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B4 - General Topic 2024 #26 (February)

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9 minutes ago, northguy said:

Massimo rivuole Karma, quindi ha scritto questo:

"Rendimi indifeso
Legami e usa la tua corda
Fatta di velluto
Poi abbassa le luci

Metti a nudo la tua anima finché non sarà nuda
Mordimi il labbro finché non lo spezzerai
Ruba il mio cuore, sprecalo
Non farlo lentamente

Se darai fuoco alla notte,
tesoro, lasciami essere l'accendino
Se sei già in alto e vuoi volare,
sarò il colpo che ti porta più in alto
Se vuoi amare quando tocchi il cielo
Puoi essere il mio cavaliere di mezzanotte
Se non c'è nessun posto dove andare quando vuoi scatenarti,
voglio essere l'autista."

Ma Karma è davvero interessato a tutto questo?

Why does he want it back? has she ever had it?

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1 minute ago, Lasse said:

The other way around! Masha used to despise Elvis. Sara used to despise Massi.

okay i send you a personal message with the same words you answered or not, because you write now the answer. max and sara i don´t see it after the blowjob last evening in the kitchen, i logged back in rlc will be only karma or after max leaved

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20 minutes ago, northguy said:

Massimo wants Karma back, so he wrote this:

"Make me helpless
Tie me down and use your rope
Made of velvet
Then turn the lights down low

Bare your soul 'til it's naked
Bite my lip 'til you break it
Steal my heart, get it wasted
Don't do it slow

If you gonna set fire to the night
Baby, let me be the lighter
If you're already high and you wanna fly
I'll be the hit that takes you higher
If you wanna love when you touch the sky
You can be my midnight rider
If there's nowhere to go when you wanna go wild
I wanna be the driver."

But is Karma really into this?

since the text comes from massimo you can be sure that she won't be

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