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OK, first of all a blog is the place where people do tirades. I'm just trying to make sense of it all, so I speculate, if that's what you mean, Snaky. It would be easy if we knew what they were saying, if we knew Russian. Do you know Russian, because you seem to know what they said, or are you also just speculating? If you are correct, it makes more sense. I thought new girl was bad for Phil from moment one when I watched her and said so. I also saw her volatility, so not surprised by her having incidents. And I hope she is gone tomorrow.

As for Nastya, I agree with you and totally disagree with Slapjack. I think she is sexy, has a beautiful face and by her emotions showed that things other than her "job" matter to her. That makes her a real person. I believe she does like Phil, always said that, and I wondered why Phil gave up on her tonight. It seems likely that either VV told them to try again (Nastya and Messa) or Phil didn't want to do it to his friend Messa, or both. In any case, for better or worse she seems to have made up with Nastya. Of course Messa lies to her and tells her she "loves" her. How ridiculous is that, they just met? But Nastya seems to be a very fragile person emotionally and clings to people. That won't work long term with VV.

As for Phil's cock, I really can't say anything about your theory on that. I don't think Ivo or Messa or Ivorian are small.

I guess I do go up and down on this site. I am ambivalent and I will admit it. I want to see sex between the participants but also want to be fooled into thinking they are good people with real emotions, almost like I am watching a play where the actors and actresses are really the people they portray while still wanting the sex.

I think some of us going into these sites partly to see sex, though if that were all, we would just watch porn. Instead, we also want to imagine we are them having sex with the beautiful girls and are living vicariously. This may be why at one moment I want to quit it and the next minute I can't. Almost like a moth drawn to the flame. I watch porn also, so its not like I do it just to see sex. I have to do some serious thought about this. The money means nothing to me so it's not that.

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I agree with almost all of what you had to say, Slapjack. You've been on this site longer than me and I respect that. I think probably Phil picked the new girl. She is pretty and looks a little like Sonia with the dark hair. Boy, did he pick wrong. She is a bitch and not satisfied with the guys? Screw her, dump her at the curb. Nastya is sexier than her anyway. Again, I wished to see Phil with a nice girl and when that wasn't working out, hoped it would be Nastya, who I like. But, it is Phil's life not mine. And he is a gentleman for not taking a vulnerable fragile girl on the rebound. She did look like she wanted Phil but he demurred. It would have been horrible later when Nastya calmed down and forgave Messa, so he probably made a good decision.


She deserves better than that ahole. I feel that if VV had been more considerate towards her feelings, she would not have gone back to him. But, her self esteem is low and she needed to be "loved" by someone. Phil may have been afraid she would get attached to him. The only thing I would have done different if I were Phil would be to protect her from being forced to do anything she didn't want to do. He didn't have to have sex with her, just stay with her until she could make a decision good for her, keep Messa away. Screw VV if they didn't like that. Well, easy for me to say, VV could have kicked him out also for disobedience. It's not my job at stake.

Guest sanspseudo5999

Heuresement for you that you have real sexual experiences otherwise ca would be really sad  :-\


She made up with Messa and is now in the bathtub. Wow! Did they just fuck? This girl has no self esteem. How sad. And Phil will never make it with new girl. So this apartment is so messed up. One guy physically grabbed a girl's arm when she wouldn't make up with him, then she goes back to him. You know, it is kind of like real life after all. It's Phil's or VV's fault. They wouldn't let her sleep with Phil and Phil wouldn't do it and left them alone. It smells like VV's doing. They were on a conference call forever. I think Phil won't go against VV's wishes, probably afraid he's out next.


Guest sanspseudo5999

I did not see the arrival of this new girl I was not able to see how she  behaving when I arrived she was already completely drunk it is not the first time when that degenerates is going to need that he lowers the alcohol consumption  there may have hurt one day


Most of my posts come from the Vonoezh threads. So I spend more then 5 minutes in this apt. Also

Most of my posts have been a voice of reason within this community. I've praised Phil many times.

I've never said he was a virgin or didn't know what to do with girls etc. I'm the one that had to fill in

a lot of blanks in the past. Lastly what I thought of her looks is subjective to what you think of her

looks. I have seen her face up close. I don't think she is attractive and sexy, But I didn't say she was

ugly either. So before you come in here and become the moral cop at least research my past posts.

I don't have to. I follow all the posts and know what you and anyone else posts. Saying that people who think she is sexy "crack you up" is not subjective at all.

Now onto the second half of my post. I have spent enough time in this apt to make posts like the

one in the quote. Phil is not attracted to Nastya. He might like her as a friend but he doesn't want to

get in bed with her. The only girl prior to this new girl that Phil tried to get into her pants was Sonia.

