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B7 - General Topic 2024 #7 (March - April)

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il y a 3 minutes, Noldus a dit :

Le gars de Marilyn en visite

Il vient tirer son coup et sera reparti vers 22 h . Heureusement qui il n'a pas peur des caméras et ne demande pas à Maryline de les faire couper comme TONYA à B2

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13 minutes ago, Stormshaedow said:

Sara broke Massimo... I almost feel bad for him... he's telling everyone who can't move fast enough his world view... 

I like Massi, but lately he is becoming very annoying like the World owes him something. I mean Sara isn't the nicest girl around, but she appears to be just getting on with things, but Massi is crying to everyone about Sara and how he has been rejected. I am hoping by having Medusa in B4 Masha will visit and Massi can fuck her. He is aware Medusa is there and has talked about her, but for me this is normal and nothing to ridicule him about like the haters normally love to do. Can't please everyone. 

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6 minutes ago, TfiDeano said:

Ich mag Massi, aber in letzter Zeit wird er immer nervig, als ob die Welt ihm etwas schulden würde. Ich meine, Sara ist nicht das netteste Mädchen, aber sie scheint einfach mit den Dingen klarzukommen, aber Massi weint allen wegen Sara und wie er abgelehnt wurde. Ich hoffe, dass Mascha durch Medusa in B4 zu Besuch kommt und Massi sie ficken kann. Er weiß, dass Medusa da ist und hat über sie gesprochen, aber für mich ist das normal und kein Grund, ihn lächerlich zu machen, wie es die Hater normalerweise gerne tun. Kann nicht jedem gefallen. 

Der Krug geht so lange zu Wasser bis er bricht !

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7 minutes ago, TfiDeano said:

I like Massi, but lately he is becoming very annoying like the World owes him something. I mean Sara isn't the nicest girl around, but she appears to be just getting on with things, but Massi is crying to everyone about Sara and how he has been rejected. I am hoping by having Medusa in B4 Masha will visit and Massi can fuck her. He is aware Medusa is there and has talked about her, but for me this is normal and nothing to ridicule him about like the haters normally love to do. Can't please everyone. 

I not ridiculing him (mostly...), but I don't have a lot of sympathy for him either... he essentially did the same thing to Neytiri what Sara did to him (the cheating part, with no remorse...).  Tbh, I liked Massimo with Sara and Nadia... three people I don't care for all contained to the same area, so I didn't have to worry about them showing up... lol

I'm only mentioning him now because he's been going everywhere and telling everyone how good of a guy he is, and how wronged he's been by Sara, etc... for the last almost week... it's annoying...

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Following their conversation yesterday, Massimo and Merilyn talked  a few minutes ago in the  terrace and he asked her why she doesn't wanna be  involved romantically  with Hawk

and she said that he is a really good guy, but she can't see herself getting serious with him especially because of age, she wants someone who is much older then him.

Then Massi tried to tell her that age doesn't mean maturity and a man much older then he is can be much more childish, so she said its not only that.

So there you go - there isn't any rift between them but she doesn't want to illusion him that there can be something more between them. that's why she mentioned yesterday the hug and her turn the other cheek for a kiss. She said she really doesn't want to hurt him since he is a really good guy and he doesn't deserve it.





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Hawk sat with M&M and playing with Marilyn's hair whilst all looking happy and having fun. Nothing bad to see here, all consensual before the Hawk hate begins. 

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11 minutes ago, TfiDeano said:

Hawk sat with M&M and playing with Marilyn's hair whilst all looking happy and having fun. Nothing bad to see here, all consensual before the Hawk hate begins. 

He hasn't been successful as a tenant yet, give it time... Marilyn slept with him before he was a tenant, so...

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