Guest TxFeller Posted November 15, 2015 Posted November 15, 2015 Now lets break this down piece by piece, Well Regulated Militia= An entity comprised of all able bodied persons. being necessary to the security of a free State= Having a Militia is a state issue not a federal on. This was written to protect the states from overreaching into state matters and taking away statehood rights. The State in this actually means the States not Country. If this wasn't the case this would have never been ratified by the states and we wouldn't have a constitution today. the right of the people to keep and bear Arms= In order to have a Militia people will have to be able to bring their own arms to war if called up. if you call up all on the selective service within your state there is no way that the powers that be can outfit every man with a weapon, so they will need to bring their own. shall not be infringed.= this means that the Federal Gov't cannot touch this Constitutional Amendment. Really!? So if I go down to the local mall, or the pub, when I look inside all those folks are "well-regulated"?? I think not. If it is not WELL-REGULATED, is it a militia in accordance with the 2nd amendment? NO. I believe for it to be well-regulated, it must have a command structure, which the aggregate Joe Public does not. And if you look at your own argument regarding weapons, you will see that such a situation does NOT exist today. I never owned a gun prior to joining the army. They PROVIDED ME ONE, a pretty darned good one. To take my own, had I owned one, would have meant them confiscating my weapon at the induction center. Why can't gun enthusiasts just speak the truth? They LIKE GUNS. There's no need to hide behind an outdated amendment, having no bearing on reality in this country today, to justify the truth. And I have no problem with folks liking target practice or hunting or skeet / trap. It's a skill and it feels good to excel. Fine. But, trying to make the argument that the government is going to come for your guns? When a fear has no basis in fact, there is a name for that: PARANOIA. If we, nationwide, made mental health issues a reason for barring folks from owning guns, as suggested by your good buddies at the NRA, I am fairly certain paranoia would be in that list of disorders precluding ownership. It would very likely be the first on the list. And rightfully so.
Foamy T. Squirrel Posted November 15, 2015 Posted November 15, 2015 From my understanding of TxFeller's post, it appears that the sovereign powers of a nation should not be able to exert their rights to enforce their power.
Guest TxFeller Posted November 15, 2015 Posted November 15, 2015 From my understanding of TxFeller's post, it appears that the sovereign powers of a nation should not be able to exert their rights to enforce their power. I can't begin to imagine how you arrived at such a conclusion. I'm certain I don't understand what you mean by "sovereign powers of a nation".
Guest TxFeller Posted November 15, 2015 Posted November 15, 2015 Regarding the problem houses -- all of which are supported by the US Government mind you, and all of which have grown to fruition in the Obama years You would really have us believe that only since 2008 have houses been suddenly filled with drugs and guns? I can remember as far back as the early 70s when there were areas filled with such dangers. Meth labs are abundant in Oklahoma and in Kentucky, too, both of which have more than their fair share of gun owners. But, you know what? It's rare to find any of those meth labs established or run by any non-whites. You seem to be implying poverty is the fault of the current president, a president which I will remind you inherited the worst recession since the Great Depression, who inherited two wars that we had no way to pay for, contrary to GWB's claim that Iraqi oil would finance the war in Iraq. I will further remind you that the Conservative God (also known as Reagan) is the one who declared open season on the middle class, ensuring that, as time went by, we would be less and less capable of counter-acting recessionary pressures by spending our way out of them, as had previously happened over the past 70 years. [The antidote for recession is for Joe Q. Public to get off his butt and go buy stuff, creating a demand for product which, in turn, creates jobs to meet the demand (contrary to the asinine Reaganomics theory). HOWEVER, that is assuming the manufacturers haven't sent all the jobs out of the country to ensure their own pockets are better lined. Unfortunately, unions being as weak as they now are, Corporate America has unfettered channels to send those jobs away. OH... and be rewarded with tax breaks for the costs incurred in sending them overseas. Thank you SO much, Mr. Reagan. (If only John Hinckley had been a better shot, we'd have been spared nearly ALL Reagan's presidency. Maybe there IS something to be said for local gun clubs, after all.)]
Foamy T. Squirrel Posted November 15, 2015 Posted November 15, 2015 I can't begin to imagine how you arrived at such a conclusion. I'm certain I don't understand what you mean by "sovereign powers of a nation". I'm talking about the works of John Locke here, not Karl Marx.
Guest TxFeller Posted November 15, 2015 Posted November 15, 2015 How very odd to hear a conservative subscribing to the theories of a man known as "The Father of Classical LIBERALISM". Locke saw a function of government being that it would function to moderate the conflict between the unlimited accumulation of property and a more nearly equal distribution of wealth. How unfortunate such a man does not sit in every seat of Congress. [Leora is showering now, making it quite difficult to focus any attention on this thread.]
