Guest bobbyjoe Posted June 8, 2015 Posted June 8, 2015 milana make me tired,j'm back with free cameras this week,j don't want give again 45 $ for probably see nothing more here, j prefer save my money for take some vacation this summer Tu pourrai prendre des vacance a Barcelone et baisé Milana pour nous en direct dans le salon non c´est pas une bonne idée tout ça ? ;) lol,j'aimerais bien et je peux vous dire que vous en aurez pour votre argent au moins
alextoy2 Posted June 8, 2015 Posted June 8, 2015 Il a raison, elle a ses règles et elle ne peut avoir de relations en ce moment tu vas me dire quelle a aussi des hemoroide et des aphte et de herpece pour pas de Sodomie et pour pas sucé faire une pipe lol
Gudari Posted June 8, 2015 Posted June 8, 2015 I do not understand! It should be more difficult for the boy fuck in front of cameras that for it, could be to not give the size and in some cases we know... but like all men, however, is crazy about fuck with it, as I would be and my give me equal cameras as it seems that also to him. However is she that does not want to fuck in front of cameras. This is very simple, the guy does not care about crap to Milana because if it really mattered you, it would be the same thing that happens with partners of the other apartments or even Nora and Kiko, they fuck without any complex. This woman for me is a 0.
botika216 Posted June 8, 2015 Posted June 8, 2015 I do not understand! It should be more difficult for the boy fuck in front of cameras that for it, could be to not give the size and in some cases we know... but like all men, however, is crazy about fuck with it, as I would be and my give me equal cameras as it seems that also to him. However is she that does not want to fuck in front of cameras. This is very simple, the guy does not care about crap to Milana because if it really mattered you, it would be the same thing that happens with partners of the other apartments or even Nora and Kiko, they fuck without any complex. This woman for me is a 0. ;) ;) Kolega se te olvido añadir " y una calientabragetas"
horseshoejerry Posted June 8, 2015 Posted June 8, 2015 Milana told this guy the first night they slept together in the apartment no. When he pushed the issue she replied, "love first" in english. In other words she will not screw him until they are in love. He is hanging in there so he must be in it for the long haul or until her visa runs out. ;)
HarleyFatboy Posted June 8, 2015 Posted June 8, 2015 It is not the guys fault here. He tried, started rubbing and playing with her boobs and she said no. I believe that she has said no every single time they have slept together in the apartment. I personally don't understand it myself. We have seen her naked several times, so I think it is the sexual act that she is uncomfortable with in front of the cameras. Maybe she is not that good at sex, just lays there or something like this.
canito Posted June 8, 2015 Posted June 8, 2015 me being him i would just leave.and stay as friends i dont understand her shes all over him in the living room but in the bed room she doesnt do shit only not hating on her or jumping to conclusion but like i said before she takes showers with the other girls but with him nothing i dont understand.
rubberball50 Posted June 8, 2015 Posted June 8, 2015 Or... maybe... she just doesn't want a video of her having sex on the internet.
miscvoyeur Posted June 9, 2015 Posted June 9, 2015 i said before she a prude tease. fuck this girl. she likes making him suffer. he should leave and never come back.
canito Posted June 9, 2015 Posted June 9, 2015 i think she is into girls and shes using him as a cover up.
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