Pete1960 Posted May 1, 2024 Posted May 1, 2024 2 hours ago, Slow said: I guess it comes from expectations: users when they see the thumbnail may think "oh, did she finally start to bate? Let me check" (and get disappointed). When you see a thumbnail of Leona you know what to expect, while for some tenets who are "do nothings" or less "sex friendly", users are curious and check so the top cam builds up. This happens all the time, see Shantal for example. Who is Leona? What are 'tenets'? 1
Xarvaz Posted May 1, 2024 Posted May 1, 2024 4 minutes ago, Pete1960 said: Who is Leona? a former resident, red hair and now a fairly successful model 2 1 1
Maxbell Posted May 1, 2024 Posted May 1, 2024 18 hours ago, TfiDeano said: Here's the's about people's opinions, and a good example of that is D**a who accused Masshole of choking him tried to 'twist something' by suggesting he choked him, which was Masshole actually only placing his hands on D**a's shoulders for a nanosecond which can be seen on cam, but the accuser's opinion is that he choked him. So my opinion remains the same regarding Karma and the rest of B4, so your comment means little...apart from being an opinion and how you see things, differently to others. I wasn't referring to D**a, I don't think? LOL, is that EMO? So I stand by what I was referring to about Karma. I am stating fact at the start of my comment. She is not a "slut like the rest of them". She lets others grope her but she is "true to one guy" (yuk, that was painful to write) 😂 and that is not "like the rest of them". I would have been thrilled to see her get banged by that guy she let sleep with her, btw. If that is slutty behaviour (subjective term) I get it, but really I want to see penis in vagina to really call her a slut. Considering this is a porn site and not a church meeting 🙏 where just dancing might be the threshold, I think the bar is a little higher here. Now the following is definitely 100% pure opinion. It seems that those CC'ers who mock a couple defenders of Karma, would love nothing more than see her fuck a bunch of guys just so they can say "I told you so". But so far she hasn't so they can't legitimately state or imply that. I don't want to start up battles with you and Xarvaz, ☮️, they are a big pain in the ass. Y'all can disagree with me, as can everyone. But I do like to be sure when disagreements happen that what I said is interpreted as what I meant though. Otherwise keeping things civil 👍 is the place in CC I want to be. Not that I am always 😂 civil but hey, its a goal. 😉 5
Xarvaz Posted May 1, 2024 Posted May 1, 2024 I would be surprised if we see Tantra again, although it is of course also possible that he does not visit Karma because she is on her period... after all it is no secret that he is a selfish asshole 🤮
Brit Guy Posted May 1, 2024 Posted May 1, 2024 8 minutes ago, Maxbell said: I wasn't referring to D**a, I don't think? LOL, is that EMO? So I stand by what I was referring to about Karma. I am stating fact at the start of my comment. She is not a "slut like the rest of them". She lets others grope her but she is "true to one guy" (yuk, that was painful to write) 😂 and that is not "like the rest of them". I would have been thrilled to see her get banged by that guy she let sleep with her, btw. If that is slutty behaviour (subjective term) I get it, but really I want to see penis in vagina to really call her a slut. Considering this is a porn site and not a church meeting 🙏 where just dancing might be the threshold, I think the bar is a little higher here. Now the following is definitely 100% pure opinion. It seems that those CC'ers who mock a couple defenders of Karma, would love nothing more than see her fuck a bunch of guys just so they can say "I told you so". But so far she hasn't so they can't legitimately state or imply that. I don't want to start up battles with you and Xarvaz, ☮️, they are a big pain in the ass. Y'all can disagree with me, as can everyone. But I do like to be sure when disagreements happen that what I said is interpreted as what I meant though. Otherwise keeping things civil 👍 is the place in CC I want to be. Not that I am always 😂 civil but hey, its a goal. 😉 I always keep things civil where warranted...but there is one or two on here who are just idiots who talk nonsense endlessly. Anyway, so yes you are entitled to your opinion, and I am with mine. It was me that said Karma is a slut like the others in B4 and what she did was quite slutty behaviour whether you agree or not. I never said it was a bad thing, but they are just words used to describe the behaviour of someone at the time of the event. If Karma got fucked by a normal guy then I'd probably have watched but right now she is just eye candy and extremely boring to watch sat in her room or around the house in the laptop working on designs she does. I say she should be outside with Medusa in the sun, but whatever anyone says about her you just can't win with the stalkers who want to see her naked and get fucked but when I say she should be outside and not being boring then the stalkers would defend her for sitting in her fucking room on the computer. 1 3
