KarenKraft Posted May 11, 2015 Author Posted May 11, 2015 ANNOYING FAMILY WITH ANNOYING DAUGHTER THROWN OFF THE FLIGHT [YAY] “Waaaah! Waaaaah! Waaaaaaaah!!!! Everybody has to put up with my out-of-control teenage chest-slapper. Not to be all gushing about how lovely and wonderful she is means you HATE spastics and retards. It also means you’re a racist but I’m not exactly sure how I can tie that together just yet. The world needs to bend over backward and give us special treatment because of our defective dau. Snap-to, world, or we’re bringing in the lawyers!” There is a reason God invented the private automobiles and sedatives. The parents should have taken the girl to the zoo and told her it was Disney World. Hey cripples: Yes! We put up with your wheel chairs and walkers. But you’re not Wounded Warriors just because you got drunk and rolled off your porch last summer. We give some extra time for the old farts who are stiff and nevertheless getting by on their own. More power to them! But you're not them. You're just in the way, Miss Demanding-Defect Mom. And no. We are not interested in participating in your self-aggrandizing twelve-act morality play. We cut some slack for y’all out of compassion. The minute your wants turn into demands, many of us will go Third Reich on you faster than you can say lebensborn. There is a tremendous difference between: (1) Oh, hi there; I’m sorry, but my elderly dad is in the car and I forgot to leave the AC on, so would you mind terribly if I went in front of you real quick here? I only have these five items; and (2) I’m going to go ahead and cut in front of you because my dad and I need to make the first race at Santa Anita [race track] and I really need to cash a check on the way so I can get my usual PikSicks. Now, like I said: if you are fucked up because you were doing something in service of our nation, or fighting a fire, or due to a domestic dispute call over your squad car radio, fine. We all honor your service and show that by stepping in or aside to try to help as best we can. But if the reason you are demanding special favors is because at 48, you were too stupid to get an amniocentesis, or you decided you really could go ahead and smoke crack the entire time you were carrying Annoying Monster, well then… fuck you. Got that? Fuck you. Please allow me to clarify that for you: Fuck.... You. Oh, and if your Annoying Monster is so allergic to peanuts that everyone on the flight gets zero nibbles, rest assured: I carry my own jar of Planter’s dry roasted peanuts and would be happy to share them – particularly with the fat guy who keeps sneezing. Just say the word. Ask. Don’t demand, bitch. Or even better yet: take your own car and put a plastic bag over Annoying Monster’s ugly drooling fat face. No, you and Annoying Monster were not kicked off the flight because the little shit was autistic. You were thrown off the flight because you threatened that Precious was going to go postal if your demands weren't met “and then you would [do as I demand and] help her.” Yeah, we know: you plan on introducing your public menace to some spastic boy at Camp We’re Better Than Everybody Else and see to it that they produce as many public wards as possible – just the minute she turns 18. We all want to thank you so much for that! We know you plan to see to it that Annoying Monster is the gimp that keeps on giving. Wait. Let me guess, when not disrupting United Airlines flights, you head up your local campaign against vaccinations. Just a guess, but you know ….. Your Annoying Monster is a perfect candidate for retroactive abortion. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3075027/The-bizarre-terrible-moment-family-taken-airplane-police-pilot-says-didn-t-feel-comfortable-flying-autistic-teenager-wanted-food.html
woodworker Posted May 11, 2015 Posted May 11, 2015 But why did they have to divert and land the plane in Salt Lake City? I've been on jets before, and I distinctly remember them having an 'Emergency door.' So why didn't they just dispatch the mother and daughter while flying over the Utah desert? You know, Albert Einstein once said, that we should make everything as simple as possible. And it just seems to me that that would have been much, much simpler.
woodworker Posted May 11, 2015 Posted May 11, 2015 One of the funniest things I ever read concerning air travel happen in either 2006, or 2007, I'm not really sure? But it did happen, and it did make the news. Apparently during the flight, this woman fell asleep, and a man snuck up on her and shot a wad of his cum into her hair. Now I don't know if he did this because he was mad at her, or if it was because he was secretly in love with her. But that story made me laugh so hard that I kept shaking the newspaper and had a hard time finishing it. ;D Yes,.. Just another suave guy, flying the very friendly and erotic skies of United.
