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Sitting on the couch all day


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Do Alma and Stefan work? I check out the site a few times during the day and all I see is them eating and playing video.Seeing how Alma really likes her food this is a prescription for disaster.And please Stefan please stop eating like youre at a Nathans hot dog eating contest.Pretty gross to see.

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When they first arrived I'm sure Alma did work but for a few months now she has done nothing. At least she cooks and cleans.

Stefan does absolutely, totally nothing!! He sits at his computer or on the sofa and never leaves the house!!!

Of all the lazy scumbags in the various houses he is the scumbag of all scumbags!!!

I understand job are hard to find in Spain but if he never leaves the house he will never find a job. I'm not sure he wants one by the way!!!

It did seem him and Alma had a fun relationship, a bit like two children but now Alma is treated as a slave and sex slave.

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Alma works. She just left a while ago for work. I try to follow their patterns as my schedule is just as strange. She works Friday and Saturday nights as I see now. Otherwise she sits on the couch in her panties with the computer. And she's getting bigger and bigger.

Nora and Kiko have to be the pigs of all pigs. You could get ptomaine poisoning eating in that kitchen. The other blonde that was in #1, I now forgot their names, but they were first class pigs too. The Nose Picking Queen. I figured they were heavy into blow they way she snorted water to douche out that schnoz of hers.

Nice to see that Leora and Paul may be 420 friendly. I see that big bong up on the shelf.

Puff, Puff, Pass......

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Guest Squirrel

How do you get rid of shit like this above this post? It appears to be an ad that is in every thread on the board. It's annoying to say the least.

I have no idea what annoying ad you are referring to. But then, I'm on Ubuntu Linux using DoNotTrackMe & Firefox. If you are on a PC, you can easily install Ubuntu to run along side Windows (it's safer, faster, and less hassle) and I'm sure DoNotTrackMe as well as other ad-blockers are available for Windows & Mac. If the ad supports CamCaps.net, however, I have no problem supporting their use of advertisements. Running this kind of forum is expensive and a lot of hard work.
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Hey Squirrel

You sound like you know a lot about PC's. How do you get all the various software you mention? I never knew you were able to block ads?

I don't mind CamCaps being supported with ads but some of these are gross. It's embarrassing to be on the forum and suddenly see them. My missus could see them!!!

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Exactly. It's like an ad that uses CamCaps as it's poster, advertizing a porn site. Not that I mind porn sites, but some of the ads are all just staged pro-porn. Boooooooooring.

It's an ad for 'punishtube.com'

I'm on an old machine with IE8. I can't get anything higher with XP. I also have Chrome as an alternate browser, but IE was on at the time I loaded this site, so I just used it.

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