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Pictures Split #1 Part #1

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Frankster. Comment tu peux savoir que c'est un ami "masculin" qui était au téléphone? On n'entendait rien!! Tu sais, Ilona, pour moi est soit bi, tendance filles, soit lesbienne, car beaucoup de choses,  le prouvent.. Personne n'est sûr que Ilona est Hétéro, l'inverse, par contre est évident, elle s'intéresse aux filles de jour en jour, même qu'elle soit jeune, je pense qu'elle a envie de découverte, tout simplement..Et c'est normal. Irma l'a compris, Anna pas encore, mais peut être plus tard, car trop récente dans la maison. 

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Think you are wrong on a couple of things here. Ilona made the strawberry snacks.

And Ilona did knock 2 times and asked if she could come into Irmas room. She was showing her male friend the apartment over, I guess facetime, and wanted him to see Irma too. (Didn't go into or knock on Annas door as far as I could see).

Not many minutes ago, Ilona got really happy over a message she got on her phone. Maybe RLC allowed her male friend to visit? (They most likely will need that, since RLC said it's going to stay an all girl apartment)

You're right that Ilona made the snacks, but I'm almost positive that Irma had to go down to the kitchen to get them. I also think we may be talking about different times when Ilona went into Irma's room. One time she did knock, but I've seen 2 other times where it certainly seemed like she didn't because I didn't hear anything and Irma seemed shocked when her door popped open. I could be wrong, but I really don't think so in this particular case.  :-\

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vu les post, je vois que je n'ai rien raté pour cette soirée de noel, je sais que les russes le fête un autre jour, mais quand nora était là, les filles fêtaient noël!!! nora revient svp!!! je me fait chier avec ces filles qui n'ont même plus de noms!!! un peu de touche pipi, et les gens sont heureux!!! cet appartement manque de véritables résidents!!! que des petites filles excitées de s'exhiber pendant quelques jours. rien de vraiment intéressant...

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I know that's right!!  What time did Irma & Anna get home tonight?

I wasn't watching the apartment to much tonight. Been occupied running back and forth to the Laundry Room trying to get it done.

That's the last time I let the Laundry pile up. Takes to dam long to do when you got 8 loads to do. Just put the final load in now so I should have it all done by 3 a.m.

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