MrBox Posted August 31, 2015 Posted August 31, 2015 I do not understand that. Why are here all so upset about lev. My goodness, as if here were any other guys perfect. They talk a lot, make a smart impression and seems to get along well. Oh, and as long as she is happy with him, there's nothing to bully. And ... Everyone here who reads this also sits on the internet. So do not throw stones in glass houses. ;) I've never seen him violent. But when he was, there is also the posibility that the assumtion of the rehabilitation is correct. So he has earned a real 2nd chance, or not?
See Posted August 31, 2015 Posted August 31, 2015 It is quite understandable that everyone here are angry to Lev. I am not, I have my own theory of matters, and I have tried to write it now when K & K have been away. It will surely awaken thoughts, but many will say it is full BS.
corboblanc Posted August 31, 2015 Posted August 31, 2015 I do not understand that. Why are here all so upset about lev. My goodness, as if here were any other guys perfect. They talk a lot, make a smart impression and seems to get along well. Oh, and as long as she is happy with him, there's nothing to bully. And ... Everyone here who reads this also sits on the internet. So do not throw stones in glass houses. ;) I've never seen him violent. But when he was, there is also the posibility that the assumtion of the rehabilitation is correct. So he has earned a real 2nd chance, or not? ce mec est une calamité!!!! un branleur et un alcoolique de premier ordre!!! et pour ce qui est de la violence, prendre une fille à coups de pieds, cela compte??!!! this guy is a disaster !!!! a wanker and a first class alcoholic !!! and in terms of violence, taking kicks to a girl, it counts ?? !!! :-\ :-\
kitek Posted August 31, 2015 Posted August 31, 2015 If he didn't come back she would have to leave simple as that. Previously Polina didn't come back and Igor had to leave this apartment.
MrBox Posted August 31, 2015 Posted August 31, 2015 ce mec est une calamité!!!! un branleur et un alcoolique de premier ordre!!! et pour ce qui est de la violence, prendre une fille à coups de pieds, cela compte??!!! this guy is a disaster !!!! a wanker and a first class alcoholic !!! and in terms of violence, taking kicks to a girl, it counts ?? !!! :-\ :-\ There is also the posibility that the assumtion of the rehabilitation is correct. So he has earned a real 2nd chance, or not?
corboblanc Posted August 31, 2015 Posted August 31, 2015 There is also the posibility that the assumtion of the rehabilitation is correct. So he has earned a real 2nd chance, or not? oui, mais certains ont imaginer ici, que lev était parti se faire soigner!!! cela n'est qu'une idée de gens qui croient en "l'homme" et en une humanité saine et équilibré.....lev est peut-être simplement allé voir son frère au fin fond de la toundra, en tirant à la kalachnikov sur les bouteilles de vodka qu'ils venaient de vider!!!? ;D ;D ;D ;) yes, but some here imagine that Lev had gone for treatment !!! it is only an idea of people who believe in "man" and a healthy and balanced humanity lev ..... maybe just went to see his brother deep in the tundra, drawing in Kalashnikovs on vodka bottles they had emptied !!!? ; D; D; D;)
darkman Posted August 31, 2015 Posted August 31, 2015 If he didn't come back she would have to leave simple as that. Previously Polina didn't come back and Igor had to leave this apartment. una cosa es incumplimiento de contrato ( falta grave ) otra cosa es baja por enfermedad .
MrBox Posted August 31, 2015 Posted August 31, 2015 oui, mais certains ont imaginer ici, que lev était parti se faire soigner!!! cela n'est qu'une idée de gens qui croient en "l'homme" et en une humanité saine et équilibré.....lev est peut-être simplement allé voir son frère au fin fond de la toundra, en tirant à la kalachnikov sur les bouteilles de vodka qu'ils venaient de vider!!!? ;D ;D ;D ;) yes, but some here imagine that Lev had gone for treatment !!! it is only an idea of people who believe in "man" and a healthy and balanced humanity lev ..... maybe just went to see his brother deep in the tundra, drawing in Kalashnikovs on vodka bottles they had emptied !!!? ; D; D; D;) If there is violence again, I am also in favor to kick him out. But, currently both make a happy impression to me. So, Let's wait, at least to see, if he has stopped drink alcohol.
darkman Posted August 31, 2015 Posted August 31, 2015 If there is violence again, I am also in favor to kick him out. But, currently both make a happy impression to me. So, Let's wait, at least to see, if he has stopped drink alcohol. yo diria que basicamente la gente no cambia nunca cada uno es como es .
MrBox Posted August 31, 2015 Posted August 31, 2015 yo diria que basicamente la gente no cambia nunca cada uno es como es . Often true. But for those who are able to change there should be a second chance, or not. Alcoholism is a disease. You can overcome it.
kitek Posted August 31, 2015 Posted August 31, 2015 Most likely he was absent longer than her due to his work schedule
Guest bobbyjoe Posted August 31, 2015 Posted August 31, 2015 lev is a retarded guy and a alcoholic too, his place is in psychatric hospital,not in rlc appartment
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