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Thoughts for the day Split #3

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That's why I love my job. Great pay, benes, equipment, hours and conditions. And when my boss calls me and asks for a hand for a few hours on a holiday or a weekend, my ass is there in a heartbeat until the job gets done.

Next week the bonus checks come out. $$$$$

I started as a kid cutting lawns in the hot sun for $2 each. I worked for everything I have and I'm damned proud of what I have.

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Guest TxFeller

Linked, remember the good old days when CEOs made between $250,000-$350,000 to manage world-wide companies, like IBM, GE, Ford, Chrysler, AT&T, and General Dynamics? Do you think today's CEO works as hard as those did? Not by a long shot.

Yours may be an exception, but keep in mind the fact that they ARE an exception and not the rule, if they are an exception at all.

As a rule, CEOs produce a lot of hot air. YOU and those like you are who produce the goods. But... no matter what... it is us, the consumer, who decides whether your product sells or it doesn't. Just producing a good is no guarantee it will sell. The customer demand for your product is what ultimately decides whether you have, and keep, a job or not.

And... oh, by the way, I have hauled countless tons of YOUR product (finished product, that is). Without me and those who do what I do, you can produce all you want, and customers can scream about wanting it til they're dead from oxygen deprivation, and it will never get to them.

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Guest TxFeller

I can't say I enjoy it. I do, in fact, hate it. But, it pays the bills. I've had to go to 4 chiropractor appointments due to a slight lower back muscle pull 3 weeks ago caused by having to crank a trailer down so my fifth-wheel could reach the kingpin. Stupid yard dog didn't crank it back down and at the time of morning when I go to work, there wasn't one around to help.

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Linked, I interpreted the poster as a bit tongue in cheek, a bit of sarcasm, not a criticism of capitalism, but the fact, like you stated, the politicians have fucked it.

As for who does what and who relies on who, that's a never ending circle:

- If I didn't make it, you couldn't buy it and you'd have nothing to transport so wouldn't have a job.

- If I didn't transport it, there's no point making it 'cos no one will be able to buy it.

- If I didn't buy it, there's no point making it or transporting it.

In other words, we all need each other.

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Guest TxFeller

In other words, we all need each other.

VERY well said. Now, if only the folks who harped so much on "you didn't build that" could grasp what you just said so clearly. None of us lives in a vacuum, and as the saying goes "No man is an island unto himself"**. We are all interdependent.

** The correct quote for this is actually:

No Man Is An Island - Poem by John Donne

No man is an island,

Entire of itself,

Every man is a piece of the continent,

A part of the main.

If a clod be washed away by the sea,

Europe is the less.

As well as if a promontory were.

As well as if a manor of thy friend's

Or of thine own were:

Any man's death diminishes me,

Because I am involved in mankind,

And therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls;

It tolls for thee.

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  • 3 weeks later...

With all due respect to John Donne, I never did like that poem of his.

To me it is emotionally charged with some high sounding platitudes, but when you pick it apart it comes off in it's content as being rather naïve.

We all know that there were several men in the history of mankind that were so cruel, and so wicked in their actions towards others, that if one of these would have been swept up and washed out to sea the world would have been far better off, and humanity would certainly not have been diminished by their loss. 

I believe that the bells would have been rung out from a sense of joy rather than as a sign of death and mourning. 


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Are you looking to Trump to make that change?

Are you trying to start a fight?  Maybe poke fun at someone who is fed-up with all of this political correctness nonsense?     

Yes, either Trump, or Ted Cruz will do just fine with me. 

Now lets stay friends, and not provoke an argument.  As I'm tired of all the bickering and fighting.  And I'm wise enough to know that I will never be able to change your views about certain things, as I also know that I too will never change from the views and opinions that I hold as well.

And with respect to my good friend Foamy,.. I think that Ted Cruz is a stand up guy with a lot of guts and brains.  And Trump as we all know has an enormous ego.  But that's a good thing since his name and reputation means everything to him.  And so, he won't want to be looked upon as a failure or disappoint those to whom he has promised certain things.   

The establishment Republicans don't like him simply because he doesn't want to play ball with them when it comes to actually trying to change this country back to when the people here could still be proud of it.

In this he wants to enforce the borders, create jobs, and strengthen the military.


He also hates that nonsense of political correctness, which is nothing more than a political contrivance.  A means in which to intimidate and make others too afraid to even speak their own minds, or even state that which they know to be true.     

He refuses to take their money or have them pull the strings.    That in of itself show's that he too has guts, and isn't interested in the presidency just for the sake of the prestige alone. 

I don't think that either one of them are just two more, "Go along to get along" type of guys.  Especially not now as this country has become seriously weakened by faulty thinking and incompetence. 

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