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Kooloos and Buster are both correct. Seeing as there are no pictures posted, maybe we should simply delete these annoying repetitious threads.

I'll do so according to the 'likes' of this post.

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Kooloos and Buster are both correct. Seeing as there are no pictures posted, maybe we should simply delete these annoying repetitious threads.

I'll do so according to the 'likes' of this post.

This site doesn't have a real structure and closing down "annoying threads" could be a poor decision, besides saying that something like Buster is correct send a very negative message of what this site is about...

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Kooloos and Buster are both correct. Seeing as there are no pictures posted, maybe we should simply delete these annoying repetitious threads.

I'll do so according to the 'likes' of this post.

This site doesn't have a real structure and closing down "annoying threads" could be a poor decision, besides saying that something like Buster is correct send a very negative message of what this site is about...

Buster is correct. Is that negative enough for you?

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But you need to read the posts. And I agree with you to a point.

What use are posts like these?

Jannet strip show!!! :D

newbies will flood this forum with Alisa topics, moderator sleeping or what?

damn, Jannet can dance.

Just sayin', that's all.

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So far, in just a few hours, 7 people agree with the thread repetition.

As for both Buster and Kooloos being correct? Yes they are. IF you simply read what they wrote.

It doesn't take a blind man to figure this out.

You don't need Sr. member to post shit, just use your eyes and look for the two other threads about alisa masturbating before you create a third one.

You don't get it do you?

It's a trend for newbies to every time they want to say something they have to open their own topic like there is not enough topics about Alisa at the moment on this board.

And this is sooooo true. Every time you see a post that you've read 1000 times before, you can bet that someone with an under 10 post count puts it up.

A board has to have noobs to expand and bring in new blood. That's a given. Some noobs come out batting .500, others not so. But before posting some inane statement, read the rest of that particular forum and simply add to the existing threads. Don't just sit there and create a thread titled "SEX", just to get your name on the board. That's going to cause you to be disliked, not liked.

I can go through the members list and out of the 44,000+ members, maybe 1000 post. Many are paid members that joined for the pics and vids, but yet never posted a word, other than to 'like' a thread or two.

Take an hour to look over the boards before you jump in with a useless thread. Trust me, you will make things so much easier on everyone.

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Camera 7

Effectivement, depuis le réveil d'Alisa, la camera 7 a été bougée 2 fois, desormais on ne peut plus voir que l'armoire et la porte de la chambre.

Payer pour en voir de moins en moins est une arnaque.

Les 2 appartements "premium" ne valent pas les $ supplémentaires, je vais donc cesser mon bonnement

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