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Leora & Paul - (2024) #3


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  On 1/20/2024 at 5:25 AM, Nicholas said:

 Remember when we used to be on rlcf before we ended up migrating over to CC'S jugg, and it seemed there was quite a bit less b.s. confrontation regarding others comments there, but since then CC's ended up acquiring rlcf and eventually changed it to xcamfans, well CC's has not been as friendly as rlcf was imo because of many of such ridiculous comments that have allowed to have been made and others that have been not in various threads of this website.


I remember the days when Cam Caps was in the beginning stages. It was all basically RLC apartments in those days.  The forum was like walking into a gunfight at the OK Corral everyday. I certainly didn't have anything good to say about lots of tenants The funny thing is people got along with one another, if one didn't like another's posts they placed them on ignore or go to the lighter side of XCamFan (formerly RLCF & Discussed.cc) where they won't be so offended.

Now there are some that get offended by the slightest thing said negatively about tenants. Personally I don't care what they say about the tenants. They're grown adults and should be able to handle the criticism, if they can't handle it then WTF are they doing on cam. The thing that isn't well received is when one goes off on other members because they disagree with their posts or get a fired up about an emoji which eventually turns into a complete mess of the topic where posts have to removed since they don't actually comply with the topics at hand.  If one wants to call someone out over their posts then it should be taken to Rants & Flames. If it keeps up and carries on too badly then people start getting whacked with a timeout away from posting activity or possibly even banned depending on the seriousness.

I think we should just go back to the old days and let all hell break loose and just deal with the ones that become problematic.

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Good morning Good Night 

maravilhoso sábado para todos 

wonderful Saturday for everyone 

20/01/2024 20/January /2024

Good morning Beautiful girls 

Leora eva Paul 


🐨 👯‍♀️🌟🐈😉🐎🦍💀🐊😁🦜 patou gag-her brokk! nenemoh7 maxragnar hard on chris gregg spying1 tikayou Masterchef taxi Uppssla ddhm howarJohnny5 jjohndoe1960 pete1960 trestarider howard xarvaz rdking dougiestyle4u anodo philo rezbot rame incognito jugghead tfideano dougiestyle4u h12dke voodoox ste freddie57

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  On 1/20/2024 at 5:59 AM, StnCld316 said:

I remember the days when Cam Caps was in the beginning stages. It was all basically RLC apartments in those days.  The forum was like walking into a gunfight at the OK Corral everyday. I certainly didn't have anything good to say about lots of tenants The funny thing is people got along with one another, if one didn't like another's posts they placed them on ignore or go to the lighter side of XCamFan (formerly RLCF & Discussed.cc) where they won't be so offended.

Now there are some that get offended by the slightest thing said negatively about tenants. Personally I don't care what they say about the tenants. They're grown adults and should be able to handle the criticism, if they can't handle it then WTF are they doing on cam. The thing that isn't well received is when one goes off on other members because they disagree with their posts or get a fired up about an emoji which eventually turns into a complete mess of the topic where posts have to removed since they don't actually comply with the topics at hand.  If one wants to call someone out over their posts then it should be taken to Rants & Flames. If it keeps up and carries on too badly then people start getting whacked with a timeout away from posting activity or possibly even banned depending on the seriousness.

I think we should just go back to the old days and let all hell break loose and just deal with the ones that become problematic.


Fascinating, my old friend. But I do not agree. And you know damn well why. I have been to the OK Corral and it sucks.

In those days I would be scared away. Imagine someone like me not being able to contribute. I am here to make your job easier, I suppose.

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