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Pictures of Nora, Rita, & Jenny Split #10

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I agree!!! A little paranoia in here.

donner le nom du lieu permet à 55 000 adhérents d'identifier les filles présentes actuellement, mais aussi les anciennes et les futures participantes!!!!! la plupart des gens sont correct et discret, et ne veulent pas harceler les filles. mais pouvez-vous en avoir la certitude sur des milliers d'internautes?!!! pourquoi voudriez-vous prendre le risque de faire du tort à ces filles?!!! donnez vos infos à vos amis en qui vous avez confiance si vous voulez, mais en MP.... ??? ???

give the name of the place allows members to identify 55,000 girls currently present but also the past and future participants !!!!! most people are decent and discreet, and do not want to harass girls. but can you be certain about thousands of online? !!! why would you take the risk of doing harm to these girls? !!! give your information to your friends that you trust if you want, but MP .... ??? ???

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Guest joshua1584

What's funny to me is the people who are talking about stopping people from stalking them are actually the ones stalking them(obviously not everyone, but a select few). They seem to have personal info on them, but they are protecting them from stalkers.

Oh the hypocrisy!

And no I don't want any info from their personal lives. I could careless what they do outside the apartment, but at least realize that you are in that group of stalkers you are discussing.

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What's funny to me is the people who are talking about stopping people from stalking them are actually the ones stalking them(obviously not everyone, but a select few). They seem to have personal info on them, but they are protecting them from stalkers.

Oh the hypocrisy!

And no I don't want any info from there personal lives. I could careless what they do outside the apartment, but at least realize that you are in that group of stalkers you are discussing.

Lot of truth in this post!!  Thanks joshua1584 for posting this!!

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thank you prodog.hey i have a question does anybody have any info. about sanper?the reason i ask is because i havent seen him post anything in awhile.

They have been up and down the last few days. Today mostly down. Let's hope they get their problems solved. A good file host.

Sorry. I read too fast and thought you meant subirimagenes. Yes Samper is missed.

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