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B4 - General Topic 2024 #9 (January)

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lol I don't think the girls think much of this esoteric thing, they just take part out of friendship. I can't imagine sara or ney taking part and daytona only until she goes back to sara, if then maybe seda who shows even more interest in something like that than aziza and co.

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2 minutes ago, Rattlesnake316 said:

lol Non credo che le ragazze pensino molto a queste cose esoteriche, partecipano semplicemente per amicizia. Non riesco a immaginare Sara o Ney che parteciperanno e Daytona solo finché non tornerà da Sara, magari seda che mostra ancora più interesse per qualcosa del genere rispetto ad Aziza e soci.

THEN will they all end up in vsca?

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this is just an opinion if azzia does hook up tonight of course in the garage first what will sara  and  karma  think since the small issue earlier between sara and mass and karma who lets  azzia sleep with her due to seda sleep in her bed. i know karama is close with azzia will  that change or is there an agenda to set up  for lkarma betweeen azzia and mass i wouldnt be surprised the way things go on here, And will sara get close to  karma  stay tuned folks   we will wait and see  

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Ce serait peut-être mieux pour Seda de partir, je pense qu’elle se rend compte qu’elle est différente, pas sociable et très limitée par rapport aux autres filles. Dailleurs, il semblerait qu’elle a commencé à remplir ses valises..

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