alihaider Posted December 23, 2015 Posted December 23, 2015 yes so hard that Rapé can no longer stand up stupid whore! we love Christy
mr1010 Posted December 23, 2015 Author Posted December 23, 2015 BTW, timewarp, I don't know why I like to escape but I do. It's almost more of an additional life than a replacement. I like my life but maybe I would like more. But, reality puts constraints on that. I would never ever cheat on my wife, but maybe I want to imagine I was still young and able to do other stuff. I have no intention or desire to do so, so I go instead into another world for a while. And I also like camcaps because I can converse with people. Maybe I like having other friends I could otherwise not have. I can say things I would never say in real life. Maybe i am a little repressed and some repressed parts can come out when I fantasize or converse with strangers. I find out more about myself in the process, so maybe that is why I stay with it, it is providing me a benefit. Now mind you, I can jerk off to porn, so I didn't need a voyeur site for that. I actually like talking this out so I can figure out why I am doing this also. Hope this elucidates it a little for you.
yadevol Posted December 23, 2015 Posted December 23, 2015 They are all chatting happily with Akira now so I guess it was either and act or a misunderstanding. I never can follow the logic of these people even if it is scripted, the script doesn't make sense.
mr1010 Posted December 23, 2015 Author Posted December 23, 2015 Yadevol, don't sweat the misunderstanding about the "rape attempt'. If I had looked away from the act for a minute and come back it might have looked that way. But, I kept watching and saw the phoniness of the "rape". It was almost a caricature of a rape scene. And I don't get why Natasha was upset just now. It seems ok now.
mr1010 Posted December 23, 2015 Author Posted December 23, 2015 Natasha is a bit of a prima donna like Christy. I don't know that she and Akira make a good fit. It is like someone else said, VV likes to recycle, lol! Why get someone else when you can just use Akira again!
mr1010 Posted December 23, 2015 Author Posted December 23, 2015 Yavedol, I will say this, not every single thing here is scripted. Just the general parameters and shows. And as we see from Christy, they can't control mood swings or upsets. Even Julia and Gavin had a real fight. BTW, what is happening now? Julia and Gavin seem to have gone out, Natasha alone in the apartment on the phone. And Akira is back at Tver (probably where he belongs). To be honest, I see a couple of scenarios developing. Christy comes back with her bf, Ivo's friend (who I think might have gotten her pregnant, although she also fucked Phil and Messa) and they "live happily ever after" in either apartment. And either Natasha and Akira get along (debatable) or one of them will be gone with a new person in.
mr1010 Posted December 23, 2015 Author Posted December 23, 2015 What is with the lag time in VV today? Takes forever to get a camera view to connect. Often have to do it twice. BTW, I noticed from a pic that Petra took Christy probably home although Petra is back now. Since unsy heard Christy and Ivo's friend on a vide chat Ivo had with them after she left, they are obviously together. Here is my theory or speculation about Christy. It may be wrong, it is just a guess. When Ivo's friend fucked Christy the first time she met him over a month ago in Tver, he may have gotten her pregnant. A few weeks after their first fuck, Christy started getting sick and vomiting. She got real moody even by her standards and would cry seemingly for no reason often. She left to get an abortion a few days ago and now Ivo's friend is with her now in the aftermath as she needs rest now and comforting. Please, people, this is just a theory or speculation. Do not, I say do not take this as fact! She could have other gastrointestinal problems. Just that the way she was seemed like early pregnancy. My wife has had 2 pregnancies and I remember what she was like early on. The moodiness and crying seemingly without reason is also a symptom. The "health issue" VV refers to where she will be her usual sexy self soon would seem to fit with the aftermath of an abortion. The fact that she cried recently after a phone call he got at Tver sounded like she got the results of a pregnancy test. She almost looked scared after the phone call. Now, if she did not or does not get an abortion, she will probably leave VV. I don't think they want pregnancies there and she would want to be with her bf if possible. So, my conclusion is that she got pregnant and not sure if she has or will get an abortion. If she leaves VV now and is with her bf, it probably confirms the pregnancy.
Unsichtbarer Posted December 23, 2015 Posted December 23, 2015 Did you notice that i'm the one who continuously complain about fake sex?????? i complain all the time That actually everything is scripted and played . When Nastya was in voro was like clock precise. One hour of this show one hour of that show. It was a scripted show And if you understand me you don't have to explain me. But some other users may just register and see those pictures. They maybe confused. Because what they see is someone using force for what ever reason he may have. Whatever they try it last night it's wrong. Fake or no fake. Just Don't do it at all. . Subscribers will be very careful about this topic. Because they directly support that show.And they already forgot how messa was grabbing Nastya's hair and drag her from living room to bathroom. Hey she may even like it. I don't remember her complained about this event. So she actually like it ??? Try to see others who actually didn't like it. For me that was element of domestic violence. And no one should learn from any reality show, how to do it. Did you watch them last night? I don't think so. There was nothing wrong, absolutely NOTHING! There was NO rape attempt, and he didn't force her to do anything. Everything was fine between them. I can't believe that people still talking about that...
miscvoyeur Posted December 23, 2015 Posted December 23, 2015 Anyway, according to the tweet. Gavin and Julia are leaving. Sounds like for good.
Unsichtbarer Posted December 23, 2015 Posted December 23, 2015 Here is my theory or speculation about Christy. It may be wrong, it is just a guess. When Ivo's friend fucked Christy the first time she met him over a month ago in Tver, he may have gotten her pregnant. A few weeks after their first fuck, Christy started getting sick and vomiting. She got real moody even by her standards and would cry seemingly for no reason often. She left to get an abortion a few days ago and now Ivo's friend is with her now in the aftermath as she needs rest now and comforting. She was using some medicine with cottonwool on her vagina, after the shower. Doesn't look like pregnancy to me. And Ivo's friend has used condoms, if I remember right.
spielo Posted December 23, 2015 Posted December 23, 2015 Anyway, according to the tweet. Gavin and Julia are leaving. Sounds like for good. On the long term, a porn star couple is not the right choice for a voyeur site. I regard it as an interesting interlude. Christy seems still to be open, with or w/o her BF. No official comment about her leaving.
mr1010 Posted December 23, 2015 Author Posted December 23, 2015 Unsy, cassy doesn't subscribe so she didn't actually see it. I get where she is coming from though. This whole VV setup at times feels a bit abusive, but I think everything is consensual. Imagine if you just tuned into the famous bdsm scene between Christy and her bf in the middle. You would think he or she was being horribly abused! Anyway, Yaevodol, who may have started the whole rape thing, is an upstanding guy and he admitted he misinterpreted what he saw. So we should put this to rest. As to whether Akira was going to try to have sex with Natasha but respected her wishes and didn't, i believe you can look at it a couple of ways. I am a bit cynical about it and feel it was preplanned by them not to have sex but to look like they were. Others may give them more credit and believe that he started to try but saw she didn't want to and stopped. I respect both viewpoints. The reason for my interpretation was that for a while Akira was rubbing his cock over her pussy looking like he was fucking her and it looked like they were trying to convince us he was fucking her, when in reality her panties were on the whole time. It was dark in the room and I had to look carefully and ask others until I saw that her panties were on. So why do this elaborate simulation if they only wanted to have him rub her (dry hump), including him acting like he was raping her? Because it was all an act. When Sonia would do it to Phil they didn't act like they were fucking (although I was fooled once by them when I thought his cock was inside her, but they didn't put on an elaborate act, I just saw it late and not clearly and misinterpreted it). In any case, VV has us talking about it incessantly so they have a win/win.
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