Let me fill in a blank Ivor has a big dick too. When He fucks a girl they feel it for 2 days, don't believe

me ask Dizi about that. Once Dizi and Sonia had Ivor dick they couldn't get enough. So Phil having a

big dick has nothing to do with the girls not being able to take it.

For me to believe you, you would have had to experience it yourself. And for me to ask Dizi I would have to have her contacts, which neither I nor you have. So don't even play that card.

Messa, Akira, and Ivor are in a different league then Phil is. The first 3 if they want pussy will say what

ever it takes to get in the girls pants. Phil is a shy guy, he is always in the friends zone. You know what

there's nothing wrong with that either. I also happen to think he's a gentlemen, kind and caring. The

reason he hasn't fucked yet, is because I don't think he wants to fuck all the other girls that have already

been fucked by everyone else. Hence the shyness and friends zone.

He was intimate with Dizi and Sonya way before they switched to Ivo. So your theory doesn't stick

Now if you had spent more then 5 minutes in Phil's head you'd also notice that this new girl Phil picked

out is better looking and has a smaller frame then Nastya. Like Sonia she has the same look. So every-

time I say Nastya isn't Phil's type, I'm not being mean to Nastya. I'm just commenting on Phil's pattern

when it comes to how Phil reacts around the girls he does like. Further more I have always said since

we don't know the language we have to wait and see how things play out.

Yet you never do. And how do you know what type of girl Phill actually likes? Did you have a buddy talk with him? This girl and Sonya have completely different body types, let alone characters. So again, your theory doesn't stick.

Lastly I never said because of Nastya weight I thought she was ugly. I said that I didn't think she

was Phil's type. Tomorrow when the new girl leaves and a new girl comes. I bet you'll see the same

type of girl for Phil. Other parts of your post is spot on though. Messa did ask for forgiveness. Maybe

this is the cynical part of me. But we'll find out if his apology was sincere. I don't think it was. I bet

you when there's a chance to fool around with another girl without Nastya knowledge he will act on it.

Tonight in Tver he loved the attention Petra gave him.

So we'll have to see how this plays out.


OK, first of all a blog is the place where people do tirades. I'm just trying to make sense of it all, so I speculate, if that's what you mean, Snaky. It would be easy if we knew what they were saying, if we knew Russian. Do you know Russian, because you seem to know what they said, or are you also just speculating? If you are correct, it makes more sense. I thought new girl was bad for Phil from moment one when I watched her and said so. I also saw her volatility, so not surprised by her having incidents. And I hope she is gone tomorrow.

As for Nastya, I agree with you and totally disagree with Slapjack. I think she is sexy, has a beautiful face and by her emotions showed that things other than her "job" matter to her. That makes her a real person. I believe she does like Phil, always said that, and I wondered why Phil gave up on her tonight. It seems likely that either VV told them to try again (Nastya and Messa) or Phil didn't want to do it to his friend Messa, or both. In any case, for better or worse she seems to have made up with Nastya. Of course Messa lies to her and tells her she "loves" her. How ridiculous is that, they just met? But Nastya seems to be a very fragile person emotionally and clings to people. That won't work long term with VV.

As for Phil's cock, I really can't say anything about your theory on that. I don't think Ivo or Messa or Ivorian are small.

I guess I do go up and down on this site. I am ambivalent and I will admit it. I want to see sex between the participants but also want to be fooled into thinking they are good people with real emotions, almost like I am watching a play where the actors and actresses are really the people they portray while still wanting the sex.

I think some of us going into these sites partly to see sex, though if that were all, we would just watch porn. Instead, we also want to imagine we are them having sex with the beautiful girls and are living vicariously. This may be why at one moment I want to quit it and the next minute I can't. Almost like a moth drawn to the flame. I watch porn also, so its not like I do it just to see sex. I have to do some serious thought about this. The money means nothing to me so it's not that.

News flash for you buddy, this is not a "blog". It's a forum. It was originally created for RLC but then grew out to include other voyeur sites. It was meant to share pictures, videos, and discuss the events after they happen not jump in front of the train with "i believe", "i suppose" and "it seems like" scenarios. If you want to make sense of it, then ask someone who knows the language or at least wait until the night completely plays out then draw your conclusions. And yes I do understand Russian, otherwise I wouldn't have said anything.

How ironic that both you and slapjack bring in Ivo as an example to justify Phill's cock size. I never said that Ivo was small(and i hope you do know that Ivo and Ivorian are the same person). I said that compared to the   

other guys in the project he is much larger. Just because you see porn girls take 9" dongs with ease, doesn't mean that all girls are the same. I said what I heard with my ears not what I "presumed" so this matter should be put to rest

And your last point confirmed my worst fears. Stop living someone else's life! And stop dicktating what you would do in their place, you're not and never will be! If you imagine yourself being there and having sex with these girls, then you got bigger problems then I thought. Perhaps it's better you do quit to save the remnants of your health!   

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