walterd Posted May 1, 2024 Posted May 1, 2024 Xarvaz Sir I think that your observation concerning why the Tantra Turd has not visited Karma might be considered as twofold, firstly the party, perhaps Karma, from somewhere found the strength to tell the lettuce munching yob that she was going to the party and didn't she make the most of it, enjoying herself, having fun, letting her hair down and behaving just as she chose to and not as some sort of automaton at the beckoned call of the disagreeable, appalling, anti-social narcissist that is the Tantra Turd who, as per usual, if allowed would have immediately squirrelled her away into her room for an evening of "self-pleasuring" as Karma seems terminally bored and only plays a bit part, while he likes to pretend that her pussy is, in fact a sweetcorn husk, this allows him to munch away for an hour or two to his heart's content as God knows Karma's not paying much attention. Secondly, as you point out Karma is on her period which of course would restrict his munching antics so he may as well save the lie he was going to tell his wife for some other occasion when which might prove more profitable. Given the Turd's lack of physical grace and refinement together with his mumbling, inarticulate hippy style rambling speech and disrespectful and quite dreadful lack of dress sense it seems unlikely that he would be inundated with requests from ladies to sweep them off their feet with his witty, charming and good natured banter, I rather think therefore that it maybe a forlorn hope that we have seen the last of this mindless cretin and even though many might hope that the last thing the bum saw of B4 was his twizzle stick and begging bowl coming at him at great speed when he failed to duck Karma's excellent parting shot, the only person who has any say whatsoever in the matter is in fact, Karma. Also it hardly needs pointing that we, as observers have no real idea as to what is actually going on in B4, B7 or any of the other houses or flats and as has be pointed out by others the girls in B4, in particular are past masters at fooling the cameras so we can only observe and comment on any particular event from what we see, the reality of which maybe completely different. Interesting that the interaction between Karma and Sara noticeably changed the moment Sara "friends" turned up and Sara instantly went back to her old ways, her two clown friends the drug fuelled buddy and the silly little lad dressed as a girl were simply the match to give full vent to Sara's manic personality. 1 4
Lasse Posted May 1, 2024 Posted May 1, 2024 3 hours ago, TfiDeano said: Jag håller alltid saker civila där det är det finns en eller två här som bara är idioter som pratar nonsens i det oändliga. Hur som helst, så ja du har rätt till din åsikt, och jag håller med min. Det var jag som sa att Karma är en slampa som de andra i B4 och det hon gjorde var ett ganska slampigt beteende oavsett om du håller med eller inte. Jag har aldrig sagt att det var en dålig sak, men de är bara ord som används för att beskriva någons beteende vid tidpunkten för händelsen. Om Karma blev knullad av en normal kille så skulle jag förmodligen ha tittat men just nu är hon bara ögongodis och extremt tråkig att titta på när hon satt i sitt rum eller runt huset i den bärbara datorn och jobbar på design som hon gör. Jag säger att hon ska vara ute med Medusa i solen, men vad någon än säger om henne kan du bara inte vinna med stalkers som vill se henne naken och bli knullad men när jag säger att hon ska vara ute och inte vara tråkig då stalkers skulle försvara henne för att hon satt i hennes jävla rum vid datorn. It is a pity that Medusa isn't bi ! I think she and Karma could have had some nice times together if she was ! But anyways Medusa is having a very much nicer life now from what she had with Masha in Rome !!
