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Mario is going to eventually kill that cat lol

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He stomps around the apt like a damn drunken bull. He's absently kicked it, almost stepped on it's head, and damn near crushed it by sitting on it.

It's not his fault of course and the cat has learned to run the other direction and hide under furniture when he comes around.

But it's harrowing watching his big feet stomp closer and closer to kitty only for it to narrowly escape at the last second.

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Guest TxFeller

As fond as Carla is of that kitten, I think Mario would find his life changing in a New York second when she found out he'd killed it. He'd be gone so fast...  :haha:

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As fond as Carla is of that kitten, I think Mario would find his life changing in a New York second when she found out he'd killed it. He'd be gone so fast...  :haha:

Ha ha yeah I agree with that statement 100%

The other day he was in the kitchen dancing to Shakira while he was washing dishes and kicked his leg back clipping poor kitty in the side of the head. The cat slid across the floor a couple of feet. Shook it's head and ran full speed out the door. He didn't even miss a beat and kept on dancing. I don't think he even noticed.

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j'adore ce chaton, il a un caractère fantastique, mais effectivement, je me suis faire du souci pour lui dès son arrivée. carla et mario ne lui font aucun mal, même avec les animaux tout petit, il faut vraiment être prudent, et faire sans cesse attention que l'animal ne soit pas sous les pieds!!! j'ai surtout peur quand carla et mario ont bu, qu'ils lui marche dessus!!! j'ai une petite femelle rat albinos, à l'époque, qui était adorable et que je laissais en liberté dans l'appartement. elle était sans arrêt sur moi, sur mon épaule. mais un jour un ami est venu, s'est levé de table, et a écrasé par inadvertance, le petit animal, qui était juste sous ses pieds!!!!

I love this cat, it has a fantastic character, but actually, I do worry about him upon his arrival. Carla and Mario do him any harm, even small animals, you really have to be careful and to always care that the animal is not under the feet !!! I mostly fear when Carla and Mario drank, they walk him !!! I have a small female albino rats at the time, which was lovely and I let loose in the apartment. she was constantly on me, on my shoulder. but one day a friend came, rose from table, and crushed inadvertently, the little animal, which was just under his feet !!!! :'( :'(

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Carla was rough with the kitty.  But Kitty was within reach and jabbed her on the lip.  Looks like a little blood may have been drawn.

Score 1 for the kitty. Carla deserved it as she was playing with the kitten like he/she is a toy.  I've also seen Mario toss the cat onto the couch from several feet away. 

Heaven forbid if these two last long enough (or if he doesn't pull out in time) to have kids  :headache:

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To be honest, Mario doesn't treat the car to well, and he seems to not understand that a little kitten like this is always playing. He starts messing with the kitten and then gets pissed of because it scratches him. Then he throws the kitten away like a toy. And she doesn’t treat the cat much better either. I’m starting to thing this couple shouldn’t have a pet.

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Cats are a whole lot smarter and tougher than most people give them credit for.

They also have an almost infallible knack of finding methods of punishment to rain down

on anyone they think is deserving of it.

If I were Mario, I would watch walking around with my dick swinging like a feline target!! :yikes: :yikes:

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Guest TxFeller

wtf?? I don't know what's going on, but both of them keep picking at the kitten while it's wrapped in a towel to protect them from being scratched to hell. Something involving its hindquarters. Cat's pissed as it can be.


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  • 2 weeks later...

This kitten is an important star on RLC.

At one time, we at CamCaps decided that RLC required all Russian couples to own cats. They generally don't block cameras as much as the yip dogs or the pillows; plus, they provide interest when the human tenants are boring or gone or asleep.

Lina and Mark's cats, Snowball & Coal (both white kittens) loved to scamper and slide around the wood floor at high speeds. Maya's menagerie is legend. And certainly Meerkat's bipedal abilities and his table manners made him a star throughout the world. Unfortunately Lora moved away and took him from us. Many people cried when Alina left the project just because her cat showed so much promise.

We never found out what happened to Alma's rabbit. It was just a stinking rodent anyway...but it sure beat watching Stefan hang around all day... 

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