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New girl Irma Split #1

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That's ok, I don't think you are, otep. I am not referring to people who say things as they see it. I'm referring to people who call names and purposefully insult people and are not respectful of others. I don't see that you do that. I'm ok with differing opinions even stated strongly. So you don't bother me at all. And if you don't like VV, that's ok with me, there are other sites or porn. Just whatever you do, otep, you be you, just be a good human being respectful to others. Nothing else in life matters! If everyone was that way, the world would be a better place. (I do like my soap box I guess, haha! You need to poke fun at yourself sometimes to stay humble!). Oh and I'm sorry if my posts in any way misled  you about VV. I see a lot of it's faults also.

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That's ok, I don't think you are, otep. I am not referring to people who say things as they see it. I'm referring to people who call names and purposefully insult people and are not respectful of others. I don't see that you do that. I'm ok with differing opinions even stated strongly. So you don't bother me at all. And if you don't like VV, that's ok with me, there are other sites or porn. Just whatever you do, otep, you be you, just be a good human being respectful to others. Nothing else in life matters! If everyone was that way, the world would be a better place. (I do like my soap box I guess, haha! You need to poke fun at yourself sometimes to stay humble!). Oh and I'm sorry if my posts in any way misled  you about VV. I see a lot of it's faults also.

Think you might of  meant to refer to  dfCcap?

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But dfCcap, anytime they do anything in front of the cameras it is by definition acting and thus not real. Anyway, what really is wrong with that? Think about it, you watch your favorite tv show or movie. It isn't real, real actors and actresses acted it. And reality shows, fake! You know what is real? Real life! We are all just enjoying fantasies performed by actresses. I see nothing wrong with fantasies as long as we enjoy it and they are not showing nothing and ripping us off, or I wouldn't be here. I have a college age son who is going to be an actor. I know what he goes through when I shoots a film scene. He can spend 10-12 hours a day and take a couple of days just to shoot a few minutes of footage. A lot goes into the things we watch. This is more like a reality show. They go over it, script it and try to make it look real as possible. Just because it is not spontaneous and totally unscripted doesn't mean I won't watch. I still watch the tv shows and movies! What about porn, like Julia and Gavin of VV shoot? It is total acting, although the sex is real. We still enjoy what we see. Watch a behind the scenes of a porn clip. I did. After watching it, you never feel quite the same about porn clips. Yet I still enjoy watching the final results!

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Je suppose que Irma est bisexuelle et  a un copain et elle fait tout pour que Ilona l'entende lors qu'elle se masturbe (1 ère fois à peine arrivée et cette nuit)  et si vous regardez bien elle fait tout pour plaire à Ilona dans l'éventualité  pourquoi pas de faire ca ensemble  et que le copain  d'Irma  restait  chez lui puisse les regarder faire mais Ilona étant plutôt exhibitionniste et etre devant son ordinateur , pense que son passage dans RLC  lui servira de tremplin pour son avenir et n'étant pas  du tout attirée par les filles et par timidité  aussi  cela  la fait plutôt marrer  et s' en fout complètement.

C'est mon avis personnelle après je sais bien qu'il y a  un énorme fossé entre le virtuel et le réel et que l'on peut imaginer beaucoup de choses

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otep, i wasn't insulting you! You didn't take it wrong did you? I don't really know you, why would I think anything bad towards you? And all I was saying was if you meant to say something bad about dfCcap that I am not getting involved in a dispute. i am trying to be respectful to all people on this site! Everyone disagrees here, sometimes vociferously. Just try to get along people!

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I love Irma as much if not more than the next guy, but this is not the place for her in my opinion!!  She struggles to become fake!

Do you think she struggles to become fake, because she does not behave as she would do without cameras? That would be impossible, because the camera will always have an impact on the behavior . ... So do you prefer to see her hide, because this would be real? ... I do not and i like her spirit. :) ... ... We are watching people who live in apartments with cameras. This is currently a part of there life and for this it is real. As long as it is fun. Were is the issue?

There is another thing could be faked. But this discussion does not make sense, because it would be impossible to be sure on this point by watching a stream (or in general ;) ).

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Frankster i agree these girls are not lesbian ilona i guess wanted to learn how to deepthroat and irma was showing her some techniques.just because they kiss and play around with eachother doesnt make them a lesbian there all just friend and roommates.if they go beyond that its on them but till then there all just friends.

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