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This Apartment! Split #1

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Este apartamento a dia y hora  de lo que publicitan estos ESTAFADORES es tema de denuncia por estafa.Quien a visto y quien ve este apartamento, esto es una estafa en toda regla, me ciño a lo que estos ESTAFADORES publicitan, y solo en este apartamento, no me quiero extender en  mas apartamentos.Publicidad de estos ESTAFADORES  de un apartamento de 3 chicas.Donde estan las 3 chicas? Una va para 6 dias desaparecida y su nombre sigue en el apartamento, otra va para 2 dias y la que queda parece estar lista para salir, repito, solo me ciño a este apartamento que parece ser el que mas expectacion tiene. UNA ESTAFA y nosotros abonados sin hacer nada.

PD. Hijos de puta infiltrados ir a comentar a vuestros jefes este comentario mio, comepollas, chivatos, maricones, dar la cara en este foro sano que podamos "debatir" con vosotros, hijos de puta.

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Day after day the girls are desappearing, Sara did not come back from vacation , now white two days ago that is not in the house.

Too bad. Especially Sara is now almost continuously off the apartment. ... Ilona is a good looking girl, but one girl alone in this apartment without any action is still a little pointless. I really hope that this will change soon.

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Je suis content pour Ilona qu'au moins Sara soit revenue , car , comme un moment je la trouvai inutile , là j'ai pu voir que la pauvre était toute seule et embêtée , la fille qui pour moi faisait son show je la trouvai inutile , là je me rends compte que pendant 2 jours seule elle s’embêtait , tournait , virait et chantait (jolie voix ) pour s'occuper et là Sara et revenue elle est herseuse a enfin à qui parler et cette fille me touche , je l'ai mal juger même si elle fait du show je crois que c'est une belle personne et je suis content qu'elle ne soit plus seule dans cette maison..


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This is not the standard "Reallife" apartment like Maya & Stepan, the old N&K, Lora & Max, or any of the other apartments.

It's eye-candy. It is designed to be eaten quickly. Melts in your mouth --  unless it melts in your hand first. Enjoy it. And avoid falling in love. That is the conclusion to which I have arrived.

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hello ever 1 it has been a while since I have talked . I have been doing a lot of observing when I can. I  noticed a lot in this apartment since it first came on in the beginning . a lot of different girls . Each with their own Personalities and their own  ways of happiness of doing things . some r shy , some r nervous, some r way out going . some that r afraid to show their affection to the other girls with these new girls I do like them I don't care what they look like or how tall they r the are all beautiful in their own way . . Sara may have had to leave last weekend do to personal business . I saw her crying that day and it hit me to heart when she did . White to me seems she may not have a care in the world for what anyone thinks of her I feel she  is happy and content with herself and who can blame her . But man she looks beautiful when she is dressed up. And of course Iona she is younger of the 3 and she loves to dance and I like that and the tease that she does I have no complaints at all. the hiding gets a a little crazy but I deal with that . y'all take care hope to chat again soon

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This is not the standard "Reallife" apartment like Maya & Stepan, the old N&K, Lora & Max, or any of the other apartments.

It's eye-candy. It is designed to be eaten quickly. Melts in your mouth --  unless it melts in your hand first. Enjoy it. And avoid falling in love. That is the conclusion to which I have arrived.

This apartment was much more. Nora has lived there for real and was also very open, too. ... A half-empty apartment with almost zero social interaction is meaningless. ... I still hope for a significant improvement. ... But, I suspect, that Sara will be gone for the weekend again. ... Let's see.

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