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Watch Hurricane Patricia come ashore - Strongest hurricane in History


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Awesome. Especially the interactive map in Ocean Mode, where you can actually see opposing cold currents subducting and warm water zones rising. It would be interesting to see this in 3D or in a vertical picture under the surface of the water.

For as violent as this hurricane is, the graphics of its dynamics are eerily beautiful.

Thanks for posting.

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They appear to be areas of low pressure, or pre-winter storms that the west coast of the U.S. get frequently this time of year. The upper one will nail the Seattle, Washington, area almost without a doubt and the lower one under the Hawaiian Islands, will have to ride the air currents or jet stream to see where it goes. It's at a lower Latitude and without a map showing steering air currents, it's hard to say.

I also haven't looked at any weather maps for the Pacific, but that lower one appears to have a low pressure gradient and some high level storms in it with the red close to the center.

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