Brit Guy Posted March 9, 2024 Posted March 9, 2024 16 minutes ago, Noldus said: Numi bating in the tub She moves fast, she's watching tv now in the lounge.
Noldus Posted March 9, 2024 Author Posted March 9, 2024 3 minutes ago, TfiDeano said: She moves fast, she's watching tv now in the lounge. she's a quickie 🙂 RLC Replay REPLAY.REALLIFECAM.COM Watch your favorite cams in 24-hour recording
Brit Guy Posted March 9, 2024 Posted March 9, 2024 2 minutes ago, Noldus said: she's a quickie 🙂 RLC Replay REPLAY.REALLIFECAM.COM Watch your favorite cams in 24-hour recording Nice tits...and no bruise on her face after he fall the other night when she was pissed up lol.
poncherello Posted March 9, 2024 Posted March 9, 2024 1 hour ago, TfiDeano said: Cos'è una bugia, cos'è ESATTAMENTE una bugia, grande amico... eccoti qui ANCORA a dire sciocchezze. Torna in argomento perché non hai argomenti e sai che ho ragione. The lie is always looking at beautiful things (Karma) and not just beautiful things on RLC. From the way you follow her, from the way you criticize her in everything, it is clear that you look at nothing but her. You're obsessed with Karma because she still doesn't get fucked by Massimo. Text your darling, tell him to quit Sara and then he can fuck Karma. If you have not yet understood the meaning of friendship for Karma then you will always remain a ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, I don't know how to define you........ . unhappy 1
poncherello Posted March 9, 2024 Posted March 9, 2024 3 hours ago, TfiDeano said: Sei stato beccato lmfao, il mio commento ti ha innescato perché ho detto deliberatamente quello che ho detto perché sapevo che ti avrebbe risucchiato e ti avrebbe fatto commentare e avresti scritto sciocchezze come al solito. Tantra arriva sempre con il suo cibo ed è anche del tutto ovvio che quando qualcuno vuole usare il bagno della suite dell'attico, contatterà prima Sara lol. Oh amico, mi hai appena rovinato la giornata, grazie amico mio... ti amo 🙂 Very happy to have ruined your day and remember that I follow you constantly so I hope to ruin other days, many days, countless days until you fill these posts with jokes and lies. I would never change. You post an offensive GIF and then hide behind "I was joking", but who believes you anymore!! To get my reaction it is not necessary for you to publish atrocities, it is enough for you to publish, then I decide whether to scold you or not and you have no idea how easy it is for me and how much fun I have
poncherello Posted March 9, 2024 Posted March 9, 2024 41 minuti fa, Noldus ha detto: Numi fa il bagno nella vasca Who knows if this rude girl asked Sara for permission? 1
desinc Posted March 9, 2024 Posted March 9, 2024 5 hours ago, Lookwarm said: Aziza got transport for all bagged stuff, at back door. All that remains is for the content of her wardrobe to go into the empty case and another one goes. A couple of days ago she was on the phone asking someone about "storage". I think she is just spring cleaning and storing clothes she no longer wears to make room for new outfits she plans to buy with all the money she made in Paris. 1
desinc Posted March 9, 2024 Posted March 9, 2024 52 minutes ago, TfiDeano said: Nice tits...and no bruise on her face after he fall the other night when she was pissed up lol. It was her right knee that took the brunt of that fall. You can see the swelling and the bruise in the tub. RLC Replay REPLAY.REALLIFECAM.COM Watch your favorite cams in 24-hour recording
coolcucumber Posted March 9, 2024 Posted March 9, 2024 3 hours ago, walterd said: Karma’s world is ruled by two things: mysticism and her mobile phone. Her mysticism has bought her into contact with the tantra lad, someone who, with the best will in the world many would find it difficult to describe as a person of interest however, to a certain cohort of female sect followers this know-it-all has some appeal. In Karma’s case, through her mysticism she was very keenly looking to expand her life experiences so that when “Tantra Ted” showed up he, as Gerald Knauft points out “the guy very quickly understood that Karma was susceptible to mystical things and card reading etc” so they quickly started a relationship in spite of the fact that, as previously noted on the site, he is quite possibly married but certainly in a relationship with another woman yet excused this “little bump in the road” by saying that they have an open relationship as they do not get on, is his wife/partner aware that tantra Ted regards their relationship as “open” allowing him to behave as he wishes one wonders, and a cynic might reasonably ponder just how many times he’s used this particular line. Karma in her conversation with Dayana in B2’s kitchen made it very clear that she is now, having become involved with him, very conflicted indeed and unsure as to exactly what sort of relationship she has with tantra boy and very definitely feels that she is playing second fiddle to his other lady. This weekend it almost looks as if tantra boy has moved into B4 given the amount of baggage he’s turned up with this time, he seems to have bought everything bar his kitchen sink with him! Regarding their relationship, it seems to be based on Karma’s subservience to tantra’s greater knowledge of all thing to do with everything and in essence it seems rather juvenile or if you prefer, young at heart, as TfiDeano points when he says that their sex sessions are "definitely not love making that's for sure lol", there seems to be little, if any, real passion in the relationship, their kissing seemingly more perfunctory than passionate. The tantra boy is someone who is extremely keen on having his own way in all things particularly sex, where Karma, for quite a lot of the time, seems to be enduring proceedings rather than engaging wholeheartedly in them, he positions her as suits him which she sometimes seems to be clearly uncomfortable with and once he has come he then starts his familiar routine of giving his impression of some sort of sweetcorn muncher know-it-all between Karma's legs which simply goes on and on and….. and which Karma, try as she may she does not seem to enjoy very much at all but simply puts up with it as she’s is way too polite to tell him so, the entire proceedings always appear to be way too calculated by tantra boy for his own enjoyment rather than a loving engagement, a one night stand sex rather than a sexual engagement leaving you to not unreasonably wonder if he is perhaps already thinking of what excuses he can make should Karma ever become more demanding, after all the charlatan must think that he’s died and gone to heaven with such an obliging girl who tries to be all things to him however if you take away the sex there seems to be little left to hang a relationship on. Karma never seems completely at her ease with him as she does with her friends in B4, 7 and 2, a perfect example of this is the way herself and Massimo now get on as he now affords her the respect, she demands without asking, the bond between herself and Sara is now strong again and you could see when they sun bathing recently in B7 that the three of them were enjoying themselves, Karma even teasing Massimo, taking off her top and leggings in his company. It is to be hoped that Karma can take this period as a learning exercise and move on when the time arrives which may well be after she leaves RLC and returns to the real world where perhaps she will meet someone more deserving of her many virtues and that she in turn may come to realise that while mysticism and mobile phones have their place and uses in her life they should not be used as her life guides. Are you MHDD ? Brother of DDHM ? 1
Mauri Posted March 9, 2024 Posted March 9, 2024 39 minutes ago, desinc said: Un paio di giorni fa era al telefono chiedendo a qualcuno informazioni sulla "conservazione". Penso che stia semplicemente facendo le pulizie di primavera e mettendo da parte i vestiti che non indossa più per fare spazio a nuovi abiti che intende acquistare con tutti i soldi che ha guadagnato a Parigi. Capisci il Russo? E la conversazione di Nadia che si e’ discussa in B2 in cui parlava di Aziza e che diceva che si sarebbe trasferita in una filiale di Barcellona?
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