poncherello Posted May 1, 2024 Posted May 1, 2024 4 hours ago, TfiDeano said: Mantengo sempre le cose civili dove giustificato... ma ce ne sono uno o due qui che sono solo degli idioti che dicono sciocchezze all'infinito. Ad ogni modo, quindi sì, hai diritto alla tua opinione, e io sono della mia. Sono stato io a dire che Karma è una troia come le altre in B4 e quello che ha fatto è stato un comportamento piuttosto troia, che tu sia d'accordo o meno. Non ho mai detto che fosse una cosa brutta, ma sono solo parole usate per descrivere il comportamento di qualcuno al momento dell'evento. Se Karma fosse stata scopata da un ragazzo normale, probabilmente l'avrei guardata, ma in questo momento è solo una delizia per gli occhi ed estremamente noiosa da guardare seduta nella sua stanza o in giro per casa sul portatile mentre lavora sui progetti che fa. Io dico che dovrebbe stare fuori con Medusa al sole, ma qualunque cosa dicano di lei non puoi vincere con gli stalker che vogliono vederla nuda e farsi scopare ma quando dico che dovrebbe stare fuori e non essere noiosa allora il gli stalker l'avrebbero difesa per essere rimasta seduta al computer nella sua fottuta stanza. You could also suggest to Karma the time to go to shit and piss, how to dress and what color the underwear should be. But do you realize how much bullshit you write? So much for the nonsense that one or two idiots here write. Be careful to measure your words because you can offend the tenants but not the forum users and there are no idiots here. Forewarned is forearmed 1 1
Brit Guy Posted May 1, 2024 Posted May 1, 2024 17 minutes ago, Lasse said: It is a pity that Medusa isn't bi ! I think she and Karma could have had some nice times together if she was ! But anyways Medusa is having a very much nicer life now from what she had with Masha in Rome !! Medusa must be bi (to a degree) to have allowed Masha to lick her gash out during the 2 fuckfest's she had with Masha and Elvis a few months back drunk or not drunk lol. Medusa is a bundle of joy wherever she is but living in B4 as a resident we see a lot more of her both in terms of activity and body lol. I agree with your comment on being happier than she appeared to be on cam in Rome. A bundle of joy always but even so she seems far happier in B4 than she did at times in Rome. I think for now Masha seems to have calmed down a but now she has some new cock to chew on but she is unpredictable and can change in moods in an instant like that time with Val 2 weeks ago...that was truly fucked up.
Brit Guy Posted May 1, 2024 Posted May 1, 2024 9 minutes ago, poncherello said: You could also suggest to Karma the time to go to shit and piss, how to dress and what color the underwear should be. But do you realize how much bullshit you write? So much for the nonsense that one or two idiots here write. Be careful to measure your words because you can offend the tenants but not the forum users and there are no idiots here. Forewarned is forearmed Sorry, did you make a noise...yea thought so big man, go on a diet and save yourself sweetcheeks...we know what you look like from the photo on XCF :). YAWN YAWN YAWN.
poncherello Posted May 1, 2024 Posted May 1, 2024 5 minutes ago, TfiDeano said: Scusa, hai fatto rumore... sì, hai pensato così grande uomo, mettiti a dieta e risparmia le guance dolci... sappiamo che aspetto hai dalla foto su XCF :). Sbadiglio sbadiglio sbadiglio. Hey, that's a record. You managed to post 3 lines without offense. Congratulations but ........... I know that next time you will be able to offend even in half a line. Careful, don't offend anyone here. Forewarned is forearmed 1
trippingalot Posted May 1, 2024 Posted May 1, 2024 13 minutes ago, TfiDeano said: Medusa must be bi (to a degree) to have allowed Masha to lick her gash I read this as just an extension of her heterosexuality... Like most girls in Barcelona, they don't mind going through the pussy to get to the dick. That's why most of the gg involvements on RLC are fake, for clicks or both.
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