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Voronezh - Split 2


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Way to go, Phil! Their sex session was intense. Cristy and Phil are very compatible sexually obviously. Well, we now know that Phil is quite capable sexually and not unassertive sexually. What I like about Cristy is that she doesn't play to the cameras and is not fake. With Sonia, you never knew if she was just playing for the cameras. And she obviously likes Phil. Whoopa!

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Way to go Phil! Christy is much prettier than Anna and a much better sex partner. Christy is very active during sex Anna just lays there and makes fake noises. Phil showed who's king in VV he really show up Ivory. Anna I glad your gone to Tver cause now we have Christy.

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Yes! And he is fouled on the play! Just a Marv Albert basketball allusion from years ago. Whenever Clyde Frazier or another Knick scored and got a three point play. The Phil curse is lifted! Man, what a session. And so much for Phil's cock being too big. It seemed just right for Cristy! Voronezh seems to be restored to glory.

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She could just be drunk and hungover. I hate to play into the conspiracy bullshit that tends to go on in this thread but maybe she's jealous of the new girl?

her Beauvoir was good with new girl but while phil and new girl session start she continue shuffle to room to living room

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The new girl looks promising. I like the fact that they gave her a name already. I read


Ozi thanks for pointing that out. It was 8 tours. I type real slow, and have to think and rethink

my words. I spent a couple of years at Walter Reed learning how to speak, spell, and formulate

words again.

Snaky was right about something else too. He said I say the same stuff. I read some of my

long winded posts. Not sure if its the same stuff but it is the same tone.

Doctor said I needed a hobby where I could interact with people. I chose this. Sometimes My

brain gets ahead of my fingers. But this forum has helped me use critical thinking skills again.

I shut myself out of the world for the last 4 or 5 years. You guys have helped me with my desperation.

Not sure why I shared all of that. Thanks for listening.

Glad we cleared that up. Army tend to do tours, rotations or deployments, it's mostly those airforce guys that like to fly combat missions.

I think the other word you are looking for is depression.

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