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B4 - General Topic 2023 #82 (December)

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Mir wird Kotzübel, wenn ich das verhalten von diesem Massimo sehe. Er greift in die privatsphäre ein, wenn er in den Nachttischen rumwühlt und einen Dildo rausholt ( den er später zum ficken benutzt, weil er zu schwach ist) er soll nach Hause gehen und sich schämen. Er ist eine Blamage für ganz Italien.

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Transcript up again from the bathroom in B1 tonight

The girls are resting.

I'm confused.

Yes, me too.

How are you, mom?


All fine.

We live normally.

Sounds very normal.

There's no need to say that.

Here are two cute girls.


It is still unknown who produced something for them.

In general, it’s still not clear.

No one yet.

It seems to me that they will probably wait.

Well, yes.

Now you're the only one left,
Neytiri, sara, karma, me and that’s it.


Only they remained.

Yes, now it’s actually so free.

We can do what we want.

Because there isn't any

the presence of some people.

Only the Wolf comes in sometimes.

Massimo comes in.

How's Massimo, by the way?

Today I cooked pasta for us.

Sasha was preparing pasta for us in a jar.

How about as a person in general?

Well, it's okay actually.

He just loves everything that moves.

This is a little not very good.

Of course, he didn't get to me.

Because I didn't meet him in the lair.

And so...

Is it everyone?

Well almost, yes.

Except Sara, except me and except Karma.

Like everyone else.

Because of this, it seems not very good.

Because I know that one girl here also...

Is there a little okay here?

No, you, Swetlana.

Swetlana also came to us once.

And it’s unclear how she found out about

that we have a crisis.

Because we didn't report it anywhere.

But she kind of came.

Oh, meow.

That’s when I didn’t immediately like him.

Because this is how he behaves.

You know, when the pasta starts to fuck everyone,

then abruptly one completely loses touch with him

any, you know, any interest.

And it seems like, damn...

Just ready for everyone in revores.

White face or what?

I just changed it.

Fucked up.

I know what I need, but...

Yes, it's just some kind of tonal,

which I forgot one at home.

And she took this, well, white face.

Fucked up.


Very nice.

Okay, now let's shake the neck.

I'll be submolar.


Very sweet.

But in reality, as a person, he is normal.


He says he doesn't understand why

It’s as if they don’t like him.

Why is he being besieged?

Like everyone is like that right there.

Everything has become fragmented.

Yes, for some reason there is a complaint against me.

I don't understand this.

Because you don't have to fuck everyone.

You chose one, right?

Yes, later too.

But each one.

Well yes, yes, yes.

He doesn't even understand what exactly the reason is.

He's like, if I'm single,

I can do whatever I want.

And like, why are there any complaints against me at all?

I'm just enjoying life.

Like I'm not dating anyone.

And so on.

Well, everyone seems to go to bed with him,

on average, to school.

Everyone understands who became with him.

Yes, but she just didn't understand.

Because she was among the first.

And she thought she had found

some person.

And then he started with this one, with the second one, with the third one.

And she felt very offended.

How would we hug her?

Well, yes.

Well, what else can you expect from him?

Yes, I also think that Karma has

it will be the same.

It seems to me, this is how he behaved in my opinion.

Yes Yes.

Well, at first, when he came,

he came in such a suit.

Just like him.

Oh, you were there then too.

Yes Yes Yes.

And so, like, visual.

He was like, damn it, he just hung me out right away.

It’s not even evening for me, it’s fine

what the hell are you doing in this ass.


He still talks to me, and he’s so cold.

I say you're touching me.


Every time he comes in,

will hug every girl,

Something will suit every girl,

everyone will say

everyone, really.

Will not leave anyone unattended.

It's very funny, it looks strange.

But on the other hand, it's nice.

At least this.

Well, of course, he's going a little overboard.


You're fucking everything.

I fucking went.

It was when we had one night

there was some kind of movie

half-heartedly, probably.

In short, I came for the carpet.

And I went.

And I'm like,


I'm fucking

I went to get the carpet

Because of this, I put so much on the left,

because, as I said, I met,

and it was so strange, you know,

I was absolutely not ready

because, uh, not yet.

Yes, I feel it too.

I end up, well, I’m not here at all,

and somewhere I think, like,

what should I do if I can’t.

What to do?

Oh oh.

This is, of course, very funny.

But the food is delicious

and I am grateful to him for that.

Well, at least.

I'm just eating.

I will also come to the barge.

I love Santa Barbara.

Yes, it's from a blanket,

this is generally...


We also had a plan to, like, tie him up,

here, lure him,

somehow tie and not give.

They just hoped to mock him.

Damn, this is very badass.

Although I would look at it myself.

He's used to having everything there

unharness their legs in front of him,

ready for anything.

And here it’s like the three of us,

who are not interested.

Well, yes.

We can still drive up with Kelly,

Let's drink this.

Arrange torture.

Damn, I love it.

We also wanted to make a pentagram from candles,

you know, like, artificial blood.

I think I'll like it too

no matter how willingly

without looking at the fact that Mikhail Mikhailovich stinks there.

Someone will probably help me.

I probably wouldn't.



This is significant.

What, the Wolf is still the same in the morning

does he go to the pool?

I don’t know, he’s in another villa,

but he will become Neytiri, as it were.

