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Where are the girls-what are they doing?

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  So Who invented the story about Kami going to the airport to meet her boyfriend ???  A lot of words that

  turned out to be nothing.  She received a text last night from someone she knew, probably inviting her to

  go clubbing or some other nonsense .

I said MAYBE when they went out.
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Guest Rodney_X

  So Who invented the story about Kami going to the airport to meet her boyfriend ???  A lot of words that

  turned out to be nothing.  She received a text last night from someone she knew, probably inviting her to

  go clubbing or some other nonsense .

As far as I read, some guys should be porn scenarist...  ;D ;D

That's not even good porn.

they told us too, she packed her bags to leave, and leave room for the new should happen August 7 !!!!

and can be Kamilia will pass as a guest in the room Kristy,,,,,

We can say that the month of August 2015 broke all temperature records

ils nous ont raconté aussi, qu'elle a fait ses bagages pour partir, et laisser la chambre pour la nouvelle qui devrait arriver le 7 Août !!!!

et peut être Kamilia va passer comme invité dans la chambre de Kristy,,,,,

On peut dire que le mois d'août 2015 a battu tout les records en température

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puis-je savoir qui vous a dit qu'elle attendait quelqu'un ce soir ou un autre soir???? un traducteur russe que je ne connais pas?? de quoi parlez vous svp?? avez vous de réelles informations, ou lisez-vous sur les lignes du visage?? c'est important, pour savoir si cette discussion est digne d'intérêt, ou encore un délire paranoïaque de certains membres???!!!!

do I know who told you she was expecting someone tonight or any other night ???? a Russian translator I do not know ?? what you mean please ?? you have real information, or read about facial lines ?? it is important to know if this discussion is of interest, or a paranoid delusion of some members ??? !!!!

Chill out dude.I was engaging in light hearted speculation for fun.Are you on my case because everyone told you're suppose to be.I've never done anything to you,so lay off.

loner, même si pour moi vous êtes complètement à l'ouest, je ne vous vise pas spécialement, mais tous les post ici!!! je vous demande simplement de quoi parlez-vous? certains disent que kamila rencontre une personne ce soir!!! certainement des informations de sources sûres?!!! je demandais juste d'où venaient ces certitudes?!!! ;)

loner, although for me you are completely in the west, I do not mean you specifically, but all the post here !!! I simply ask you what are you talking about? some say kamila meet someone tonight !!! certainly reliable sources of information? !!! I wondered just where did these certainties? !!! ;)

I had been wondering the same thing. I can't tell anymore what the source of some of the information in many of the posts are. So, I don't know if a lot of statements are real or just imagination.

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puis-je savoir qui vous a dit qu'elle attendait quelqu'un ce soir ou un autre soir???? un traducteur russe que je ne connais pas?? de quoi parlez vous svp?? avez vous de réelles informations, ou lisez-vous sur les lignes du visage?? c'est important, pour savoir si cette discussion est digne d'intérêt, ou encore un délire paranoïaque de certains membres???!!!!

do I know who told you she was expecting someone tonight or any other night ???? a Russian translator I do not know ?? what you mean please ?? you have real information, or read about facial lines ?? it is important to know if this discussion is of interest, or a paranoid delusion of some members ??? !!!!

Chill out dude.I was engaging in light hearted speculation for fun.Are you on my case because everyone told you're suppose to be.I've never done anything to you,so lay off.

loner, même si pour moi vous êtes complètement à l'ouest, je ne vous vise pas spécialement, mais tous les post ici!!! je vous demande simplement de quoi parlez-vous? certains disent que kamila rencontre une personne ce soir!!! certainement des informations de sources sûres?!!! je demandais juste d'où venaient ces certitudes?!!! ;)

loner, although for me you are completely in the west, I do not mean you specifically, but all the post here !!! I simply ask you what are you talking about? some say kamila meet someone tonight !!! certainly reliable sources of information? !!! I wondered just where did these certainties? !!! ;)

I had been wondering the same thing. I can't tell anymore what the source of some of the information in many of the posts are. So, I don't know if a lot of statements are real or just imagination.

It is obvious to me that most are just imagination and made up-no proof-just speculation and rumors.
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  So what is going on ?  This is the 1st Sunday that the 2 girls show no sign or desire to go out ; or maybe

  they are resting up for a late night on the town .  Maybe as someone else noted, it is nearing the time for one      of them to leave .  If Kiko shows up, that is probably the case.

Another theory : maybe Kristy finally made a move on Kami ;  but I doubt that,  they seem to be very close still

The only answer may be that Nora said something to Kami ,  who knows ?  I sure don't ! :-\ :-\ :-\ :-\ :-\

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      Kamila and Kristy should go and talk to  Nora.  After all, it's because of Nora that they are so popular,  Who made Kamila come back ?  Who suggested the dance show in the livingroom ?  Who brought the Twister game ?  She should be respected by the girls , and if they don't, I will not have anymore respect for them.  She does her best knowing that the focus is on the other girls,

I applaud her for that !

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  So what is going on ?  This is the 1st Sunday that the 2 girls show no sign or desire to go out ; or maybe

  they are resting up for a late night on the town .  Maybe as someone else noted, it is nearing the time for one      of them to leave .  If Kiko shows up, that is probably the case.

Another theory : maybe Kristy finally made a move on Kami ;  but I doubt that,  they seem to be very close still

The only answer may be that Nora said something to Kami ,  who knows ?  I sure don't ! :-\ :-\ :-\ :-\ :-\

Or MAYBE these are all fantasies, delusions or hallucinations formed to attempt to shift attention to you. If you said the sky is blue I would need to go look first.

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  WTF HorseShoeJerry !!  Who stuck a stick up your ass ???? >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( Why the hell would I need

  attention ?  This is a forum not a popularity contest ! Maybe you should try to come up with some theories

instead of criticizing others...........or is that above your level of intelligence ?

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