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B4 - General Topic 2023 #75 (December)

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16 minutes ago, sulzer25059 said:

Haben sie darüber gesprochen? Ich habe heute nicht gesehen. Karma scheint ein wenig isoliert zu sein, vielleicht ist sie mit den Gedanken nur bei ihrem Computerprojekt, sie hat zu Beginn ihres Aufenthalts viel Zeit damit verbracht.

Die Katze ist die einzige wahre Freundin von Karma bei RLC. . Habt ihr gesehen wie innig sie mit der Katze schmust und dabei ziemlich traurig aussieht ? Ich glaube das Tier gibt ihr ziemlichen Halt. 

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3 minutes ago, Gerald Knauft said:

The cat is Karma's only true friend at RLC. . Have you seen how deeply she cuddles with the cat and looks pretty sad? I think the animal gives her quite a bit of support. 

She has not been here long enough to have developed true friends really, yes she is friendly with everyone and everyone seems to like her. With only Sara has she got that connection with and when Sara is occupied elsewhere Karma seems to turn to her computer.

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1 hour ago, Lasse said:

Has anybody an idea what Karma is working with on her computor??

I remember vaguely maybe she's attending some education 

in video production. She certainly spends a lot of time on that.

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Sabina starts Lali with the short bate massage

they take it to the bedrooms

Lali seemed happy with the end

Sabina not 

maybe they should've never left the massage table

despite the piss poor location of the table/cam 

these two don't seem to get the credit(lack of a better word) due in trying to ignite this place IMHO


Edited by peking
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3 hours ago, poncherello said:

Male or female I don't care, the important thing is that it is downsized or removed. As I already said he broke up with the group, the girls don't look for him and avoid him when possible. I want tears

an experiment that is failing big time!

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3 hours ago, SMETANA said:

RLC absolutely must renew their outdated video equipment, indeed, at the slightest drop in brightness, the video image loses sharpness, see the disaster with the candles! Like you, I regret it. If no one blames RLC, nothing will change.

it is really bad across all the apartments.  i believe that rlc has changed something to make it look so fuzzy.  for the money the viewers pay RLC you would think the sharpness would be there whether the lights are on or off.

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3 minutes ago, FrankZabba said:

un esperimento che sta fallendo alla grande!

I'm not just saying this because it's always Sara and Karma, I'm saying this precisely because of its childishness, it's inadequate and I think it's also very confusing. This does not justify his lack of intelligence, too young for such an important project

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58 minutes ago, SMETANA said:

Preparation of the massage table in the LR by LILA

that massage table needs to be moved to the fitness room or just removed from the main room of a house where people use it all the time.  personally i think it needs to be moved to b7 simply because i don't watch that hell whole.

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