Oh yeah? Yes Yes.

Are they friends?

Well yes, they have been for a long time

The girls are resting.

I'm confused.

Yes, me too.

they know each other.

That's why Neytiri often hangs out there.

But sometimes he comes in too.

I see, I see.

That's basically what's happening.

But now it's cool there

because it's just us.

And we don't have to do anything.

Yes, yes, somehow very freely.

Somehow everything is fine.

What kind of excitement were there?

Well, I just don’t know, for some reason they somehow got out.

Well, for example, Sabina and Neytiri

are a little out of whack.

This is not what we want.

Yes Yes.

And Vaid is a little straight...

Yes, and somehow I immediately...

Not bad, not that bad, just good.

Yes, just some, well, somehow not right.

I happened and immediately

when I arrived, the first day I arrived,

I immediately realized that something

they somehow get out of all the selections.

Well, and they also, you know,

they wanted something, all kinds.

Kind of weird.

Well, it's kind of strange.

It seems to me that it should somehow happen naturally.

They are on purpose.

Well, yes, yes, yes.

And this, too, somehow throws everything out the window.

Therefore, in my opinion, I am there for joy,

that they are not there now.

I have nothing against,

because the flowers are beautiful,

there, light, there, in general, well, as it were,

the person liked it.

It is very nice.

Well, I don't know what to do.

But, in principle, it’s very nice.

Well, because, well,

some, well, yes,

objects, modesty, so to speak.


In general, not the best behavior.

Yes Yes. It somehow bothers you

feel free.

Yes. I'm wondering who's coming.

Yes, I'm interested in watching it too.


What, let's organize something in front of you?

What can you organize?

Well, I don't know, some...

Well, some kind of, yes, exotic, maybe, party.

Nurses' party.

Fuck, guess what, I'm dead

the words 'nurses'.


We recently watched the movie 'Party Monster'

where Maclay and Kalkin are,

young, I don’t know if he’s golden or not,

they are there, in short, like,

this is a movie about klapkids,

which were

somewhere in Los Petersburg, I think.

And they're on some kind of

they had a costume party,

and everyone was dressed like nurses,

as health workers,

like, sexy. And that's what I thought

like, damn, it would be cool to build this at all.

And I think it would be really cool.

Well, you can, yes.

It seems to me that we should organize some kind of thematic one.

Well yes, yes, yes. Something interesting.

Something interesting.

Yes Yes Yes.


Or maybe during the day too

stir up activities, dedicate the day,

also, you know, so that it’s not...

Just recently

Sara, when

was returning home

she met wild boars.


There were 6 of them. Well, somewhere around 6.

In short, they

almost attacked

they were there, gathered around her,

and it became very scary,

She got to the fence and started crying.

Well, guess what, never like this

There was no situation where there were so many wild boars.

And so that they come straight to you

here we went, everything was fine all this time.

And she's been here for a long time.

Yes Yes Yes. And in general it's so amazing

it was, but then everything was fine.

She asked the driver

to give the visitor a little beep,

so they don't get away.

In fact yes.

And recently again...

Yes, here we go again

saw wild boars

Neytiri started feeding them


Oh thanks. Chips.

Yes, she poured them chips,

In short, they began to eat one by one,

and we look the other way,

and there they are on the other side.

Girls, wake up, let's not get out of here,

I'm scared, what are you feeding them?

Hello. Hello.

I have the color of laz.

Something so cold.

I just got off the street.

Can I take it for you?


Well, this one you know.

My fingers hurt here, I can’t sleep.

My fingers hurt.

I'll plant you a climbing plant.

Girls go to bed.

How do they sleep then?

And we will fit in.

We all looked like this for many years.

The baby is fair, accustomed to sleeping.

I bought money.

And at night already on the couch.

And on the sofa.

We collect all the gossip.

We won't tell him anything.

As far as she doesn't need it.

Where is Karma?

She's already finished.

They have a very interesting plan.


Don't know.

Let me tell you.

Very interesting.

Go ahead, let me have a question.

Come and visit us too.

Thank you.

It's good there now.

How was it?

It was fine.

But it's good now.

Now it will be a mess.

Karma, A Girl? and Sara.

Sara, yes.

Karma from Nozhda and A Girl? from Vaska.

When you're more...

Until this age of our finger.

Women live there.

Yes, they're gone.

And now they are already sitting down.

Young girl.

Well, only Karma is 28, in my opinion.

What about Neytiri 22?

Yes, only the youngest 22.

Sara is also 28.

Sara 28?


octavia, are you 26?

I'll say 26.


Well, it happened that something was wrong with the fingers.

Soon, right?


I just flexed some of your unimportant muscles here.

And then you start.

And then the tin breaks off.


If you surround more, then...

We don't do that.

We don’t do that, because there’s really less here.


Why are you with ribs anyway?

Damn, yeah.

This is generally possible.

A funny poem.


Exactly the same thing.

Here you go.



I ate strangely for another week.

Something sweet.

Oh, we'll be the ones...

Yes, we will too.


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1 minute ago, northguy said:

Thx Noldus. 

But as the B4 tenants visits other apartments,

it's logically relevant on this thread as well.

So things are somewhat fluid actually.

Then we usually mark it with OT 🙂

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