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Juke Box Split #3


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I use Firefox for business and non-social-media applications.  Google for email, voice, chat, etc.  I tend to search images through AltaVista.com (old and slow, but not quite as whorish as the other search engines.  I want to see what's out there, not what's paying to have me see them.

AltaVista still exists? Holy Moly! I haven't heard of them since Usenet and Netscape died...!

Damn, I'm out of the loop!

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I like it.    It's natural, not that studio packaged crap we get fed so much of these days.

It's also nice to hear a guitar that doesn't just sound like some over amped hornet in heat.

I like so many different forms of music.  From classical, to you name it.  If it's good, it's good.

What I don't like is Hip Hop, Rap, or that head banging heavy metal crap.  It's never good, and it isn't even music as far as I'm concern, just a lot of noise.

That head banging crap, you have to mighty stoned on a lot of drugs just to relate to it.

I grew up in the old C&W, 50's & 60's music and I still listen to it today. A sound of music that never gets tiring.

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Time for a new page soon.  This one hesitates for a few seconds before you can scroll down.  Must be all the videos.

Haven't noticed that at all.

I"m running at 82.5 mbps. 

What's your speed?

I'm running at 300 baud with about 2K of RAM, with an 88K floppy. I'm seriousy in need of having a woman over-clock me.  ;D

(Post not necessarily related. I've never seen Glee. And I don't care. I want to see "Casablanca" or "Naked Lunch" or "Flash Dance" again.)

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I now get back to the basics of Juke Box. I acquired a fine stereo system many years ago. I played this man's work on this equipment, and it sounded like he was in the room. One can hear the movement of the fingers upon the frets: even that sound is absolutely melodic and perfect in its execution.

I post this for our friends SanPer58 and Cortes43 and Darkman, because their contributions are appreciated at CC and because their culture has been so influential. Not much video: just toss this into the background and listen to it and relax.

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I just love that Spanish guitar.  Segovia no less! 

Makes me want to stick a rose between my teeth, and dance the Flamingo. 

Well not quite, but it does stir up the romantic in me. 

Some really good stuff, from some really great people here.

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Gee. I always seem to require my friends to hook up their computers to a decent stereo system.

I must be an evil squirrel. But if one can understand the pathos, the wars, the misery, the glory, the victory and defeats of the wars of Europe, and how these things shaped western civilization, then perhaps you can also understand the music their masters created. And why some of us respect it to this day.

Sibelius rocks. Crank it up.

More recent treatment:

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It's a shame that they didn't include that beautiful organ I see in the background. I could have added tremendously to the piece.

Nice none the less.

In the second vid, I had a B-3 Hammond like that. It was great and very desirable to bands for the sound and the portability. It weighed less than 100 lbs. I have the non-portable version in my home now. It's solid Cherry and weighs a little over 500 lbs.

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I go to bed and get a few hours of sleep (thanks to a little white pill) and awake to find all sorts of wonderful additions to the Juke Box.... Willie & Waylon to Ray to Mr. Segovia to Mr. Micheli to the R K Filharmonie to ELP... all Glee-ful music... all very, very enjoyable...  Thank you all.

But, I've got to put my two cents in on a guitarist, so... for your listening pleasure...


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