TBG 150 Posted November 16, 2015 Author Posted November 16, 2015 A History Lesson for all Americans Once upon a time there was a king who wanted to go fishing. He called the royal weather forecaster and inquired as to the weather forecast for the next few hours. The weatherman assured him that there was no chance of rain in the coming days. So the king went fishing with his wife, the queen. On the way he met a farmer on his donkey. Upon seeing the king the farmer said, "Your Majesty, you should return to the palace at once because in just a short time I expect a huge amount of rain to fall in this area". The king was polite and considerate, he replied: "I hold the palace meteorologist in high regard. He is an extensively educated and experienced professional. And besides, I pay him very high wages. He gave me a very different forecast. I trust him and I will continue on my way." So he continued on his way. However, a short time later a torrential rain fell from the sky. The King and Queen were totally soaked and their entourage chuckled upon seeing them in such a shameful condition. Furious, the king returned to the palace and gave the order to fire the professional. Then he summoned the farmer and offered him the prestigious and high paying role of royal forecaster. The farmer said, "Your Majesty, I do not know anything about forecasting. I obtain my information from my donkey. If I see my donkey's ears drooping, it means with certainty that it will rain." So the king hired the donkey. And thus began the practice of hiring dumb asses to work in the government and occupy its highest and most influential positions. And the practice is unbroken to this date...
Ozi Posted December 13, 2015 Posted December 13, 2015 Today I received this in a PM, obviously I offended someone: Don't you ever get tired of being such a total racist ass?? "And where the hell will that leave the poor black rioters, taking away their rights to loot. " Give it a rest, FFS. I did give it some serious thought. The initial problem of course is I don't get tired, it comes naturally and doesn't require any additional energy. Unfortunately, unless someone has discovered some eutopian society that I haven't been made aware of, where there are no muslims (sorry, members of islam which maintains my racist title) trying to take over the world, where crime rates are so low that I don't need to carry personal protection (remembering there are more blacks in prisons because more blacks commit crimes), etc etc etc, then I guess a racist I am and a racist I will remain.
TBG 150 Posted December 13, 2015 Author Posted December 13, 2015 Are you serious? :lmao: Some shit-for-brains actually sent that to you? I don't feel you are racist it all. When I read your posts, I feel that I'm sadly reading the truth about what goes on in the world around us. "And where the hell will that leave the poor black rioters, taking away their rights to loot. " Now when I read this, I knew it had to be some Liberal cunt that was sitting on the part of it's pea-sized brain that could even have a clue what it was writing. I would love for this person to 'out' themselves so the whole board knows how stupid they are. This person is the product of the public indoctrination system known by many to be a free baby-sitting service, also know as what used to be a school. This person is a moron of the highest caliber (or calibre if you are not American) I wish that I still had the pictures I took after Hurricane Andrew came through South Florida. The savages were roaming in gangs looking to loot homes and businesses. I'll bet y'all never got to read about the ones that were recipients of our right to shoot looters. They were simply picked up in the buckets of front end loaders and sent to the incinerators along with the rest of the trash and debris. Law enforcement had better things to do than trying to arrest Americans exercising their right to protect their property. You Loot We Shoot You Die :offtopic:
woodworker Posted December 13, 2015 Posted December 13, 2015 During the 'July Fun Fest' back in Detroit in 1967. The blacks were all scampering around carrying the latest thing, (Color TVs). Some even got shot during this looting spree. But what always amazed me was the fact that the Detroit Art museum was just a mile or so away. And back then there was virtually no security to speak of at all, as those were the civil years, before that lunatic took a hammer to the Pieta in 1972. You would have thought that perhaps a Homer was worth a hell of a lot more than a Sylvania 16 inch color TV. But I guess that wasn't the case somehow. In fact, the security back in those days was next to none, and rather than steal a painting, I actually stuck one of my own there on one of the walls as a lark. It was meant as a joke in the modern art section. It was a small painting with a cheap frame attached that I had managed to sneak into the museum and stuck it to the wall with a glob of masking tape attached on the backside. But unfortunately, it didn't receive much acclaim and was removed a short time thereafter. That, or perhaps the person who goes around dusting off the pictures might have inadvertently knocked this glowing abstract to the floor. :-\
woodworker Posted December 13, 2015 Posted December 13, 2015 The Detroit Institute of Art. Where but for a brief moment in time my illustrious mess did reside.
Guest TxFeller Posted December 13, 2015 Posted December 13, 2015 Check the Google image pages for "white looters". You'll find a buttload of images. But, don't let truth get in the way of a good story. ;)
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