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If anyone can give me a reasonable explanation for why Lev would lay sleeping on the couch with the guest while his supposed live-in girlfriend Zoya sleeps alone in their bed, I would love to hear it.

Nothing is going on sexually. His face remains about 2 feet from her ass. But, even so, why is this not considered insulting to Zoya? If my girlfriend did that kind of thing with a guy friend of mine while I slept alone in "our" bedroom, that would be the end of our relationship as far as I was concerned.

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You know, we can all say that until we are blue in the face, and I agree with you 100%. Zoya should dump their asses to the curb. I see a lot of unspoken stress in Zoya at times. I want to go there and smack Lev in the face, don't you? It is the most neglectful relationship I have ever seen. I feel that Zoya must have low self esteem to let this go on. At least kick the guest out.

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You know, we can all say that until we are blue in the face, and I agree with you 100%. Zoya should dump their asses to the curb. I see a lot of unspoken stress in Zoya at times. I want to go there and smack Lev in the face, don't you? It is the most neglectful relationship I have ever seen. I feel that Zoya must have low self esteem to let this go on. At least kick the guest out.

Yes, you're right. I guess I'm just going to have to stop looking in on the apartment if Lev is home. I just get angry when I see him take advantage of Zoya.

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Lev was drunk and he passed out on the LR couch when the guest wasn't there. I think the guest was afraid to wake the sleeping boar and Zoya was happy not to have the snoring, stinking drunk Lev in her own bed. Can't blame the girls. Lev is a fool. :idk:

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Yes, you're right. I guess I'm just going to have to stop looking in on the apartment if Lev is home. I just get angry when I see him take advantage of Zoya.

I just get angry when I see him period. When is Lev not home? Practically every time I check in he is sprawled on the couch in his onesy, skirt or gross boxers flipping though his ipad. He is the laziest human being I've ever seen and seems to be a complete moron
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This lazy bastard is horizontal 90% of the time he is awake. If I didn't like Zoya so much I would not tune into this apartment.

ce mec n'a aucune ambition, ni fierté!!! seulement 3 jours par mois à l'extérieur, tout le reste du temps allongé comme une larve avec sa tablette de merde!!! désastreux!!!

this guy has no ambition or pride !!! only 3 days a month outside, the rest of the time as a larva lying with his crappy tablet !!! disastrous!!! :dwarf: :headache:

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I just get angry when I see him period. When is Lev not home? Practically every time I check in he is sprawled on the couch in his onesy, skirt or gross boxers flipping though his ipad. He is the laziest human being I've ever seen and seems to be a complete moron

I don't think he's a moron. I think he is what a friend of mine would call a "user". He thinks only of his own needs and likes to feel that he is in a position of power at all times. He "uses" people. He is extremely lazy, though, and his only ambition seems to be that he wants to be a star actor.

And, I certainly understand your anger when seeing him.

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