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Thoughts for the day Split #2


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Ha. You are a generous one. I would have put the prison in Cali where there is no water.

Hollow points take care of the uprisers. One giant pit and a bulldozer works for me.

We need to start creating some serious examples of how human trash will be dealt with in the near future.

"Soylent Green is made out of people".

I like your "Soylent Green is People" quote (Soylent Green (1973)) but actually, a simpler, more efficient motto may be, "Soyali is People!"  See below:


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In memory of a generation who had its country taken away by Bill Clinton.

It wasn't a bad idea to have the U.S. (NATO) fight in this war,

but unfortunately, it fought on the wrong side (again).

Should have been bombing the Mussies, not the real people.

If you start with some random date, say 1950 for example,

and take a look at whom and what the U.S. supports and

whom and what is "the evil enemy," you will quickly see

that the U.S. tends to get rid of "evil" leaders, only to see

them replaced by far worse regimes.  In the Clinton's case,

one must presume some form of bribery was involved. 

But in most cases, it's merely stupidity and the silly notion

that the world needs to worship at the shrine of "democracy."

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Just like here. We replace them with evil far worse than the previous ones. The current regime being the most evil anti-American government of all time, with another one waiting in the wings. (Swillery)

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The trite saying that honesty is the best policy has met with the just criticism that honesty is not policy. The real honest man is honest from conviction of what is right, not from policy.

-Robert E. Lee

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There's a little video here somewhere.  Anyway, it's a guy and his restaurant, who is giving all white people 10% off on June 11th, in what he calls white appreciation day.

Of course the low lives are kicking up a fuss over it, saying that the discount should be there for them as well.

Obviously, this was news worthy.  And a step in the right direction for once!

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It's my business. I'll do as I see fit, as long as it's within the rule of, or written law.

But on the other side, it's my business and I love the income, so I would never do something stupid like that anyway. What failure at business school would do something like this?

Everyone pays the piper the same rate. Cracker, Spic, Chink, Ruskie, Frog...I don't care. Except Obama and the rest of the Band of Thieves. They're getting more than they deserve. Far more.

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On 5/8/2015 at 2:00 PM, tbg150 said:

It's my business. I'll do as I see fit, as long as it's within the rule of, or written law.

But on the other side, it's my business and I love the income, so I would never do something stupid like that anyway. What failure at business school would do something like this?

Everyone pays the piper the same rate. Cracker, Spic, Chink, Ruskie, Frog...I don't care. Except Obama and the rest of the Band of Thieves. They're getting more than they deserve. Far more.

We got a band of thieves for a Government on this side of the border as well. I guess it's the same all over no matter where you are.

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I see your point.  But like he said, you have a whole month dedicated to the Blacks, along with various other Democrat factions of the population here.  So it's about time that someone shows that the white people are not just there for them to resent or to be spit upon. 

The man who owns that restaurant is a Mexican.  Obviously one that didn't buy into this nonsense of them being included in the Democrat speech ploy of being people of color.  Meaning come link up with those stupid Democrat voters, just as our pet blacks do. 

There are really only three categories of races.

Caucasian,.. Mongoloid,.. and Negroid.   

So technically, the Spanish and the Greeks, and the Mexicans, would have fallen under the Caucasian grouping, rather than the, 'Other',  that the illiterate, non-thinking Democrat people all ascribe to. 

For the Democrats, It's all about divide and conquer.  So I do understand your point very well.  But I think it's nice that someone, and a Mexican no less, if finally sticking up for the whites.

He just has to make sure that he has plenty of fire insurance, that's all.

At least you don't see whites trashing and burning cities or towns when a white man gets shot.  We just say good riddance to bad rubbish.
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Not rubbish all of the time. Not at all. The same with any race that has a killing within it. Like KK said, Niggerism, or something like that. Deep within an inner city that may well hold true. Lot's innocents of all groups are taken out by being collateral damage. Wrong place, wrong time.

Good isn't coming to anyone roaming an alleyway at 3 am.

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Not rubbish all of the time. Not at all. The same with any race that has a killing within it. Like KK said, Niggerism, or something like that. Deep within an inner city that may well hold true. Lot's innocents of all groups are taken out by being collateral damage. Wrong place, wrong time.

Good isn't coming to anyone roaming an alleyway at 3 am.

Some killings are senseless. But the ones that get shot and killed by cops, if they wouldn't have been involved in some nefarious criminal activities to begin with. There would be no reason to be shot.

Just seems when a white cop shots a black dude, all hell seems to break loose.

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