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Masha - (2024) #9


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Just now, Brokk! said:

A parte quello, ma che poteri ha Masha per decidere che l'appartamento sotto il suo deve essere affittato da RLC? posso capire il "consiglio" ma il decidere così su due piedi mi sembra assurdo.

La sera del disastro parlava del “Radio Liberta’” ovvero una villa dove avrebbero dovuto installare 50/60 telecamere, e i partecipanti dovevano essere le persone che erano li e tante altre.. Masha e’ instabile, vive in un mondo tutto suo, anche senza droghe, ma ora e’ arrivata al limite, e’ pericolosa per se stessa ed altri

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6 minutes ago, Mauri said:

La sera del disastro parlava del “Radio Liberta’” ovvero una villa dove avrebbero dovuto installare 50/60 telecamere, e i partecipanti dovevano essere le persone che erano li e tante altre.. Masha e’ instabile, vive in un mondo tutto suo, anche senza droghe, ma ora e’ arrivata al limite, e’ pericolosa per se stessa ed altri

Dubito che sappia minimamente quanto costi comprare e restaurare una villa, avere 50-60 telecamere e farle funzionare h24. E avere gente disponibile a risolvere eventuali problemi al sito o di connessione.

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6 minutes ago, thinga69 said:

I'm probably totally wrong, but she said many times "new project", maybe she knows that he days in RLC are counted and she wants to open a new site?

Good luck to her then. If she manages the site as she manages her life, at the first stab they will close the site.

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2 minutes ago, Brokk! said:

Dubito che sapere minimamente quanto costi avere 50-60 telecamere e farle funzionare h24. E gente avere disponibile a risolvere eventuali problemi al sito o di connessione.

Ma sono fantasie di Masha sotto effetto di droghe e psicofarmaci

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16 minutes ago, Mauri said:

The evening of the disaster he was talking about “Radio Liberta'” or a villa where they were supposed to install 50/60 cameras, and the participants were supposed to be the people who were there and many others. Masha is unstable, she lives in a world of her own, even without drugs, but now she has reached the limit, she is dangerous for herself and others.

Does "Radio Liberta" explain the appearance of the topic "FREEDOM RADIO 3" on Masha's CamCaps homepage?  And the user "Mandarinka" who is unusually defensive of Masha.  One and the same, perhaps?  Masha soon realised she was fooling no-one and is now begging for money there too.

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3 minutes ago, franklin said:

"Radio Liberta" spiega la comparsa del tema "FREEDOM RADIO 3" sulla home page di CamCaps di Masha? E l'utente "Mandarinka" che è insolitamente sulla difensiva nei confronti di Masha. Uno e lo stesso, forse?

Si, E’ Masha

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Today morning she cried copiously while calling someone begging for something, walking around the house and sometimes kneeling while doing so, only calmed down after a massage from some Grandma who also spoke Russian - I wonder if this old lady has any connection with RLC

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3 minutes ago, trippingalot said:

Today morning she cried copiously while calling someone begging for something, walking around the house and sometimes kneeling while doing so, only calmed down after a massage from some Grandma who also spoke Russian - I wonder if this old lady has any connection with RLC

She's Masha's massage therapist. She goes there at least once a week.

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