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Obama State of the Union "Tired Old Phrase" Poll


Which one of the following tired, boring, stupid phrased will be used the most by Obama Tuesday?  

6 members have voted

  1. 1. Which one of the following tired, boring, stupid phrased will be used the most by Obama Tuesday?

    • Extraordinary
    • Fair, fair share
    • Make no mistake
    • Let me be clear
    • Invest, Investing

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"And let's close the loopholes that lead to inequality by allowing the top one percent to avoid paying taxes on their accumulated wealth."

Very odd.  He must know the difference between passive income (capital gains) on one hand, and wealth (assets) on the other.

Maybe he really was tipping his hand.  Remember this:

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He is as un-American as anyone can be!  And yes, the Democrats would like nothing better than to be able to go after peoples personal assets.

They were the party that instituted the inheritance tax.  A means of picking a dead man's pocket on the money that he had already been taxed upon prior.   

The Democrat party and the scum that now makes up it's members are the very thing that the founding fathers had tried to protect the people from through the limiting powers of the Constitution.  And that's why of course they seek to destroy the Constitution any way they can.

With the help of certain cowards, and traitors like John Roberts that is.  The very person who was appointed to protect that now worm eaten piece of paper, that once protected us all here in America.

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There are a lot of sick mofo's out there. Which one has the guts to give Obama the bullet.

No.  Not only is that not something to say, were it to happen, it would assure at least 8 more years of DemoCrap rule. 

0bama is the best thing that ever happened to the GOP.  He is unifying, energizing, and his programs have resulted in 82 fewer Democrats in the chamber last night than with he gave his first SOTU address six years ago.  He's doing fine.  Send him dozens of bipartisan bills for him to veto and that will be the last we see of Democrat presidents for at least two, maybe three cycles. 

When your opponent is digging his grave, why take away his shovel?

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He is as un-American as anyone can be!  And yes, the Democrats would like nothing better than to be able to go after peoples personal assets.

They were the party that instituted the inheritance tax.  A means of picking a dead man's pocket on the money that he had already been taxed upon prior.   

The Democrat party and the scum that now makes up it's members are the very thing that the founding fathers had tried to protect the people from through the limiting powers of the Constitution.  And that's why of course they seek to destroy the Constitution any way they can.

With the help of certain cowards, and traitors like John Roberts that is.  The very person who was appointed to protect that now worm eaten piece of paper, that once protected us all here in America.

Easy on John Roberts. Yes, we all have hurt feelings over that Tax versus Mandate fiasco.  Get over it.  If he comes down on 0bama's side in the state exchanges versus federal exchanges subsidies, we'll revisit his value.  But as for now, it could be a lot worse. 

As for the founding fathers:  Yup.  Well said.  As I have opined before, the inevitable war between the Madison and Jefferson perspectives is swinging dangerously far to the Jeffersonian side.  But some fresh blood on the Court can return some of the Madison wisdom.  It takes time. 

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If the other conservatives justices there saw it as unconstitutional, what was his fucking problem?

I'll tell you what his problem was; He was either bribed or threatened, or both.  Because a ten year old who isn't a liberal asshole could tell on the surface alone that Obama care was not constitutional. 

And that whole act of his with,.. "Oh let me see, is it a fine, or is it a tax?"  I'll use that as the excuse for my betraying the American people, and spiting on the Constitution.    That doesn't fool me one bit!

And no, I will not go easy on him.  The founding fathers set up the three branches of our government for this very reason, so as to stop a fucking dictator in his tracks. 

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And your one of those hypocritical intolerant liberals I see.

Mind your own fucking business asshole, we weren't talking to you, or your kind within our discussions here.  And frankly until you pay the twelve dollars I don't really care to go round and round with yet another liberal asshole on this forum. 

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