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Thoughts for the day Split #2


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Aren't these (ozi's and mine) in the wrong place?

Thought for the day, as in 'Will we ever learn?'

Colonel Patrick Ryder, a spokesman for Central Command (CENTCOM), which is overseeing efforts against the Islamic State (IS) group in Iraq and Syria, said the fighters had handed over the gear in exchange for safe passage in the Al Nusra operating area, a group also known as Al-Qaeda in Syria.

Irrelevant topic which is why I tried to avoid it. When I squash a cockroach I don't care what species it is as long as it's dead.

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BEING burgled when you are asleep at night must be one of our worst fears.

When that criminal invades your bedroom and strips naked it would become a nightmare. And when the offender, Richard Dean Defeudis, then climbs into the bed of the couple inside the home it probably will leave a mental scar for ever.

To make matters worse, Portland Police Bureau in Oregon said 32-year-old Defeudis then kissed the man who was asleep with his female partner in the early hours of Thursday, KATU reported. The kiss woke up the man and he found Defeudis straddling him with a knife in one hand. Fortunately, the man had a gun by the side of his bed and grabbed it instantly.

Defeudis jumped off the bed, grabbed his pants and began to run out of the house. The male occupant fired his gun three times at him, missing each time.


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I think the idiot needs weapons training. What's the point in owning a defense weapon if you can't hit what you aim at? If I fired 3 times and missed, I'd be doing a hell of a lot of wall repair work. And maybe even plumbing and electrical.

But first he/they have to get passed the Shepherd.

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I think the idiot needs weapons training. What's the point in owning a defense weapon if you can't hit what you aim at? If I fired 3 times and missed, I'd be doing a hell of a lot of wall repair work. And maybe even plumbing and electrical.

But first he/they have to get passed the Shepherd.

True but in this case a bad shot was better than no shot, at least he scared the fucker off and he and his partner didn't end up as victims of who knows what.

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So, Foamy, if I broke into your house at 3 am intending to rob you and you got up to pee and shot me dead, you would be charged with a deadly crime??

I take that in Kalifornia you don't have the Castle Doctrine law in effect.

Anyone trespassing in your home here can be shot and killed no questions asked. The fact that he/she was in your home uninvited is all the reason you need. And read that properly. You don't go killing the plumber or A/C guy.

I don't detail posts, just the bare facts.

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“You won’t get gun control by disarming law-abiding citizens. There’s only one way to get real gun control: Disarm the thugs and the criminals, lock them up and if you don’t actually throw away the key, at least lose it for a long time… It’s a nasty truth, but those who seek to inflict harm are not fazed by gun controllers. I happen to know this from personal experience.”

“Our nation was built and civilized by men and women who used guns in self-defense and in pursuit of peace. One wonders indeed, if the rising crime rate, isn’t due as much as anything to the criminal’s instinctive knowledge that the average victim no longer has means of self-protection.”

"There are those in America today who have come to depend absolutely on government for their security. And when government fails they seek to rectify that failure in the form of granting government more power. So, as government has failed to control crime and violence with the means given it by the Constitution, they seek to give it more power at the expense of the Constitution. But in doing so, in their willingness to give up their arms in the name of safety, they are really giving up their protection from what has always been the chief source of despotism — government. Lord Acton said power corrupts. Surely then, if this is true, the more power we give the government the more corrupt it will become. And if we give it the power to confiscate our arms we also give up the ultimate means to combat that corrupt power. In doing so we can only assure that we will eventually be totally subject to it. When dictators come to power, the first thing they do is take away the people's weapons. It makes it so much easier for the secret police to operate, it makes it so much easier to force the will of the ruler upon the ruled."

Ronald Reagan

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