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Where are the girls-what are they doing?

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  WTF HorseShoeJerry !!  Who stuck a stick up your ass ???? >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( Why the hell would I need

  attention ?  This is a forum not a popularity contest ! Maybe you should try to come up with some theories

instead of criticizing others...........or is that above your level of intelligence ?

WTF? I said MAYBE and even put it in big letters so I wouldn't confuse anyone.

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Trying to figure out these girls will put us all in a mental institution.One minute no one is talking to anyone and the next minute they're best buddies.

You don't have to spend every waking minute next to each other just because you are friends, or even best friends with one another. No matter how close you are with someone, nobody can spend all the time next to each other. Everybody needs personal space once in a while.

Unless we see them arguing or in a fight or similar, no one should just assume they don't like each other just because they are not speaking to each other for only 10 minutes. That's just silly.

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Kristy is once again all over Kamila on top of her trying to kiss her, Kamila is not pushing her off but not letting her kiss her either. Kristy is pretty aggressive. Kamila has been trying to masturbate for three hours and no one will leave her alone.

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Kristy is once again all over Kamila on top of her trying to kiss her, Kamila is not pushing her off but not letting her kiss her either. Kristy is pretty aggressive. Kamila has been trying to masturbate for three hours and no one will leave her alone.

at least kristy was allowed to play with kamis tit for a few seconds

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