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B4 - General Topic 2023 #85 (December)

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5 minutes ago, poncherello said:

Speaking of the kiss between Sara and Nadia, and also those with the "emo-like" boy, I am convinced that it was a provocation for the pig

I can't say anything about that, I only read the scenes here and didn't see them, because I wasn't really surprised how the evening in b4 went, but I had already written that, for that reason I logged in to rlc briefly that night and soon logged out again

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6 hours ago, Ulfolk said:

Don't be too quick to say this, I don't think they would fuck for now especially offcam. They're starting to create some intimacy to maybe do this soon and oncam because of the bonus, we'll see

Historically, the unrivaled biggest hit on RLC

was Kristy and Kamila in 2015, with no sex.

Business model: Copy/Past that, and you are winners.

It's a no brainer.

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47 minutes ago, poncherello said:

Let's face it: has anyone understood what relationship there is between Nadia and the "emo-like" boy?

Yes, of course.

Let's bullshit Massimo to the "Max".

The weirdos by numbers turned Massimo into a weirdo.

Massimo will spend 2 weeks on holiday,

thinking about this (or maybe not at all).

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11 minutes ago, northguy said:

Sara love everybody (except Massimo),

think time share.

If Sara loves everyone except Massimo, I still don't understand the ring and the picture and why she doesn't just tell Karma the truth that she has the same feelings for her as for everyone else.

because if you read that sara loves karma and then you read that she loves everyone, i think that's not fair for someone who has real feelings for someone and the person doesn't know that the other person loves them as much as everyone else.

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