KarenKraft Posted May 11, 2015 Author Posted May 11, 2015 It would have popped everybody's ears and now, with 85% pressurization, that simply would not do. Under the rules, once someone makes a threat (or even a prognostication that something bad is likely to happen on a commercial aircraft if or unless this or that is done or not done, the pilot finds the nearest suitable place to dispatch the problem. Suitable, in this case, means a place that also services the final destination of the trouble makers -- preferably the same day or general time frame. The fact that the pilot was made aware of the event shows that the system is working well. Had one flight attendant decided not to tell the pilot of a potentially problematic situation and another reported the problem after landing, disciplinary action could have been brought. Failure to report is a major problem in the U.S., as we all know. Indeed, it's almost as big a problem and reporting bullshit that is irrelevant.
woodworker Posted May 11, 2015 Posted May 11, 2015 So their ears would have popped, so what. I mean, who was that crazy fucker who jumped out of an airplane with all that money, only to have landed on top of a bear and get eaten alive? Oh well, I forget. But it must have been a hell of a struggle taking place underneath that parachute. But if they were worried about the other passengers ears popping, the stewardess' could have just passed around a bunch of chewing gum, and motioned to them with their finger held up to their lips one of those 'Shsssss' signs. And I don't think they would have blabbed. Especially if they would have had their fares reduced by say 20, or 30%.
KarenKraft Posted May 12, 2015 Author Posted May 12, 2015 Elsewhere in the news: MUZZIES SNUB MONKEY: STAND HIM UP AT CAMP DAVID JUMP-AROUND-SHOW Yup. Even these guys aren't going to waste their time listening to that jackass apologist for Iran. They know better. Plus, his wife doesn't allow any snacks at Camp David that aren't organic, whole wheat sustainable free trade whatever approved. "Fuck that!" opined one ragtop when questioned about the snub. "I'm going to stay home and have a good dinner of raw lamb's eyes and egg yoke!" Read all about it: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-32694184
KarenKraft Posted May 13, 2015 Author Posted May 13, 2015 Let's Guess !!!! The AMTRAK engineer who managed to kill over six people by running the train well over twice the speed limit has refused to talk to the police and has refused to give any statement whatsoever to authorities. Also -- funny thing: No names and no pictures are available online as of this writing. So let's guess Check as many boxes as you like: [update] WE HAVE A WINNER !!!! ----- Gay Activist sexting someone similar, so both hands were busy. ----- Was tweeting about some meaningless bullshit at the time. "The Amtrak engineer at the helm of the crashed train has refused to talk to police or to provide a statement to authorities. The Associated Press reports, burying the lede in the final paragraph of the newswire's story: "The Amtrak engineer at the train's control refused to talk to police Wednesday and declined to provide a statement to authorities." Meanwhile, the National Transportation Safety Board confirmed the train was traveling over 100 miles per hour "prior" to the crash. "NTSB confirms preliminary data shows #Amtrak train speed exceeded 100 mph prior to derailment. Further calibrations are being conducted," NTSB wrote on Twitter."
woodworker Posted May 13, 2015 Posted May 13, 2015 Another bulls eye Karen. Your kind of like Annie Oakley, you don't miss much. ;) Now watch, as his attorney cooks up a 'Post Traumatic Track Syndrome'. Or what will soon become known as the "Choo Choo defense". "Ah yezer yer honor,.. Dats where ya gets sort of hypnotized by just staring at all dem tracks just commin at ya. And dey don't stop,.. Oh no siree! Dey jes keeps a commin. And da only remedy for dis is to just pour yerself a stiff one, and to then try to divert your attention off of dem dare tracks by racin over dem as fast as ya can while looking at porn videos on yer smart phone." "And I want ya ta know judge, dat my client does apologize for any disruptions that he may have caused to some people's families over dis." "He is very, very, very, sorry, yer honor. Why just look at him thar, I think he's about to burst open with another flood of them thar tears again, just like he showed to me prior to us commin here." The Judge: "You can do that?' Attorney: "Do what Judge?" The Judge: "Look at porn videos on your smart phone." The Attorney: "Sure Judge, I do it all da time."
KarenKraft Posted May 15, 2015 Author Posted May 15, 2015 Joker Ready to Join Brother Tammie in Muzzie Hell Pssst, Dude: they forgot to mention down at the mosque that, in Muzzie Hell, YOU are one of the free virgins. Slow, deep breaths, Joker. LOL
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