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Voronezh - Split 10


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Petra and Natasha are so hot! But watch Ivo and Natasha! She is so sexual and very young. I think Petra will make sure nothing happens there. Beginning to wonder, do we need Christy and her freaking moods if we have a hot Natasha? Christy is gone one day and everyone is having a good time!

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Interesting take, unsy. I know how you feel and yes Natasha is a bit childish (almost like a sexual child, a little creepy there). I do somewhat like Christy, but I don't miss her moods. I hope the new guy can tame her moods. Probably the only way to do that is to satisfy her sexually. Oh, and it looks like Petra has given up on Christy and her new project is Natasha.

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hello..  well it looks like Natasha had some fun tonight in tver with petra.  I missed it all, but thanks for posting the pics.  I hardly watch tver cuz im not a fan of ivor or petra.  I watch voro mostly, cuz I love Julia. 

I still like Christy but her moving to tver might be a mistake. 

Natasha and Sonia are getting to be good friends.  Sonia has changed a lot since phil.

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Natasha is sleeping like a dead turtle.

You know what I think about Christy? I think she grew up with a bunch of brothers and no sister. Maybe most of her friends are guys. She's fine with the guys, messa or Ivo for example, but she's always a bit distant to the women, except Petra, but Petra barely talked to her yesterday.

I think that's her problem. She simply don't know how to get close to them.

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Natasha is sleeping like a dead turtle.

You know what I think about Christy? I think she grew up with a bunch of brothers and no sister. Maybe most of her friends are guys. She's fine with the guys, messa or Ivo for example, but she's always a bit distant to the women's, except Petra, but Petra barely talked to her yesterday.

I think that's her problem. She simply don't know how to get close to them.

i think all the girls are a competitors except petra she is a female of old ivo always moving to the new girl, so for  her that is ok but now she is relisting she is been replaced by new comer she will be even more moody unsociable, i don't think she is going to be happy at tver with a guy or with out and she will leave soon.like

Unsichtbarer said they should have put netasha in tver and christy at voro .

but i am not a fan of both this girls, beside christy have been by herself far too long and netasha is for me just a waist of room for over a week, she is too young and too attached to J&G.

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Interesting analysis, unsy. But all I know is that much as we may still like Christy, she kind of is on her last leg at VV. Did you see my synopsis of Christy's stay at VV?  Here it is again: Christy likes Phil, he rejects her so... he is gone. She cheats with Messa behind Nastya's back, Nastya carves her up like a turkey, Nastya is gone, she gets Messa, rejects Messa, Messa is gone, she doesn't take to the three clowns including Messa 2 and they are gone, she has Petra for comfort, rejects petra (Petra isn't going anywhere!). She mopes, cries, is antisocial, leaves for a day, everyone has a good time. Future: she gets Ivo's friend, maybe she doesn't like him after a while and.... she's gone! I think she is just a bit of a prima donna. Probably like you say she has brothers. And daddy must have spoiled her real good! It is a shame really because she is a lively person with real emotions. And real sexy. Probably in elementary school they said about her, "doesn't play well with others"! And I do like Natasha, but she is like a sexed up child who needs maturity. One thing she doesn't need help with: her sexuality!

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I like the borscht reference unsy. My family and my wife's family come from Russia way back. My wife still likes borscht. I hate it and beets! Oh, well! And let's hope it works for her. Because let's face it, if Christy is not happy, no one is happy!

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