , who knows , maybe a cheating is already to be happening , many times such incidents occur from real life disappointments . 

Imagine Paul continuing this life and Leora LOSING the life she currently has , she will need to find an interest as her REAL LOVE now are the cameras . It will take a little try by someone to give attention to her and MAKE HER FEEL THAT “ hey , i have a real life fan like the virtual thousands that I used to have “ , then a bit of nice bla bla , a bit of trusting , the excitement of the new , A NEW POSSIBLE SNEAKING experience , this time hiding from Paul not to masturbate but to GET PLEASED because if the love of her life  can’t satisfy her now , imagine in 5-6 years or in 10 , well then ( and with her dog not being around for company ) , well then , LEORA MIGHT FIND OUT about life and what reality is ( even that is to cheat her love of her life / no matter that she has it done already 😂

Your messaging app isn't working I think, bud.

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Good morning Good Night 

Wonderful Wednesday for everyone 

01/11/2023 01/November /2023

Good morning Beautiful girls 

Leora eva Paul 


🐨 👯‍♀️🌟🐈😉🐎🦍💀🐊😁🦜 patou gag-her brokk! nenemoh7 maxragnar hard on chris gregg spying1 tikayou Masterchef taxi Uppssla ddhm howarJohnny5 jjohndoe1960 pete1960 trestarider howard xarvaz rdking dougiestyle4u anodo philo rezbot rame incognito jugghead

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12 minutes ago, Max Ragnar said:

Paul's now satisfied for a number of  days and he'll let her bate for us so he doesn't have to service her.

It still remains to be seen how he will be “ multitasking “ ( getting a blowjob 😁 , working his PC and watching one of the best series , still they haven’t seen Breaking Bad , let’s see if they read the forum and go back to how it should be watched , or , maybe Breaking Bad comes after but it isn’t strangely the same , the surprise element will be missed .. ) 

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On 10/30/2023 at 3:02 PM, jimbo4 said:

I would think bloody mindedness would be more appropriate, mixed with tinge of arrogance, a hint of apathy and a shake of stupidity.

Why would a woman of 32 who is as vain and conceited as Leora wish to display herself with all her veins showing like the London Underground .....It does her no favours whatsoever, and makes it easier to not watch her.

A photo of veins visible in infrared : r/pics

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On 10/30/2023 at 9:06 PM, Howard said:

Paul spends about 11-12 hrs/day in front of the computer working on...whatever the heck he does to earn his keep.  But in reality how much of that time is surfing vs earning a living?  For what he does (again, whatever the heck he does), seems to be on the level of Czech minimum wage.  I sense he'd make more money working for McDonalds.

It is called smoke and mirrors. He has Leora fooled by his long dedicated hours on the computer and phone to show her his "work ethic" - haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.

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