Timewarp Posted August 27, 2015 Posted August 27, 2015 Wow, that is really nice. They got the better apartment and obviously the abuser got kicked out. My favorite part about this couple is that they actually enjoy each other.
Timewarp Posted August 27, 2015 Posted August 27, 2015 I have no idea where this apartment is. I might not be the best source of information though. I believe there are some on here who are more familiar with these things.
peterb Posted August 27, 2015 Posted August 27, 2015 certains parlais de st petersbourg ... en tt cas trés au nord puisque que nous avons vu 1 mois de nuits blanches entre juin et juillet some spoke about st petersburg ... anyway very north since we've seen one month of sleepless nights between June and July
StnCld316 Posted August 27, 2015 Posted August 27, 2015 Wow, that is really nice. They got the better apartment and obviously the abuser got kicked out. My favorite part about this couple is that they actually enjoy each other. They'll have to move that sofa closer to the cam or it going to ba herd to capture anything where it sits now.
Timewarp Posted August 27, 2015 Posted August 27, 2015 I agree. It looks like camera two is slightly farther away, but again I could not locate a picture from before that would confirm that I am not simply imagining things.
StnCld316 Posted August 27, 2015 Posted August 27, 2015 I agree. It looks like camera two is slightly farther away, but again I could not locate a picture from before that would confirm that I am not simply imagining things. you can tell by the 2 pictures on Hopes post that the quality of the cam is way out of adjustment. I know he produces high quality photos a lot better than that. Hopefully their stay will be longer than 3 months.
Timewarp Posted August 27, 2015 Posted August 27, 2015 I can't help but wonder, however if RLC gives them instructions not to mess with camera angles or adjusting furniture to change viewing. I guess we will see, Of all of the couples, this is the one that I think actually reads this board from time to time so maybe they will see the comments here.
grege Posted August 27, 2015 Posted August 27, 2015 je l espere ils verront que nous sommes content de les retrouver
corboblanc Posted August 27, 2015 Posted August 27, 2015 je suis très déçu du retour de Nelly et Bogdan, et du choix de rlc, a de nouveau, aller cherché dans les anciens, pour remplir leurs appartement!!! cela démontre leur incapacité à trouver des nouveaux couples, même en Russie!!! je n'ai rien contre Nelly et Bogdan, qui sont agréables et sympathiques, mais nous les connaissons par cœur, et je ne pense pas qu'il réussissent à maintenir l'audience, après le départ de kamila et kristy!!! je prévois une chute importante des abonnements à ce moment, à moins que les 2 remplaçantes soient des bombes atomiques!!! je sui comme beaucoup ici, je rêvais d'un nouveau couple, pour relancer la motivation, mais nous voilà avec un couple que nous connaissons par-cœur!!! I am very disappointed with the return of Nelly and Bogdan, and the choice of rlc, again, tried to go in the old, to fill their apartment !!! it demonstrates their inability to find new couples, even in Russia !!! I have nothing against Nelly and Bogdan, who are nice and friendly, but we know them by heart, and I do not think he succeed in maintaining the hearing, after the departure of kamila and kristy !!! I foresee a significant drop subscriptions at this time, unless the two are substitutes atomic bombs !!! I sui like many here, I dreamed of a new couple, to boost motivation, but here we are with a couple that we know by heart-!!! :( :( :( ??? ??? ??? :-\ :-\
Hope85 Posted August 27, 2015 Posted August 27, 2015 (The Image Content is no longer accessible and has been removed).
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